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Atlantic Environmental Prediction Research Initiative (AEPRI)

Environment Canada's Meteorological Research Branch (MRB) established the Atlantic Environmental Prediction Research Initiative (AEPRI) in Halifax, Nova Scotia, in collaboration with other government, industry, and academic partners. Significant progress has been made in projects particularly in collaboration with the Meteorological Service of Canada - Atlantic and the Oceanography Department of Dalhousie University (Dal).

The main ongoing coupled modelling and AEPRI sub-projects are: atmosphere-ocean coupling via the NSERC/MARTEC/MSC Industrial Research Chair in "Regional Ocean Modelling and Prediction" in the Oceanography Department at Dal, coupling data assimilation and prediction systems for coastal applications, modelling the extratropical transition of hurricanes and typhoons, coupled atmosphere-wave models, coupled atmosphere-hydrology models, coupling with estuary models, and developing expert systems for marine applications.

Current Collaborators:

AEPRI Projects:

Numerous Environment Canada (EC) scientists have gained valuable experience and made significant progress in projects in the areas of storm surge prediction, improved oil spill trajectory modelling, wave modelling, severe weather prediction, and streamflow prediction, including preparing some new and innovative forecast products which are on the point of becoming operational.

AEPRI has advanced to the point where it will soon become even more inter-disciplinary and provide an opportunity to integrate activities amongst EC's various sectors. For example, the SLICK oil spill model is being used to give support to a project to study birds oiled at sea, and the AEPRI partners are principal investigators in projects on the prediction and mitigation of coastal flooding, as well as for a coupled atmosphere /ocean / biological / chemical observing and prediction system to study pollution in coastal inlets.

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