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Marital Status
Serving a Sentence For
Length of Sentence
Previous Terms of Incarceration

 The profile of women offenders using March 2001 data, attached as Annex A, indicates the following:

  • there is a total of 866 women offenders in Canada serving a federal sentence: 355 (40.9%) are incarcerated while 511 (59.1%) are serving the remainder of their sentence in the community;
  • over half, 56.3%, of the incarcerated population falls into the younger age category (18-34); as compared to 43.9% in the community;
  • there is little difference with respect to marital status as 61.7% of the incarcerated and 64% of the community populations are single;
  • there is little difference in the proportion of Caucasian offenders incarcerated and in the community (61.1% to 59.1%);
  • proportionally, there are more incarcerated Aboriginal women (22.5%) than in the community (15.1%);
  • just over four per cent (4.2%) of the incarcerated population have committed first degree murder while less than 1% of the community population were serving a sentence for this offence;
  • almost fifteen per cent (14.9%) of the incarcerated population are serving sentences for second degree murder, slightly higher than the 11.4% of the community population who continue to serve a sentence for this offence;
  • within the incarcerated population, 43.9% are serving sentences for Schedule 1 offences compared to 27.6% in the community;
  • within the incarcerated population, 23.9% are serving sentences for Schedule II offences; compared to 46.6% in the community;
  • there is little difference in the two groups with respect to short sentences; within the incarcerated population, just over a third (34.9%) are serving a sentence of between 2-3 years compared with 33.2% in the community;
  • Within the incarcerated population, 27.3% are serving a sentence of between 3-6 years while this figure is 34% in the community;
  • Almost one-fifth (19.4%) of the incarcerated population are serving life sentences compared to 13.1% in the community.


¹Incarcerated includes: federal offenders incarcerated in federal facilities, federal offenders incarcerated in provincial facilities and those on temporary absence.
²Community includes: federal offenders, on day parole, on full parole, on statutory release, those deported and those temporarily detained. Excluded are provincial offenders, federal offenders on bail, and unlawfully at large.


MARCH 2001

Annex A

Profile # of Offenders
% of Offenders
# of Offenders
% of Offenders
Age Top of page
18-19yrs 4 1.1% 10 2.0%
20-34yrs 196 55.2% 214 41.9%
35-45yrs 110 31.0%


46-55yrs 31 8.7% 79 15.5%
56-65yrs 11 3.1% 17 3.3%
Over 65yrs 3 0.8% 12 2.3%
Total 355 100% 511 100%
Marital Status Top of page
Single (includes separated, divorced, widowed, not stated) 219 61.7% 339 66.3%
Common-law 95 26.7% 119 23.3%
Married 41 11.5% 53 10.4%
Total 355 100% 511 100%
Race Top of page
Caucasian 217 61.1% 302 59.1%
Aboriginal 80 22.5% 77 15.1%
Black 27 7.6% 72 14.1%
Asiatic 3 0.8% 16 3.1%
Other/Not stated 28 7.9% 44 8.6%
Total 355 100% 511 100%

Serving a Sentence For Top of page

First-degree murder 15 4.2%



Second-degree murder 53 14.9% 58 11.4%
Schedule I offence 156 43.9% 141 27.6%
Schedule II offence 85 23.9% 238 46.6%
Non-Schedule offence 46 13.0% 70 13.7%
Total 355 100% 511 100%
Length of Sentence Top of page
Under 3 years 124 34.9% 170 33.2%
3-6 years 97 27.3% 174 34.0%
6-10 years 46 13.0% 74 14.5%
10 years + 19 5.4% 26 5.1%
Life/Indeterminate 69 19.4% 67 13.1%
Total 355 100% 511 100%
Previous Terms of Incarceration Top of page
No previous term of federal incarceration 292 82.2% 466 91.2%
One previous term of incarceration 39 11.0% 37 7.2%
Two previous terms of incarceration 18 5.0% 5 0.9%
Three or more previous terms of incarceration 6 1.7% 3 0.5%
Total 355 100% 511 100%

³Incarcerated includes: federal offenders incarcerated in federal facilities, federal offenders incarcerated in provincial facilities and those on temporary absence. There were 355 incarcerated women offenders as of March 4, 2001.

4Community includes: federal offenders on day parole, full parole, statutory release, suspended temporarily detained and deported. Excluded are federal offenders on bail and/or unlawfully at large. There were 511 women in the community as of March 4, 2001 (451 supervised, 27 deported, 33 suspended temporarily detained).


© Correctional Service of Canada This web page was last modified on:  2001.07.26

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