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The Developers' Corner provides developers with access to the standards and other technology information they need to create in-demand applications for the CGDI.    More...

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Fun with GeoRSS

If you know what RSS is, GeoRSS is a logical step forward. ... GeoRSS adds a few tags to RSS that hold spatial data.


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Upcoming Events :

December 03 2007
GeoDiffusion 2007

December 10 2007
December 2007 OGC Technical Committee meeting


Success Story

Public Health Map Generator Reveals a Path to Better Health Care

The Public Health Map Generator equips health professionals to produce custom online maps that reveal disease patterns across the country, leading to faster and more effective targeted responses.


Boost value by sharing and integrating your data or applications with those from other organizations in Canada and around the world.

Essential Guides

Learn about the standards that underlie the interoperability of the Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure (CGDI) or the software and services that capitalize on the CGDI's capabilities.

Technology Demonstrations

Find out how decision-makers and developers are using the CGDI and its standards to address specific challenges and put theory into practice.