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Disclaimer: These documents are not the official versions (more). Saint John Airport Zoning Regulations


Saint John Airport Zoning Regulations


Saint John Airport Zoning Regulations



Short Title

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Saint John Airport Zoning Regulations.


2. In these Regulations,

"airport" means the Saint John Airport, in the County of St. John, in the Province of New Brunswick; (aéroport)

"airport reference point" means the point described in Part I of the schedule; (point de repère de l'aéroport)

"approach surface" means an imaginary inclined plane extending upward and outward from each end of a strip, which approach surface is more particularly described in Part III of the schedule; (surface d'approche)

"Minister" means the Minister of Transport; (Ministre)

"outer surface" means an imaginary surface located above and in the immediate vicinity of the airport, which outer surface is more particularly described in Part IV of the schedule; (surface extérieure)

"strip" means the rectangular portion of the landing area of the airport including the runway prepared for the take-off and landing of aircraft in a particular direction, which strip is more particularly described in Part V of the schedule; (bande)

"transitional surface" means an imaginary inclined plane extending upward and outward from the lateral limits of a strip and its approach surfaces, which transitional surface is more particularly described in Part VI of the schedule. (surface de transition)

3. For the purposes of these Regulations, the airport reference point is deemed to be 325 feet above sea level.


4. These Regulations apply to all lands and lands under water, including public road allowances adjacent to or in the vicinity of the airport, the outer limits of which are described in Part II of the schedule, except land that from time to time forms part of the airport.


5. No person shall erect or construct on any land or land under water, to which these Regulations apply, any building, structure or object, or any addition to any existing building, structure or object, the highest point of which will exceed in elevation at the location of that point any of the surfaces specified in this section that project immediately over and above the surface of the land at that location, namely,

(a) the approach surfaces;

(b) the outer surfaces; or

(c) the transitional surfaces.

Natural Growth

6. Where an object of natural growth on any land to which these Regulations apply exceeds in elevation any of the surfaces referred to in paragraphs 5(a) to (c), the Minister may make a direction that the owner or occupier of the land on which the object is growing remove the excessive growth.

Disposal of Waste

7. No owner or occupier of any land to which these Regulations apply shall permit that land or any part of it to be used for the disposal of any waste that is edible by or attractive to birds.


(ss. 2 and 4)


Airport Reference Point

Being a point distant 1,000 feet measured Northwesterly at right angles to the centre line of runway 05-23, from a point distant 4,600 feet measured Southwesterly along the centre line from the Southeasterly production of the centre line of runway 14-32, said point having co-ordinates N.567,281.81' and E.1,156,447.82' with reference to the New Brunswick Grid Co-ordinate System.


Description of Outer Limits of Lands

BEGINNING at a point at the intersection of the Northerly boundary of Latimer Lake Road with the Westerly boundary of the lands now or formerly owned by Allen V. Bustin. THENCE, from the point of beginning so determined in a general Northerly direction to a point at the intersection of the Northwesterly boundary of Loch Lomond Road with the property line between the lands of Julie Malette and the lands of Edna Heustis; THENCE, following the Northwesterly boundary of Loch Lomond Road in a general Northeasterly direction to a point in the Northwesterly production of Eldersley Avenue; THENCE, in a general Northeasterly direction to a point on a line running on an azimuth of 291_58'06", from the Southwesterly corner of strip 14-32 and distant five thousand nine hundred and fifty feet (5,950') from the 14 end of strip 14-32; THENCE, following a line parallel to the end of strip 14-32 and five thousand nine hundred and fifty feet (5,950') therefrom, on an azimuth of 30_29'57", a distance of two thousand seven hundred and eighty-five feet (2,785') to a point; THENCE, in a general Northeasterly direction to the Northerly corner of the lands of Francis Johnston; THENCE, in a general Southeasterly direction to a point on a line running on an azimuth of 22_01'21" from the Northwesterly corner of strip 05-23 and eight thousand and six hundred feet (8,600') from the 23 end of strip 05-23; THENCE, continuing on the last mentioned line on an azimuth of 22_01'21" to a point on a line parallel to the end of strip 05-23 and ten thousand feet (10,000') therefrom; THENCE, following the last mentioned line on an azimuth of 120_33'12", a distance of four thousand feet (4,000') to a point; THENCE, on an azimuth of 219_05'03", to a point on a line parallel to the end of strip 05-23 and eight thousand and six hundred feet (8,600') therefrom; THENCE, in a general Southeasterly direction to a point at the intersection of the Saint John City boundary with the Northeasterly boundary of a road located on lot No. 18; THENCE, in a general Southeasterly direction to a point at the intersection of the Northwesterly boundary of Base Road, so-called, and another road leading to Garnett Settlement Road; THENCE, in a general Southwesterly direction to the Northeasterly corner of the lands of MacMillan-Rothesay Ltd.; THENCE, in a general Westerly direction to a point on a line running on an azimuth of 202_01'21" from the Southeasterly corner of strip 05-23 and eight thousand nine hundred and fifty feet (8,950') from the 05 end of strip 05-23; THENCE, following the last mentioned line on an azimuth of 202_01'21" to a point on a line parallel to the 05 end of strip 05-23 and ten thousand feet (10,000') therefrom; THENCE, following the last mentioned line on an azimuth of 300_33'12", a distance of four thousand feet (4,000') to a point; THENCE, on an azimuth of 39_05'03" to a point on a line parallel to the 05 end of strip 05-23 and eight thousand nine hundred and fifty feet (8,950') from the 05 end of strip 05-23; THENCE, in a general Northwesterly direction to the point of beginning.


Description of Each Approach Surface

Being a surface abutting each end of each strip associated with runways 05-23 and 14-32 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of one (1) foot measured vertically to fifty (50) feet measured horizontally, rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of each strip two hundred (200) feet measured vertically above the elevation at the end of each strip and ten thousand (10,000) feet measured horizontally from the end of each strip, the outer ends of each imaginary horizontal line being two thousand (2,000) feet from each projected centre line, which surface is shown on Department of Transport Plan MT-1144, dated January 11, 1974.


Description of the Outer Surface

Being an imaginary surface consisting of

(a) a common plane established at a constant elevation of one hundred and fifty (150) feet above the assigned elevation of the airport reference point, and

(b) where the common plane described in paragraph (a) is less than thirty (30) feet above the surface of the ground, an imaginary surface located thirty (30) feet above the surface of the ground,

which outer surface is shown on Department of Transport Plan MT-1144, dated January 11, 1974.


Description of Each Strip

1. The strip associated with runway 05-23 is one thousand (1,000) feet in width, five hundred (500) feet being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and seven thousand six hundred (7,600) feet in length, as shown on Department of Transport Plan MT-1144, dated January 11, 1974.

2. The strip associated with runway 14-32 is one thousand (1,000) feet in width, five hundred (500) feet being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and five thousand seven hundred (5,700) feet in length as shown on Department of Transport Plan MT-1144, dated January 11, 1974


Description of Each Transitional Surface

Being a surface consisting of an inclined plane rising at a ratio of one (1) foot measured vertically to seven (7) feet measured horizontally at right angles to the centre line and centre line produced of each strip, and extending upward and outward from the lateral limits of each strip and its approach surfaces to an intersection with the outer surface or another transitional surface of an adjoining strip, all as shown on Department of Transport Plan No. MT-1144, dated January, 11, 1974.


SOR/84-815 18 October, 1984 pursuant to section 6 of the Aeronautics Act

Section 5 by adding sections 6 and 7 and Part I of the schedule

Last updated: 2005-03-02 Top of Page Important Notices