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Disclaimer: These documents are not the official versions (more). Rimouski Airport Zoning Regulations


Rimouski Airport Zoning Regulations


Rimouski Airport Zoning Regulations


Short Title

1. These Regulations may be cited as the Rimouski Airport Zoning Regulations.


2. (1) In these Regulations,

"airport" means the Rimouski Airport in the Village of Rimouski-Est, in the Province of Quebec; (aéroport)

"airport reference point" means the point described in Part I of the schedule; (point de repère de l'aéroport)

"approach surface" means an imaginary inclined plane that extends upward and outward from each end of a strip, which approach surface is more particularly described in Part II of the schedule; (surface d'approche)

"Minister" means the Minister of Transport; (Ministre)

"outer surface" means an imaginary surface located above in the immediate vicinity of the airport, which outer surface is more particularly described in Part III of the schedule; (surface extérieure)

"strip" means the rectangular portion of the landing area of the airport, including the runway, prepared for the take-off and landing of aircraft in particular direction, which strip is more particularly described in Part IV of the schedule; (bande)

"transitional surface" means an imaginary inclined plane that extends upward and outward from the lateral limits of a strip and its approach surfaces, which transitional surface is more particularly described in Part V of the schedule. (surface de transition)

(2) for the purpose of these Regulations, the elevation of the airport reference point is 22.2 m above sea level.


3. These Regulations apply to all the lands in the vicinity of the airport, which lands are found within the limits described in Part VI of the Schedule.


4. No person shall erect or construct on any land to which these Regulations apply, any building, structure or object or any addition to any existing building, structure or object, the highest point of which will exceed in elevation at the location of that point

(a) the approach surfaces;

(b) the outer surface; or

(c) the transitional surfaces.

Natural Growth

5. Where an object of natural growth on any land to which these Regulations apply exceeds in elevation any of the surfaces referred to in paragraphs 4(a) to (c), the Minister may require that the owner or occupier of the land on which that object is growing remove the excessive growth.

Disposal of Waste

6. No owner or occupier of any land to which these Regulations apply shall permit such land or any part of it to be used for the disposal of any waste that is edible by or attractive to birds.


(Sections 2 and 3)


Description of the Airport Reference Point

The airport reference point, shown on Rimouski Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-87-6620 dated February 2, 1987 is situated at the centre of runway 07-25, the said airport reference point having coordinates of Northing (N) 5,371,265.968 and Easting (E) 231,094.041, and the said coordinates are of the S.CO.P.Q. system, zone number 6, central meridian 67_30'.


Description of the Approach Surfaces

The approach surfaces, shown on Rimouski Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-87-6620 dated February 2, 1987, are surfaces abutting each end of the strip associated with the runway designated 07-25 and are described as follows:

(a) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 07 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 40 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant 1 778.4 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 341.76 m from the projected centre line; said imaginary horizontal line being 44.46 m above the elevation at the end of the strip; and

(b) a surface abutting the end of the strip associated with runway approach 25 consisting of an inclined plane having a ratio of 1 m measured vertically to 40 m measured horizontally rising to an imaginary horizontal line drawn at right angles to the projected centre line of the strip and distant 1 822 m measured horizontally from the end of the strip; the outer ends of the imaginary horizontal line being 348.3 m from the projected centre line; said imaginary horizontal line being 45.55 m above the elevation at the end of the strip.


Description of the Outer Surface

The outer surface, shown on Rimouski Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-87-6620 dated February 2, 1987, is an imaginary surface located at a common plane established at a constant elevation of 45 m above the elevation of the airport reference point except that, where that common plane is less than 9 m above the surface of the ground, outer surface imaginary surface located at 9 m above the surface of the ground.


Description of the Strip

The strip associated with runway 07-25 shown on Rimouski Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-87-6620 dated February 2, 1987, is described as being 150 m in width, 75 m being on each side of the centre line of the runway, and 1 521.58 m in length.


Description of each Transitional Surface

Each transitional surface, shown on Rimouski Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-87-6620 dated February 2, 1987, is a surface consisting of an inclined plane rising at a ratio 1 m measured vertically to 7 m measured horizontally at right angles to the centre line and projected centre line of the strip and extending upward and outward from the lateral limits of the strip and its approach surfaces to an intersection with the outer surface.


Description of the Outer Limits of Land

The boundary of the outer limits of lands, shown on Rimouski Airport Zoning Plan No. MM-87-6620, dated February 2, 1987, is described as follows:

COMMENCING at a point, the coordinates of which are N 5,367,380.712 m and E 230,142.835 m, being located at the inter section of a line situated at two thousand three hundred metres (2,300 m) and parallel to the centre line of runway 07-25 with a circle having a radius of four thousand metres (4,000 m), the centre of which is the Airport Reference Point; thence following an arc of a circle having a radius of four thousand metres (4,000 m), the centre of which is the Airport Reference Point, a distance of seventeen thousand four hundred and sixty-seven metres and twenty hundredths (17,467.20 m) to a point, the coordinates of which are N 5,371,687.131 and E 235,071.806; thence following a line having an azimuth of 228 51' 23", a distance of six thousand five hundred and forty-five metres and twenty-three hundredths (6,545.23 m) to the point of commencement.

All the coordinates, distances and azimuths mentioned in this description are in reference with the S.CO.P.Q system, zone number 6, central meridian 67_30'; all the dimensions are given in the international measurement system (SI).

The lands found within the above described limits form part of the Cadastre of the Parish of Saint-Germain-de-Rimouski, the Town of Saint-Germain-de-Rimouski and the Parish of Saint-Anaclet, Registry Division of Rimouski, Province of Québec.

Established by

SOR/91-101 17 January, 1990 pursuant to section 5.4 of the Aeronautics Act

amended by

SOR/91-502 14 August, 1991 pursuant to section 5.4 of the Aeronautics Act

The second paragraph of Part VI of the Schedule of the French version.

Last updated: 2005-03-02 Top of Page Important Notices