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Theme: Effects of Water Levels on Plants and Animals
to Effects of Climatic Conditions and Fluctuating Water Levels on St. Lawrence River Wetlands
to Effects of Water Level and Flow Fluctuations in the St. Lawrence River on Fish Health
to Impacts of Climate Change and Fluctuating Hydrological Regimes on Fish Communities of the St. Lawrence River
Impact of Climate Change on the Health of Amphibian Populations in the St. Lawrence River

Theme: Loss and Modification of Wetlands
to Monitoring Wetland Vegetation
to Monitoring Land Use in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Ecosystem

Theme: Contaminants in Sediments
to Monitoring Contamination in St. Lawrence Sediments
to Monitoring Erosion of St. Lawrence Riverbanks

Theme: Water Contamination
to Development and Application of an Indicator for Monitoring the State of the St. Lawrence River Using Benthic Communities
to Ecotoxicology of Urban Effluents
to Environmental Chemistry of Urban Wastewater
to Monitoring Water Quality
to Presence of Pesticides in the St. Lawrence River and its Tributaries

Theme: Impacts of Water Contamination on Wildlife
Ecotoxicology of Urban Effluents
to Impacts of Urban Effluents on Fish Health
Impact of Agricultural Pesticides on the Health of Amphibian Populations

Theme: Introduction of Alien Species
to Community Involvement in Monitoring Invasive Plants in Lake Saint-Pierre
to Introduction of Non-Native Species into the St. Lawrence River and Assessment of Impacts on Biodiversity

Theme: Impacts of Biotechnology
to Ecotoxicology of Biotechnology Products: The case of Bacillus thuringiensis

Theme: Impacts of Atmospheric Polluants
to Temporal and Spatial Monitoring of Lakes in the LRTAP–Quebec Network

Decision Support
to Community Relations
List of Completed Projects