Environment Canada's Official Text Forecasts

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Canadian Urban Forecasts

* NOTE: Corrected and/or amended bulletins are listed first *

FPCN12 CWAO 091220  
Canadian urban forecasts issued 2006/12/09 at 20:01Z  
temperatures in degrees celsius  
City              Forecast                  Forecast  
                  Sunday                    Monday        
                  Weather           Lo/Hi   Weather           Lo/Hi
Iqaluit           light snow        -20/-11 clear             -23/-18 
Whitehorse        variable cloud    -11/-10 sunny periods     -15/-06 
Yellowknife       overcast          -13/-06 sunny periods     -08/-04 
Inuvik            increasing cloud  -16/-10 clear             -18/-16 
Vancouver         showers           06/09   rain              06/10   
Prince Rupert     ocnl rain         05/07   showers           04/06   
Kamloops          mainly cloudy     01/04   rain              02/09   
Cranbrook         flurries          -02/01  snow              -03/00  
Prince George     mainly cloudy     01/03   few showers       01/02   
Victoria          showers           06/09   showers           07/09   
Edmonton          cloudy            -05/-02 mainly sunny      -06/01  
Calgary           mainly sunny      -02/05  sunny             -02/06  
Banff             overcast          -01/02  variable cloud    -03/00  
Red Deer          variable cloud    -05/-02 sunny             -08/01  
Grande Prairie    variable cloud    -07/-05 increasing cloud  -14/-04 
Medicine Hat      increasing cloud  -05/06  sunny             01/08   
Lethbridge        sunny periods     -01/09  sunny             00/09   
Saskatoon         variable cloud    -12/-03 sunny             -07/00  
Regina            overcast          -11/-04 sunny             -09/-02 
Winnipeg          overcast          -11/-03 sunny periods     -04/00  
Thunder Bay       sunny             -08/-01 mainly sunny      -03/00  
Sudbury           mainly cloudy     -01/04  flurries          -01/01  
Windsor           variable cloud    -01/06  cloudy            02/06   
Toronto           variable cloud    -01/06  cloudy            01/05   
Ottawa            mainly cloudy     -02/03  few showers       00/02   
Montreal          cloudy            01/03   mainly sunny      00/00   
Quebec            flurries          -01/02  sunny             -06/-01 
Fredericton       mainly cloudy     -01/04  variable cloud    -05/02  
Saint John NB     sunny periods     02/07   variable cloud    -02/04  
Halifax           mainly cloudy     -04/04  flurries          -01/02  
Sydney            cloudy            -03/06  variable cloud    -02/00  
Charlottetown     flurries          -16/-06 flurries          -12/-10 
Goose Bay         cloudy            00/04   variable cloud    -03/01  
St Johns          flurries          -05/03  variable cloud    -03/02  

Created: 2002-12-31
Modified: 2004-07-13
Reviewed: 2002-12-31
URL of this page: http://text.weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/forecast/textforecast_e.html?Bulletin=fpcn12.cwao

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