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Ecosystem Science Reports

Aquatic Sciences

Project Title: The effects of non-point source pollution on small urban and agricultural streams – Data Report.

Completion Date: March 2004

Investigators: M. Fluegel, S. Sylvestre, T. Tuominen, M. Sekela and G. Moyle, Aquatic and Atmospheric Sciences Division, Environment Canada, Pacific and Yukon Region.

Study Overview

The effects of agricultural and urban non-point source pollution on aquatic ecosystems were investigated in two watersheds that typify agricultural and urban activity in the Lower Fraser Valley, British Columbia. Stream-side flow-through aquariums at one control and three exposed locations were populated with cutthroat trout and crayfish to study the effects of these activities during fall and spring seasons. Water quality as well as biological effects was measured for a two month period in each of 1999, 2000 and 2001. This report presents the data from this study, including a comparison of the water quality to water quality guidelines.


Key Points for Decision-Makers

Dissolved oxygen did not meet guidelines for the protection of aquatic life at the downstream agricultural site in one exposure period and at the downstream urban site in all exposure periods. Concentrations of aluminum exceeded the water quality guideline at almost all exposures at nearly all sites while iron concentrations exceeded the guideline in all exposures at the downstream sites. Selenium concentrations exceeded the guideline at only one site exposed to agricultural activity. Bacterial parameters also exceeded guidelines for irrigation and/or recreation at sites exposed to urban and agricultural activities. All other variables measured, including organic contaminants, on average were below water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life. A report on the interpretation of the results of the study is in preparation.



The report is published in electronic form on Environment Canada's Green Lane web site in both official languages. The report may be downloaded for printing from the Green Lane in Adobe pdf format.

English - http://www.pyr.ec.gc.ca/georgiabasin/reports/nps_pollution/summary_e.htm

Français - http://www.pyr.ec.gc.ca/georgiabasin/reports/nps_pollution/summary_f.htm

It may also be obtained directly from the authors at Mark.Sekela@ec.gc.ca or Stephanie.Sylvestre@ec.gc.ca .

The correct citation of the paper is:

Fluegel, M., S. Sylvestre, T. Tuominen, M. Sekela and G. Moyle. 2004. The effects of non-point source pollution on small urban and agricultural streams – Data Report. Environment Canada, Georgia Basin Ecosystem Initiative, Report EC/GB/04/77.


Sylvestre, S ., M. Sekela, T. Tuominen and G. Moyle. (2002) Water quality assessment of agricultural and residential run-off using the crayfish Pacifasticus leniusculus in British Columbia , Canada . Proceedings from the 13 th symposium of the International Association of Astacology, August 2000 Perth , Western Australia . Whisson, G. and B. Knott (Eds.) Freshwater Crayfish 13 383-395.


Relevant papers and reports in preparation:

Sekela M., S. Sylvestre, M. Fluegel and T. Tuominen. The effects of non-point source pollution on small urban and agricultural streams – Interpretive Report. Environment Canada GBEI Report

Kennedy, C., R. Loveridge, S. Sylvestre and M. Sekela. Reproductive effects of agricultural run-off in the threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus . (expected journal Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry)

Kennedy, C., S. Sylvestre and M. Sekela. The organismal stress response in threespine stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus ,  exposed to  agricultural run-off in the Elk Creek watershed, BC.  (expected journal Environmental Pollution)

Kennedy, C., S. Sylvestre and M. Sekela. Effects of  agricultural run-off on the swimming performance, disease resistance and biochemistry of cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki ).  (expected journal Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology)

Sherry, J., S. Sylvestre and M. Sekela. Effects of non-point source pollution in streams exposed to agricultural and urban activities on vitellogenin induction in juvenile cutthroat trout ( Oncorhynchus clarki ).

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