Subscription Services - How to Register

Visitor information is not disclosed to anyone except CIS personnel who need the information to carry out visitor requests. Any further disclosure of the personal information you give us will be in accordance with the federal Privacy Act.

Step-by-Step Registration Procedure

  1. Download and print our Subscription Registration Form (this is a PDF file).

  2. Carefully review the options available to you on the form.

  3. Complete the form and indicate your choice of service:

    • Subscription and/or
    • Service Plus

  4. If you are paying by credit card, fill out the "Credit Card Authorization" section of the form. Note: If you are not paying by credit card, you will need to send a cheque or money order to CIS within 30 days of the invoice date (payable to the Receiver General for Canada).

  5. Sign the form at the bottom of the second sheet.

  6. Return the Subscription Registration Form by fax or regular mail. Do not attempt to email it! We need your signature at the bottom of the page.

    Our fax number is (613) 947-9160.

    * We will create an account and a password for you. Once this is done, you can:

  7. Create an on-line User Profile with the assigned account name and password, to customize your user preferences.
bullet User Profile


If you have any questions about registering, please contact us: