FICN10 CWIS 081530 Iceberg bulletin for East Coast waters issued by Environment Canada at 1600 UTC Friday 8 December 2006 valid for 1200 UTC today. The next scheduled bulletin will be issued at 1600 UTC Monday 11 December 2006. Iceberg limit until 1200 UTC Sunday estimated from the Labrador Coast near 5840N 6255W to 5635N 5820W to 5650N 5700W to 5800N 5725W then eastwards. Belle Isle Northeast Gulf Gulf-Port Au Port South Coast East Coast Northeast Coast Belle Isle Bank Funk Island Bank Northern Grand Banks Southeastern Grand Banks Southwestern Grand Banks South Labrador Coast Mid Labrador Coast. No known icebergs. North Labrador Coast South Labrador Sea. Less than 10 icebergs except no known icebergs south of the iceberg limit. Northwest Labrador Sea. Less than 10 icebergs. All ships operating in this area are requested to report their position course and ice observation every 6 hours to Ice St Johns via any Canadian marine radio station. END/TW