FECN05 CWIS 021800 THIRTY DAY FORECAST FOR HUDSON BAY AND APPROACHES FOR NOVEMBER ISSUED BY ENVIRONMENT CANADA ON 02 NOVEMBER 2006. Mean air temperatures were above normal over all locations during the second half of October. Freeze-up will be slightly later than normal over all locations. Forecast ice conditions for November 03 to November 30th. New ice will form in shallow bays and inlets along Southampton Island, the northwestern shore of Hudson Bay and the northwestern shore of Hudson Strait during the first week in November. Patchy new ice will develop in Cumberland Sound, Frobisher Bay and will continue to slowly form farther south along the western shore of Hudson Bay as far south as Churchill and in shallow bays and inlets along the northwestern shore of Hudson Strait during the later part of the second week of November. The ice will continue its southward progression to cover the extreme northern and western portions of Hudson Bay and the extreme northwestern portion of Hudson Strait just after mid month. By that time the ice will have thickened to the grey ice stage. In addition, an area of new and grey ice will prevail along the shore of Baffin Island south of Cape Dyer. THIS IS THE LAST 30 DAY FORECAST OF THE SEASON. END