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Backgrounder: Clean Air Day - Experts meet to explore ways to assess health costs of air pollution

The Air Quality Valuation Model (AQVM):

Developed by Health Canada, Environment Canada and Stratus Consulting Inc., the AQVM estimates the health and welfare benefits and/or damages associated with ambient air quality in Canada. It can be used to evaluate a number of scenarios, including the effects of various air pollution control policies and the benefits and/or damages of absolute changes in air pollution concentrations in specific locations and over specific time periods. At the session the AQVM was demonstrated through a hypothetical case-study application.

For more information on the Air Quality Valuation Model, please visit: http://www.ec.gc.ca/erad/eng/01_1_e.htm

Illness Costs of Air Pollution Model (ICAP)

Developed by DSS Consultants Inc. for the Ontario Medical Association, this computer model can be used to calculate the illness costs of a particular air quality scenario, focused on the province of Ontario. It is designed to demonstrate the direct health effects of air pollution as well as the associated economic ramifications for the provincial health care system and for Ontario more generally.

For more information on the Illness Costs of Air Pollution Model (ICAP) go to: http://www.oma.org/phealth/icap.htm

Health Care Utilization Due to Air Pollution: A Recommended Plan of Action (Prepared for the Ontario Medical Association) http://www.oma.org/phealth/HCUAPb.htm


EcoSense was created through the ExternE (External Costs of Energy) initiative undertaken in 1991 by the European Commission, in cooperation with the US Department of Energy. EcoSense was developed at the University of Stuttgart Institut fur Energiewirtschaft und Rationelle Energieanwendung (IER).

The EcoSense model assesses the environmental impacts and resulting external costs of electricity generation plants. It uses local or regional inputs from the EUROGRID database and includes three air dispersion models. The EcoSense model can be used to calculate the impacts of emissions from power plants on human health, crops, ecosystems, forests and materials.

The web site for "ExternE Externalities of Energy: A Research Project of the European Commission": http://externe.jrc.es/

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