Ice Strength

Do you know how much 40 centimeters of sea ice can safely support?

The following table of ice thickness versus ice strength, provided by the National Research Council of Canada and developed by E.R. Pounder, gives you the safe load for a given ice thickness of:

Since ice strength is related to temperature, the following table aplies to ice that is cold. Ice that is near 0ºC is weak and will not be able to support the same weight as colder ice - regardless of the ice thickness. If the snow is beginning to melt, then the ice is losing its strength.

One person at rest 8 cm 13 cm
0.4 ton moving slowly 10 cm 18 cm
2 ton vehicle moving slowly 25 cm * 40 cm *
10 ton tracked vehicle moving slowly 43 cm 66 cm
13 ton aircraft parked 61 cm 102 cm
* estimated numbers, not provided in original table

Source E.R. Pounder