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Industry Canada Announces Release of New Spectrum Resources to Accommodate Increasing Demand for Wireless Products

OTTAWA, April 29, 2005 — The Honourable David L. Emerson, Minister of Industry, today announced the opening of new spectrum in the 5 GHz range, and the improvement of existing frequency bands to accommodate the increasing demand for broadband wireless products by consumers and businesses. The new spectrum will support existing needs as well as a new generation of wireless products for use by Canadians in their homes and offices, and at public access sites. It will also be fully aligned globally, providing an international market for Canadian products.

"This is an important step not just for the industry, but for consumers who are making extensive use of the Internet and broadband technologies in all areas of their lives," said Minister Emerson. "Making these spectrum resources available will facilitate the growth of wireless broadband services in both rural and urban areas, and help governments meet the health, education and security needs of Canadians."

Canada has one of the best radio services in the world, and Canadians make extensive use of wireless communications, satellites and broadcasting services, which contribute to the productivity of the Canadian economy.

Industry Canada has involved all stakeholders in a comprehensive public consultation in making this decision since the 2000 World Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) identified the need for more spectrum. With the adoption of this spectrum policy, the Department releases new spectrum in the band 5470-5725 MHz for licence-exempt wireless local area networks (LE-LAN) and the improvement of the existing band 5250-5350 MHz for LE-LAN. Furthermore, Industry Canada continues to protect licensed services, such as the Earth exploration satellite and radiolocation services, including Canadian RADARSAT and national weather radar systems.

On April 30, 2005, a notice announcing the publication of a paper entitled, Spectrum Utilization Policy, Technical and Operational Requirements for Licence-Exempt Wireless Local Area Networks and Other Radio Services in the 5 GHz Range, will be published in the Canada Gazette and made available on the Industry Canada Web site,

For more information, please contact:
Christiane Fox
Office of the Honourable David L. Emerson
Minister of Industry
(613) 995-9001

Media Relations
Industry Canada
(613) 943-2502