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Earthtones - List of Teacher's Guides

Advanced House
Discover how your choices and actions as an individual can save energy and help fight global warming (Teacher's Guide).
Natural Resources Canada
Alternative Fuels
Discover how alternative fuel vehicles produce up to 30% less C02 than their gasoline counterparts (Teacher's Guide).
Natural Resources Canada
Find out how a bioremediation strategy based on nutrient enrichment was used to clean up over 100 kilometres of oil-contaminated shoreline (Teacher's Guide).
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Bottled Water
Find out about efforts to ensure that bottled water does not contain harmful contaminants, such as bacteria (Teacher's Guide).
Health Canada

Find out why DDT was banned in 1972, and why this decision was one of the most important steps in protecting wildlife and people from the effects of pesticides (Teacher's Guide).
Environment Canada
Dr. John Amyot
Explore the accomplishments of Dr. John Amyot, whose many contributions to the science of public health include the filtration and chlorination of water, production of vaccines and the pasteurization of milk (Teacher's Guide).
Health Canada
Experimental Lakes
Visit the experimental lakes area, where scientists are trying to replicate potential environmental risks, such as acidification and flooding that usually occur on a much larger scale (Teacher's Guide).
Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Fraser River Valley
Find out what impact ground-level pollution, or smog, has on crop production in B.C.'s Fraser Valley (Teacher's Guide).
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Green Golfing
Picture a golf course as a microcosm of the urban environment to find out how waste can keep a fairway green. (Teacher's Guide)
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Ice Cores
See how studies of ice cores are helping to decipher past environmental change (Teacher's Guide).
Natural Resources Canada
Learn about the threat that alien insect species can pose when they make their way into Canada (Teacher's Guide).
Natural Resources Canada
Lior Typing
Meet Dr. Hermy Lior, who was instrumental in developing research tests and methods to distinguish different types of the bacteria E. coli and Campylobacter (Teacher's Guide).
Health Canada
Marquis Wheat
Learn how Charles Saunders developed Marquis wheat, a crop that flourishes under Canadian weather conditions (Teacher's Guide).
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Methane Emissions
Find out how changes in a cow's diet could reduce its methane emissions, making these animals more environmentally friendly (Teacher's Guide).
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Muriel's Marsh
Visit one marsh that provides an example of the value of wetlands, the diverse life they contain and consequences of their loss (Teacher's Guide).
Environment Canada
Peregrine Falcon Recovery
Find out how Canadian biologists used a captive breeding program to bring back Anatum Peregrine Falcons after DDT caused their disappearance from North America (Teacher's Guide).
Environment Canada
Shepody Potato
Learn about the Shepody potato, which has been adapted for Canada's short growing season and is becoming one of the most popular potato varieties for French Fries (Teacher's Guide).
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Storm Surges
Learn about the impact of storm surges and rising sea-levels, both of which are likely to increase as a result of climate change (Teacher's Guide).
Government of Canada
Tree DNA
Discover how DNA analysis may soon be used to catch tree thieves (Teacher's Guide).
Natural Resources Canada
Wheat Breeding
Find out how wheat, the single most important source of plant protein in our diet, has been crossbred to adapt to Canadian climate and disease conditions (Teacher's Guide).
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

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