Download "Ozone Science: A Canadian Perspective on the Changing Ozone Layer"

The Summary and Introduction can be viewed with your WWW browser (i.e. without Adobe® Acrobat®) here

Click on hyperlinks below to download chapters of the Perspective in Adobe® Acrobat® format (*.pdf).
Summary (252,672 bytes)
Introduction (301,184 bytes)
Chapter 1 The distribution of ozone and ozone-depleting substances in the atmosphere and observed changes (6,932,864 bytes)
Chapter 2 The influence of dynamical processes on ozone abundance (1,927,296 bytes)
Chapter 3 Ozone chemistry: simulation and depletion (1,710,952 bytes)
Chapter 4 The influence of ozone and other factors on surface radiation (2,782,208 bytes)
Chapter 5 UV-B effects (366,848 bytes)
Appendix (121,344 bytes)
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