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Now listing the profiles for 254 Canadian scientists in 39 areas of expertise.

204 (80%) are men while 50 (20%) are women.

U of Toronto Scientists Reverse Diabetes in Mice
Posted: December 15, 2006

An auto-immune researcher together with a pain researcher at Toronto's Hospital for Sick Children (U. of Toronot) as well as one in Calgary have found a link between diabetes and the nervous system. Hans-Michael Dosch led a team that was able to inject pain receptor neuropeptides into diabetes-prone mice to reverse established diabetes with no bad side effects.

In Other News:
11/29 - Canadian Geologists May Solve Bangladesh Arsenic Poisoning with Lentils
10/13 - New way to find ice-loving bacteria
09/30 - Canadian Software Proves What Neil Armstrong Said
09/10 - Canadian Astronaut to Work on Space Station

Bertram Neville Brockhouse

"Your mind is your most valuable survival organ. Learn to tune your mind like a radio, filtering out all the noise and other channels, focusing on one thing."
On an ordinary Wednesday morning in October 1994, Bert Brockhouse gets out of bed at his usual time, about 6:45 a.m. As he stretches a bit to loosen the overnight aches of his 76-year-old body, he sees the little red light blinking on the answering machine. “Who could have called in the middle of the night?” he wonders, as he presses the play button. He listens to a voice announcing that the...

    Ali from Pakistan

Q: Is it possible that a cell phone communication may start at 900 MHZ (or any other frequency) and after a specific time it turns to 850MHZ (or any other)? Is this method used by any service provider...
A: Yes. This technique is used by most service providers. I do not know the specifics for your country. It is common for a cell phone to switch frequencies automatically in the background without the...

    Andrea Rose from the Internet

Q: Why do brown or blue eyes turn green in young adulthood?
A: Maybe what you are observing has something to do with the ambient light or the clothing your young adults are wearing. Dr. Odiehog states on this

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