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Saturday, December 09, 2006
By Organization Index
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  • Atomic Energy of Canada Limited
    Link to information about the nuclear technology and engineering company that designs and develops the CANDU® nuclear power reactor, as well as other advanced energy products and services.
  • Building Energy Efficient Housing
    Find out how new construction and major building renovation projects offer an opportunity to introduce a full range of energy saving measures that can reduce the energy costs by up to 60%.
  • Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency
    Access information from the agency responsible for providing Canadians with environmental assessments, including how they are done. Find publications and information on training opportunities.
  • Allergy Alerts and Food Recalls
    Learn about foods that cause allergies and how the process of allergy alerts works.
  • Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning
    Learn about Amnesic Shellfish Poisoning, one of several illnesses associated with the consumption of tainted, decomposed or unwholesome fish and fish products.
  • Animal Biotechnology Unit
    Learn about the organization responsible for establishing animal health standards and enhancing regulatory controls for the development of biotechnology-derived animals.
  • Animal Disease Information
    Access a list of zoonotic diseases, which are diseases transmissible from animals to humans. Find out about programs in place to prevent and control their spread.
  • Animal Disease Surveillance
    Learn about the unit set up to improve Canada's ability to recognize and deal with emerging animal disease problems. Access annual reports on the health status of Canadian livestock and poultry.
  • Animal Feeds
    Find out how livestock feeds manufactured and sold in Canada or imported into Canada are verified to be safe, effective and labelled appropriately.
  • Animal Health
    Learn about Animal Health Laboratory Services, which provide laboratory testing, develop technologies, conduct research projects and provide information and advice on disease epidemiology, detection and prevention.
  • Animal Health - National Animal Health Program
    Find information on The National Animal Health Program, which protects Canadian livestock and poultry from serious diseases that could restrict trade or pose a risk to human health.
  • Biotechnology
    Access information on biotechnology, including the approval process, reports and information for consumers.
  • Biotechnology Products: Plants that Tolerate Herbicides
    Learn about herbicide tolerant plants, whose growth and development are not significantly affected by herbicides used on the weeds growing around them.
  • Bottled Water
    Find information on bottled water, including different types, recommendations for storage and how it is regulated.
  • Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) in North America
    Access information on BSE, including news releases, disease information and policies and procedures to contain this disease.
  • Campylobacter jejuni
    Read about the bacteria campylobacter jejuni and the food borne illness campylobateriosis, its manifestation as a food borne illness in humans.
  • Canada - A Minimal BSE Risk Country
    Canada can justifiably be considered as a minimal risk country for BSE based on the primary criteria that there has been less than one in a million cases of BSE in each of the last four consecutive 12-month periods within the cattle population over 24 months of age.
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency
    Visit this main page of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, which provides links to numerous resources on food production, quality, safety, labelling, and biotechnology.
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency Food Facts
    Link to information about allergies and sensitivities, food borne illnesses, food packaging and storing, and food safety tips and facts.
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency Science and Technology
    Read information about the Science and Technology Unit, which is responsible for managing the review and selection of research and development projects at the Canadian Food Inspection Agency.
  • Canadian Potato Varieties – Descriptions
    Find detailed descriptions and pictures of potato varieties produced in Canada.
  • Ciguatera Poisoning
    Find information on Ciguatera Poisoning, an illness caused by an accumulation of marine biotoxins in fish.
  • Clostridium botulinum and Botulism
    Learn about botulism, a food borne illness that humans can acquire through consumption of home-canned, low-acid foods, honey and occasionally raw or parboiled meats from marine mammals.
  • Clostridium perfringens
    Find information on Clostridium perfringens, a spore-forming bacterium which, when eaten in high concentration, produces a toxin in the intestinal tract.
  • Consumer Centre
    Link to consumer information on allergies, biotechnology, food facts, food and travelling and much more.
  • Cyclospora
    Find information on Cyclospora, a microscopic parasite that infects the small intestine of humans with a disease called cyclosporiasis.
  • Detecting Products Derived Through Biotechnology
    Discover how scientific methods are used to find out whether or not foods contain products of biotechnology.
  • E. COLI O157:H7 Myths vs Reality
    Discover what the Government of Canada is doing to protect people from the consumption of E. coli O157:H7.
  • Escherichia coli 0157:H7
    Learn about E. coli 0157:H7, a bacterium found in the intestines of cattle, poultry and other animals.
  • Fertilizers
    Find information on the regulation and registration of fertilizer and supplement products.
  • Food Recalls
    Find out about the latest food recalls and allergy alerts or sign up to receive updates by email.
  • Food Safety Facts for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
    Use this guide for safe consumption of fruits and vegetables to reduce the risk of food borne illness.
  • Food Safety Facts for Turkey
    Follow these safety tips when you buy, prepare and cook turkeys to help reduce the risk of food borne illness.
  • Food Safety Facts on Bivalve Shellfish in British Columbia
    Learn the potential risk of eating shellfish, an excellent source of protein, high in essential minerals and low in calories, fat and cholesterol.
  • Food Safety Facts on Flooding
    Find out how a flood may cause damage that could increase the risk of food borne illness and learn safe food handling tips for during and after a flood.
  • Food Safety Facts on Leftovers
    Prevent the risk of food borne illness caused by handling leftovers by reading these safety tips on how to store and reheat food.
  • Food Safety Facts on Microwave Ovens
    Find out how food borne illness can occur as a result of using improper food handling techniques and cooking practices when using a microwave oven.
  • Food Safety Facts on Power Failure
    Follow these safe food handling tips during a power failure to reduce the risk of food borne illness.
  • Food Safety Measures for Cantaloupe
    Find out how to properly wash, cut and store cantaloupe to prevent salmonella infection.
  • Food Safety Tips for Bagged and Boxed Lunches
    Consider these safety tips to keep your food safe when you make and store lunches for school or work.
  • Food Safety Tips for Barbecuing
    Follow these tips for preparing, cooking, serving and storing barbecued foods safely.
  • Food Safety Tips for Eggs
    Read these tips for buying, storing, handling and cooking eggs. Also, find out how to keep Easter eggs safe.
  • Food Safety Tips for Halloween
    Follow these simple food safety tips to ensure that children have a safe Halloween.
  • Food Safety Tips for Picknicking, Hiking and Camping
    Read these tips before you go picnicking, hiking or camping to keep food safe while you are having fun outdoors.
  • Food Safety Tips for the Kitchen
    Discover how food borne illness can spread in a kitchen not properly cleaned or when food is not stored properly. Follow these food safety tips to help keep your kitchen safe.
  • Grains and Field Crops
    Access information from the group responsible for preventing the introduction and spread into Canada of regulated quarantine pests of grains and field crops.
  • Imported Chocolate and the Allergic Consumer
    Read this allergy alert to find important information about imported chocolate.
  • Industry Communiqués
    Access information about food exporting and importing, food processing and fair labeling practices.
  • Inorganic Arsenic and Seaweed Consumption
    Find information on why consumers are advised to avoid consumption of hijiki seaweed, which have been found to contain levels of inorganic arsenic that are significantly higher than in other types of seaweed.
  • Labelling of Foods Causing Allergies and Sensitivities
    Find out which foods cause the most serious allergies, how products can contain traces of these foods without declaring it on labels and what is being done to ensure that these foods are listed as ingredients.
  • Listeria monocytogenes and Listeriosis
    Find information on Listeria monocytogenes, a bacterium often found in the environment that can contaminate food and may cause the disease listeriosis.
  • Mercury and Fish Consumption
    Learn about mercury and find out why certain types of fish should be eaten in moderation because mercury levels in those fish sometimes exceed Canada’s mercury guideline.
  • Oral Allergy Syndrome
    Access information on oral allergy syndrome, an allergic reaction to certain proteins in a variety of fruits, vegetables and nuts, which develops in some people with pollen allergies.
  • Oyster and Soya Sauces
    Refer to these questions and answers for information on the issue of safety and oyster and soya sauces.
  • Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning
    Find information on Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning, caused by consumption of toxins that can accumulate in some shellfish, such as clams, mussels, scallops and oysters, and in the liver of crustaceans such as crabs and lobsters.
  • Pets and Petting Zoos - Tips for Preventing Infections
    Learn about zoonoses, which are diseases that are passed from animals to humans, and find out how they are transmitted.
  • Plant Breeders' Rights Office
    Find the most up-to-date information on the granting of plant breeders' rights for new, distinct, uniform and stable varieties.
  • Plant Health Division
    Link to information on preventing the spread and introduction of regulated pests of plants and plant products.
  • Potato Section
    Find information on the federal Seed Potato Certification Program, including the pdf and html versions of Plant Protection Policy Directives.
  • Safe Food Storage
    Access information on food irradiation, the process of exposing food to a controlled amount of energy called ionizing radiation.
  • Safety Tips for Black Widow Spiders in Grapes
    Find out what safety precautions to take when you find spiders, especially black widow spiders, on grapes.
  • Salmonella and Salmonellosis
    Access information on salmonella and salmonellosis, the disease people can get from salmonella bacteria.
  • Scombroid Poisoning
    Learn about Scombroid Poisoning, an allergic type reaction to high levels of histamine in fish that form when fish start to decompose.
  • Seed Section
    Find information provided by the organization responsible for ensuring that seeds sold in, imported into and exported from Canada meet established standards for quality and proper labelling.
  • Seed Testing - Canadian Methods and Procedures
    Link to the complete text of Canadian Methods and Procedures for Testing Seed.
  • Shigella and shigellosis
    Find information on shigella, a type of bacteria that can contaminate food in a variety of ways, such as through contaminated water, poor sanitation in the field or by improper food handling.
  • Sprouts Health Risk
    Discover why sprouts can transmit salmonella and E. coli and find out how to protect against infection.
  • Toxoplasma Gondii and Toxoplasmosis
    Read about toxoplasmosis and find out how humans can become infected by ingesting undercooked meat, gardening, changing cat litter or eating contaminated fruits and vegetables from the garden.
  • Variety Registration
    Visit a site designed to provide the seed industry, and Canada's agri-food sector in general, with the most up-to-date information on the registration status of plant varieties in Canada.
  • Vegetables and Herbs Stored in Oil
    Learn about the risks associated with storing foods in oil to extend shelf life.
  • Veterinary Biological Products Licensed in Canada
    Click on one of the species listed to find the relevant veterinary biological products licensed in Canada.
  • Why Sparks Occur When Cooking Vegetables in a Microwave
    Discover how cooking vegetables in a microwave can cause sparks or small burns.
  • Butterflies North and South
    Learn about butterflies in Canada. Explore a gallery of images and find information and resources for teachers.
  • Canadian Medical Hall of Fame
    Explore a showcase of Canada's greatest medical heroes through text biographies and short video documentaries. Or, try out the games lab.
  • Cosmic Quest: Discovering Astronomy Through Science and Culture
    Learn about astronomy, the oldest and most far-reaching science. Find information about the stars, planets, galaxies, methods for observing and the astronomical knowledge of indigenous peoples.
  • Fungus Among Us
    Learn about fungi, the ultimate destroyers and recyclers of nutrients. Read about the science, discover where to look for fungi or try out fun activities.
  • Interactive Investigator
    Use what you learn about forensic science on this site to solve a crime in an interactive game!
  • Trace Fossil Mystery
    Learn about trace fossils, such as foot prints or burrows, which give us proof of animal life from the past. Read about the different types, try out activities and link to more information on trace fossils.
  • Canadian Institutes of Health Research
    Find information on the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, which collectively make up Canada's major federal funding agency for health research.
  • CIHR - Health Research News
    Get the latest news on health research in Canada from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research's monthly e-newsletter.
  • Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes
    Link to the Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes, which supports research to enhance health and address problems in relation to diet, digestion, excretion and metabolism.
  • Biological Survey of Canada - Terrestrial Arthropods
    Learn about the organization that helps to coordinate scientific research on the Canadian fauna of insects, mites and their relatives.
  • Native Plant Crossroads
    Discover the important role that native plants play in biodiversity and participate in native plant conservation in Canada.
  • Natural History Notebooks
    Visit the Natural History Notebooks from the Canadian Museum of Nature to find information on a variety of animal species from the house fly to the extinct giant beaver.
  • The GEEE! In Genome
    Find out what genomics means to you! Learn about the genetic code, find out how research into genomics may influence health, food production and criminology or play online games.
  • An Introduction to Robotics
    Learn some key concepts about robotics, robot technology and artificial intelligence.
  • Apogee
    Explore this electronic newsletter, which provides information on the achievements of the Canadian Space Program.
  • Astronaut Training
    Discover how astronauts are trained. Find out how astronaut candidates from different backgrounds are brought to the same level of knowledge and skills by covering topics such as space mechanics, life sciences and astronomy.
  • Canadian Space Agency
    Find out about latest activities of the Canadian astronauts and the Space Centre. Read the latest news to follow stories on astronomy, planetary science and satellites.
  • Canadian Space Agency – Down to Earth Robots
    Find out why efficient energy use and energy management systems are considered essential elements of good robotic design.
  • Canadian Space Agency - Kidspace
    Kids, blast off on an exciting online adventure brought to you by the Canadian Space Agency. All you have to do now is sit back, relax, and get ready for take-off...
  • Energy - The Currency of Space Flight
    Learn about the different types of energy that influence bodies as they move through space. Read about the balance between potential and kinetic energy and about gravitational binding energy.
  • History of the Canadian Astronaut Corps
    Discover the history of the Canadian Astronaut Program. Meet Canada’s astronauts and find out which ones participated in the 11 separate missions.
  • International Space Station
    Learn about the International Space Station, located 400 kilometres above the earth and the result of an unprecedented international collaboration effort on the most ambitious engineering project ever undertaken.
  • Living in Space
    Find out how astronauts deal with everyday events in the unique conditions that microgravity presents, such as sleeping, eating, exercising, working and maintaining personal hygiene.
  • Mars, the Fascinating Red Planet
    Explore Mars! Read about science on Mars and find information on past and future research missions.
  • Microgravity Sciences
    Find out how scientists are working to understand the laws of physics and chemistry by use of the weightlessness of space in order to research topics such as fluid physics, crystal growth, ceramics, composite materials and biotechnology.
  • MOST (Microvariability and Oscillations of STars)
    Learn about MOST, a Canadian project to create an astronomical space telescope capable of measuring the ages of stars in our galaxy and perhaps even unlocking mysteries of the universe itself.
  • Operational Space Medicine
    Read about operational space medicine, which combines many types of medical specialties to examine the effects of spaceflight on humans and prevent problems associated with living in this unique, isolated and extreme environment
  • Past Space Missions
    Read about each of the space missions in which Canadians have taken part. Learn about the specific roles and responsibilities of the astronauts.
  • Solar Storms
    Learn about solar storms and the complex and changing relationship between the Earth and Sun.
  • Space Astronomy Program
    Discover how astronomers are discovering incredibly energetic processes occurring in galaxies and watching the emergence of new stars and other celestial formations, using a wide range of electromagnetic wavelengths to piece together evidence relating to the formation and origin of the universe.
  • Space Environment
    Link to information on projects studying how solar activity influences temperature, precipitation, atmospheric circulation, ocean currents, evaporation and cloud cover.
  • Space Exploration
    Learn about the Space Exploration Program, which is striving to answer many questions, such as whether or not there is life in the Solar System other than that found on Earth, and what can be learned about Earth by with knowledge of the atmospheres of other planets.
  • Space Exploration: Exo/Astrobiology
    Read about the search for life, either extinct or extant, on Solar System bodies beyond Earth, which is of the highest scientific interest and possibly of the greatest potential impact on human society.
  • Space Exploration: Planetary Atmospheres, Magnetospheres, Ionospheres
    Read about Canadian projects to study the atmospheres, magnetospheres, and ionospheres of other planets in the solar system, an area of science in which Canada is significantly involved.
  • Space Exploration: Solar System Small Bodies
    Read about the projects and people involved in the detection and identification of near-Earth objects such as asteroids
  • Space Exploration: Solid Planetology
    Discover how Canadian scientists are attempting to reconstruct the history of planets through observations of the record left at the surface, as well as through instruments designed to tell us more about what lies below their surfaces.
  • Space Life Sciences
    Link to information about space life sciences – discovering the changes and adaptations of human physiology in the weightlessness of space.
  • Types of Canadian Astronauts
    Read about the two types of Canadian Astronauts: Space Operations Astronauts, who are professional astronauts who work for the Canadian Space Agency, and Invited Astronauts, who are sponsored spaceflight participants on missions to the International Space Station.
  • About Smog
    About smog, what it is, what causes summer smog and smog in southern New Brunswick and what the federal government is doing about it.
  • Acid Rain Program
    Provides the facts about acid rain and describes what is being done. The "Kid's Corner" presents the information reformatted for children.
  • Adaptation and Impacts Research (AIR)
    Get a behind-the-scenes look at the work of the Meteorological Service of Canada's Adaptation and Impacts Research Group. Access project information, news and more.
  • Air Quality Forecasts
    Air quality forecasts for each province and territory.
  • Air Quality Guidance Maps
    Canadian maps, useful to people with a meteorology background, depicting forecasts for ventilation, mixing layer depth, wind mileage, Canadian Hemispheric and Regional Ozone and NOx System, and the UV index.
  • Amphibians and Reptiles in Great Lakes Wetlands: Threats and Conservation
    Find out how wetlands are important to the amphibians and reptiles that depend on them for survival, to people living near them and to the ecology of the biosphere as a whole.
  • Atmospheric Science - Mercury Research
    Recent developments in technologies directed at improving mercury measurements in the environment as well as renewed concerns regarding mercury levels in biota have led to a resurgence in research into the environmental fate and effects of mercury.
  • Avian Botulism
    Learn about avian botulism, a form of poisoning of wild and domestic birds. Find out what you can do to help.
  • Binational Remedial Action Plans (RAPS)
    Remedial Action Plans are being developed and implemented to restore ecological integrity to degraded areas within the Great Lakes basin.
  • Biodiversity and Protected Areas
    Access statistical information on biodiversity and protected areas, including information on natural resources sustainability and human health and well-being.
  • Bird Migration
    Discover how changing patterns of wind and severe weather resulting from climate change threaten the migratory patterns of birds (text and video).
  • Birds Oiled at Sea
    Learn about the fatal effects of oil pollution on seabirds, through text, images and video.
  • Bréco Deterring Buoy (bird-scarer)
    Describes the development of deterrent devices that will rapidly frighten birds away from an oil spill.
  • Bridging Canada's Science and Water Policy
    Read about issues that scientists are facing to ensure protection of the Canadian aquatic environment.
  • Canada’s National Wildlife Disease Strategy
    Learn about the objectives of this strategy to respond to the threats posed to human health, agriculture production, ecosystem integrity, biodiversity and world economy by the increasingly serious impact of wildlife diseases.
  • Canada's Greenhouse Gas Inventory, 1990-2000
    On greenhouse gases in Canada; sources, sinks, GHG calculations and removals. Sector focus includes energy, transportation, industrial processes, solvent and other product use, agriculture, land-use change and forestry, and waste.
  • Canadian Biodiversity Information Network
    Access biodiversity-related information from a variety of sources on topics such as Canadian environmental activities, agreements, technologies and expertise.
  • Canadian Environmental Quality Guidelines
    Learn about the program responsible for developing Canadian environment quality guidelines in areas such as aquatic life, agricultural water use and soil quality as it relates to human health.
  • Canadian Hurricane Centre
    Find out about hurricanes and weather warnings. See the latest satellite and radar images.
  • Canadian Ice Service
    By using aircraft reconnaissance and remote satellite technology, the Canadian Ice Service monitors sea ice conditions in Canadian waters.
  • Canadian Pollution Prevention Information Clearinghouse
    A database for information on practicing pollution prevention. Search references ranging from fact sheets to case studies, related sites, and more.
  • Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines
    These guidelines set limits for chemicals in freshwater and marine (including estuarine) sediments, and are used for the protection of aquatic life.
  • Canadian Upstream Petroleum Industry
    Link to information about the upstream petroleum industry, which includes all activities that find, produce, and process oil and natural gas, including the treatment of liquid petroleum gas, condensates, crude oil, heavy oil, and crude bitumen.
  • Canadian Weather Forecasts
    Five day weather forecasts from coast to coast to coast.
  • Canadian Wildlife Service
    Learn about the agency responsible for wildlife matters such as endangered species and the protection and management of migratory birds.
  • Canadian Wildlife Service: Current Activities in the Northwest Territories / Nunavut
    Access an overview of Canadian Wildlife Service northern programs and projects. Learn about polar bears, several types of birds and more.
  • Cement
    Learn how the manufacturing of cement affects the environment in Canada. Read about the air pollutants made in the process and what Canada is doing to manage emission practices.
  • Chlorinated Solvents - B12
    See a demonstration of an innovative approach to cleaning up chlorinated solvents using vitamin B12 (text and video).
  • Clean Air Online
    Learn about clean air, take action to reduce air pollution and make informed decisions as consumers and citizens.
  • Clean Air Online (CAOL) – Pollution Issues
    CAOL is Environment Canada’s comprehensive Web site on air pollution and issues linked to other important environmental challenges such as climate change and stratospheric ozone depletion.
  • Clean Water
    The Environmental Technology Centre responds to pollution emergencies such as oil and chemical spills, cleans up hazardous waste and performs technical research and development to support these and other activities.
  • Clean Water - Life Depends on It
    Explains water quality, pollution and how it affects aquatic ecosystems and human health. Also describes actions being taken and choices we can make.
  • Climate Change
    Describing climate change issues, current Canadian statistics and Canada's national efforts.
  • Climate Change - There's a Lot More to Know
    Government actions on climate change including the Kyoto Protocol, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and impacts research on weather, ecosystems, health and way of life.
  • Climate Trends and Variations Bulletin
    Explore national and regional summaries of Canadian climate from 1996 to present, organized by year and season.
  • Combined Heat and Power Systems
    Learn how combined heat and power facilities, using gas turbines, reciprocating engines, industrial boilers and future fuel cells can provide significant improvements to the long term mix of energy production.
  • Concrete
    Explore the environmental effects of concrete manufacturing on air quality in Canada. Learn about the pollutants produced in the process and Canadian emission management practices and regulations.
  • DDT (Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane)
    Find out why DDT was banned in 1972, and why this decision was one of the most important steps in protecting wildlife and people from the effects of pesticides (text and video).
  • Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network
    Review the results of a pilot project to develop a standardized approach to community-based ecological monitoring in Canada.
  • Electric Power
    Learn about the electricity industry, including activities that involve the production, transmission and distribution of electricity, through methods such as thermal, hydro, nuclear and wind generation.
  • Endocrine Disrupting Substances in the Environment
    Learn about endocrine systems, which coordinate and regulate internal communication among cells. Discover the cause and effects of disruptions to these systems.
  • Energy Consumption
    View several charts that graph Canada's energy consumption over time and read about the factors that influence the statistics, such as climate and standard of living.
  • Environment Canada
    Environment Canada is a Canadian Federal Government Department.
  • Environment Canada - Sustainable Development
    Environment Canada's Sustainable Development has everything from general information material, to indicators, to the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development, to the SD strategy and more.
  • Environmental Emergencies Program
    Learn how this program’s scientific research plays an important role in preventing environmental emergencies and minimizing harmful impacts when they do occur.
  • Environmental Technology Centre
    Find information on environmental protection programs. Explore databases of information on pollution, spills, mapping and more.
  • EnviroZine - Air
    Articles on what the Government of Canada is doing to address air pollution, smog, and air quality issues. Find out what you can do to make a difference for cleaner air.
  • EnviroZine - Climate Change
    Articles on how climate change is affecting Canada and what you can do to take action.
  • EnviroZine - Environmental Action
    These articles provide information on how you can reduce your impact on the environment; by choosing eco-friendly products; saving energy at home, work and school; composting and recycling.
  • EnviroZine - Nature and Wildlife
    These articles are on the importance of conservation and the protection of ecosystems in order to prevent wildlife species from becoming extinct or lost from the wild.
  • EnviroZine - Pollution
    These articles are on pollution prevention, environmental protection and contaminants. Find out how you can make safe environmental choices and stop pollution before it starts.
  • EnviroZine - Science and Technology
    Read these articles to find out the latest developments in environmental research from measuring arctic ozone depletion from outer space to how to make our roads safer.
  • EnviroZine - Water
    Read these articles to see what governments are doing across the country to protect our water resources, to find information on water contaminants and learn about responsible water use.
  • EnviroZine - Weather
    In these articles you’ll learn about forecasting, severe weather and how atmospheric changes can affect your health.
  • Federal Environmental Activities on Gasoline, Diesel and Fuel Oils
    Find out about the initiatives taken in the past decade by government and industry directed towards providing cleaner gasoline for Canadians, such as the removal of lead and reductions of summer vapour pressure, benzene and sulphur levels.
  • First Scientists : Ashkui Project
    Find out how Innu elders are providing the scientists studying northern ecosystems with insights into effective research subjects (text and video).
  • Fish Lead Free
    Read a factsheet about the dangers of lead to wildlife and discover lead-free alternatives for fishing sinkers and jigs.
  • Forecasting Air Quality for Canadians
    Describes the development of daily air quality and smog forecasting in Canada as a tool to inform and warn citizens.
  • Freshwater - Glossary
    Alphabetical listing of words associated with water issues and topics, and their definitions.
  • Freshwater Website
    Access information on freshwater in Canada, on topics such as the nature of water, policy and legislation, as well as water management.
  • Frog Watch
    Select your province or territory to find out how to participate in a program to help increase the knowledge of frogs and toads in Canada.
  • Great Lakes Fact Sheet - Fish and Wildlife Health Effects in the Canadian Great Lakes Areas of Concern
    Read the results of research into the health of wildlife and species at risk in the Great Lakes area.
  • Ground-Level Ozone Maps
    Provides a link to the AIRNOW Internet site for hourly information on regional ground-level ozone concentrations in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and the New England states.
  • Guidelines on Risk of Frostbite
    Learn how research into wind chill effects has determined precisely how long it takes for exposed skin to freeze in cold winter weather.
  • Habitat Conservation – Welcome to the Habitat Conservation Web Site
    Learn about habitat conservation and link to information on protected areas, such as marine wildlife areas and migratory bird sanctuaries.
  • Hinterland Who’s Who
    Visit Hinterland Who’s Who to find in-depth descriptions of wildlife, ecological issues, suggested actions you can take to help wildlife and educational materials.
  • Hinterland Who’s Who – Amphibians and Reptiles
    Discover the differences between amphibians and reptiles and learn about the leatherback seaturtle.
  • Hinterland Who’s Who - Birds
    Find detailed information on many of the 462 species of birds found across Canada. Learn about feeding, conservation, breeding and more.
  • Hinterland Who’s Who – Insects
    Read about the monarch butterfly, a Canadian insect that plays a huge role in helping our ecosystem and environment remain healthy.
  • Hinterland Who’s Who – Mammals
    Learn about the animals that are most like humans -- mammals. Read about many of the mammals that live in Canada.
  • Hinterland Who’s Who – Species at Risk
    Learn about threats to species, how they are designated "at risk," the laws which govern species at risk in Canada as well as recovery programs.
  • Hinterland Who's Who - Wetlands
    Describes what wetlands are, what types of wetlands there are, where they are located and how they fit into the cycle of life.
  • Hydroelectric power generation
    Discover how hydroelectric power, the principal source of electricity in Canada, is produced by the force of falling water.
  • Ice Watch
    Contribute to Canadian climate change research by helping to record and analyze when ice forms and thaws on bodies of water.
  • Impacts of Water Level and Flow Fluctuations in the St. Lawrence River - Program
    Scientists are studying and quantifying the impacts of water level fluctuations on the biological and socio-economic components of the ecosystem.
  • Industrial Combustion Sources
    Learn how industrial process and manufacturing equipment in Canada uses about 1/3 of all energy consumed by burning oil, natural gas, woodwaste or waste fuels to produce thermal or mechanical energy.
  • Industrial Ecology
    Read about Eco-Industrial Parks, synergistic projects that are cost-effective, reduce most pollutants simultaneously, provide benefits to health and the ecosystem and create investment and value-added jobs.
  • Information on Greenhouse Gases Sources and Sinks
    Find information on greenhouse gases. Access a glossary, data, reports and related links.
  • Initiative on the Potential Impact of Sulphur in Gasoline on Motor Vehicle Pollution Control and Monitoring Technologies
    Discover the findings reached by a task group regarding the effect of sulphur in gasoline on the emission control and monitoring technologies of Low Emission Vehicles.
  • Invasive Alien Species - Canadian Biodiversity Information Network
    Learn about invasive alien species and the threats they pose to Canada's environment, economy and society, as well as to human health.
  • Land-Use Change and Forestry 1990-2000
    The contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and removals of forest management, human-induced fires, and changes in the way land is used.
  • Learn More About Glaciers and Ice Caps!
    Discover the importance of glaciers in defining Canada's landscape. Find information on how to measure glaciers and read about a project called the Canadian Glacier Inventory.
  • Learn More about Permafrost!
    Learn what permafrost is, where it can be found and how it is affected by changes in climate.
  • Learn More About Sea Ice!
    Read about sea ice in the Arctic Ocean. Determine its minimum and maximum extent every year and discover how it helps to moderate the effect of global warming.
  • Learn More about Snow!
    Discover the importance of snow in Canada, how snow is measured and whether snow cover is changing along with the climate.
  • Level of Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel Fuels
    Access studies and reports on reducing the level of sulphur in gasoline and diesel fuels, with reports on topics such as atmospheric science and health impacts assessment.
  • Loons and Mercury
    Find out what factors may have led to the high levels of mercury found in Nova Scotia loons in 1995 (text and video).
  • Marine Debris in Canada
    Information on the effects of marine debris in Canada and what we can do to help fight this problem.
  • Maritime Coastal Mollusc Harvesting Guide
    Learn about several different types of molluscs found in the Maritimes, such as the soft-shell clam, blue mussel, atlantic oyster and many more.
  • Massasauga Rattler
    Meet Ontario’s only poisonous snake, the Massasauga Rattler, and find out about efforts to understand and protect this threatened species (text and video).
  • Mercury and the Environment
    Facts about mercury, its properties, and the impact it has on the environment and human health.
  • Meteorological Pioneers (weather)
    Find out how Dr. André Robert revolutionized meteorology by creating the first Canadian computerized simulations of weather patterns (text and video).
  • Migratory Birds
    Link to studies, surveys, programs and plans, focused on the monitoring and conservation of migratory birds.
  • Migratory Birds Conservation: Bird Trends
    Access the results of national ornithological surveys in Canada on landbirds, seabirds, shorebirds, raptors and waterfowl.
  • Migratory Birds Conservation: Canadian Bird Trends
    Explore information on Canadian bird species, including population trends and taxonomy, with links to range maps, life history information and national conservation designations.
  • Muriel's Marsh
    Visit one marsh that provides an example of the value of wetlands, the diverse life they contain and consequences of their loss (text and video).
  • National Climate Data and Information Archive
    This archive contains over a century and a half of Canada’s weather data including temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, wind speed, cloud types, soil temperature, evaporation, solar radiation as well as occurrences of thunderstorms and other weather phenomena.
  • National Ecological Framework for Canada
    Discover the ecozones and ecoregions of Canada. Access a detailed report or explore an ecozone map.
  • National Environmental Effects Monitoring Office – Water Quality Monitoring Branch
    Explore the many scientific methods used by this organization to monitor the effects of metal mining and pulp and paper effluent on aquatic ecosystems. Includes citations of recent scientific publications.
  • National Environmental Indicator Series - Acid Rain
    Selected key statistics on acid rain. Documents provide information on the topic and statistical trends for Canada and the world.
  • National Environmental Indicator Series - Climate Change
    Selected key statistics on climate change. Documents provide information on the topic and statistical trends for Canada and the world.
  • National Marine Web
    You can access the marine forecasts and buoy reports for any region in Canada at this site.
  • National Office of Pollution Prevention (NOPP)
    Find information on pollution prevention, including publications, regulations and guidelines.
  • National Pollutant Release Inventory
    Access a database of information on annual releases of pollutants to air, water and land, plus disposal or recycling from all sectors - industrial, government, commercial and others.
  • National Water Research Institute
    Access information from the largest freshwater research facility in Canada, including publications and links for students.
  • National Water Research Institute
    Find publications, current research and services from Canada's largest freshwater research facility.
  • New Brunswick Sea Level Rise
    Access maps, photos and information on the impact of climate change on coastal New Brunswick.
  • Northern Ecosystem Initiative
    Find information about the initiative that works to enhance the health and sustainability of communities and ecosystems across Canada's North.
  • Nutrient use and management
    Find information on the national trends for the use of nutrients such as fertilisers and manure.
  • Oil pollution and birds
    Explains how oil from spills destroys a bird's feather structure and causes other damage.
  • Ozone and Ultraviolet Research and Monitoring
    Learn about the tools used to monitor ozone and ultraviolet (UV). Search through ozone and UV maps from Canada and around the world.
  • Ozone Layer - What's Going On Up There?
    A kid's page with facts about good and bad ozone, important scientific discoveries, CFCs, UV radiation, and things you can do to help protect yourself and the environment.
  • Ozone Science - A Canadian Perspective on the Changing Ozone Layer
    This report provides an overview of the state of ozone science 10 years after the signing of the Montreal Protocol.
  • Peregrine Falcon Recovery
    Find out how Canadian biologists used a captive breeding program to bring back Anatum Peregrine Falcons after DDT caused their disappearance from North America (text and video).
  • Pesticides
    Research and program support to reduce the environmental effects from pesticide use in the Atlantic region.
  • Plant Watch
    Participate in Plant Watch to help scientists discover how, and more importantly why, our natural environment is changing.
  • Pollution Prevention - Canadian Success Stories
    Read several success stories to learn about the environmental and economic benefits of pollution prevention programs taking place across Canada.
  • Primer on Fresh Water - Questions and Answers
    Extensive list of questions and answers relating to water.
  • Progress in Pollution Prevention
    A report illustrating actions taken towards pollution prevention, and how national concerns such as ozone depletion, climate change and toxic substances management are being addressed.
  • Public Weather Warnings
    When a weather warning, advisory, summary or special weather statement is issued the affected province, territory or water body is discussed here.
  • Reducing Smog
    Questions about smog and reducing smog are answered on this information page.
  • Science and Environment Bulletin - Air
    The air section of the Science & Environment Bulletin - keeping you up to date on current environment issues.
  • Science and Environment Bulletin - Climate Change
    The climate change section of the Science & Environment Bulletin - keeping you up to date on current environment issues.
  • Science and Environment Bulletin - Pollution
    The pollution section of the Science & Environment Bulletin - keeping you up to date on current environmental issues.
  • Science and Environment Bulletin - Water
    The water section of the Science & Environment Bulletin - keeping you up to date on current environmental issues.
  • Science and Monitoring in Great Lakes Wetlands
    Join the Marsh Monitoring Program (MMP) to help understand, monitor and conserve the Great Lakes basin and its amphibian and bird inhabitants.
  • Seasonal Forecasts
    A series of maps displaying Canadian seasonal forecasts.
  • Severe Weather
    Populations are growing and weather extremes are more frequent. Weather predictions are increasingly important to help prevent loss of life and/or property.
  • Severe Weather Watcher Handbook
    Become an informed weather watcher by learning about thunderstorms, tornados and funnel clouds.
  • Shellfish and Water Quality
    Find out why water quality is so important in areas where shellfish are harvested and read about the measures taken to ensure public health protection from contamination.
  • Shellfish Growing Area Classification Index
    Refer to these maps of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland to find information on shellfish and current bacteriological classification.
  • Smog over the Fraser Valley
    Discusses smog as an environmental indicator of air quality health risk in the Fraser Valley.
  • Species at Risk
    Search by map or database to find information on species at risk. Find out how it is determined that certain species are at risk and what Canada as a nation, and individuals, can do to prevent extinction.
  • Species at Risk Act Public Registry - Species List
    Find information on the act that categorizes species at risk. Access implementation tools, such as the management of recovery of these species. Discover how you can get involved.
  • St. Lawrence River Information
    Learn about the St. Lawrence Centre, the organization responsible for enhancing understanding of St. Lawrence River ecosystems based on sound science and an integrated-knowledge approach.
  • State of the Environment (SOE) Infobase
    This site provides easy access to federal State of Environment Reports, environmental indicators, ecozone information and other environmental information tools.
  • Stationary Gas Turbines
    Read about gas turbines, which are thermodynamic engines that create a high pressure mixture of fuel to generate output power for thrust in an aircraft engine, for marine propulsion, or as shaft power for stationary energy applications.
  • Task Force on Cleaner Vehicles, Engines and Fuels
    Read the report from the Task Force on Cleaner Vehicles and Fuels, which was created to develop options on a national approach to new vehicle emission and efficiency standards and fuel reformulations for Canada.
  • Thermal power generation
    Read about thermal power generation and find out about the double cost of inefficient energy use.
  • Understanding Atmospheric Change
    Examines natural and man-made phenomena that cause changes to the Earth's atmosphere.
  • Understanding Atmospheric Change - Warmer Canada
    Canadian scientists working under the co-ordination of the Canadian Climate Program are investigating the possible environmental, social, and economic effects of climate change in Canada.
  • Understanding Stratospheric Ozone
    Learn about the stratospheric ozone layer, ozone depletion, and UV radiation. Find out about scientific research in the polar regions.
  • Understanding Your Forecast
    Find out the meanings behind the terms weather, temperature, precipitation, humidity, cloud, air, storms, wind and wind speeds.
  • Urban Air Quality
    Selected key statistics on urban air quality. Documents provide information on the topic and statistical trends for Canada and the world.
  • UV Index Program
    Learn about the UV Index and discover how to use the index to protect your skin. Find today's UV Index value for cities across Canada.
  • Vehicle Emissions
    Find out how looking at the smallest particles of vehicle exhaust helps scientists to understand the effects of pollution on human respiration (text and video).
  • Volunteer Climate Observers
    Meet the volunteers who assist atmospheric scientists by taking time every day to monitor and report on the weather (text and video).
  • Water - Forever on the Move
    Information on moving bodies of water including floods, the hydrologic cycle and snow.
  • Water - Here, There and Everywhere
    Information on water, including how it is measured and how it sculpts the earth.
  • Water - How Good Is It?
    Information on how to measure the quality of water, discussion on pollutants in water and studies of different water sources.
  • Water - How We Use It
    Information on Canadians' water use, including amounts of water we use and how much it costs.
  • Water - In Canada
    Information on water in Canada, including the largest bodies of water and how much we have.
  • Water - Vulnerable to Climate Change
    How is water affected by climate change?
  • Water Efficiency/Conservation
    Information on water efficiency, including sustaining our water supply and water quality.
  • Water Quality in Ontario Region - Reports / Data Summaries
    Links to information on the water quality of the Great Lakes, including monitoring and statistics.
  • Water Survey of Canada
    Learn how Canada, which contains an estimated 9 percent of the world’s renewable water supply, monitors water quantity.
  • Water Use
    Looks at effects of water withdrawal, provides links and statistics, and addresses issues of specific water users (including industry, power generators, agricultural, transportation, wildlife, recreation and waste disposal).
  • Weather Maps and Charts
    Maps and data sets on jet streams, operational analysis, severe weather, aviation forecasts, ocean wave models, forecasts, stratospheric ozone . .
  • What is Smog?
    Discusses the issue of smog and it's ingredients: ground-level ozone, fine airborne particles, and other main pollutants.
  • Wildlife Toxicology Division - Research
    Link to research information on wildlife toxicology, including the effect of contaminants and pesticides toxic to birds.
  • Wildlife Toxicology Division Research Support - Specimen Bank
    Visit a specimen bank of wildlife tissues collected during research related to monitoring and understanding the effects of toxic chemicals on wildlife.
  • Woodsmoke and Air Pollution
    A Science and the Environment bulletin on the pollutants associated with woodsmoke that could be making their way into your home and the outside air.
  • World Ozone Monitoring
    Provides the most recent full-day global total ozone map, and other ozone maps.
  • Worm Watch
    Discover the diversity beneath your feet by participating in Worm Watch. Help scientists research all the earthworm species in Canada.
  • Your Environment
    List of environmental issue links related to air quality, climate, climate change, severe weather and the ozone layer.
  • Youth and the Environment
    Read summaries of important environmental issues, find ways to get involved and access information for young people.
  • Century of Innovation
    Browse through selected examples of innovations, inventions and technology solutions developed by Government of Canada labs over the last century.
  • BioPortal
    Visit the BioPortal to locate information on biotechnology from the Government of Canada.
  • Canada Health Portal
    Visit the Canada Health Portal to access information on several health topics, such as addictions, conditions and diseases, occupational health and healthy lifestyles.
  • Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research and Technology Initiative (CRTI)
    Understand Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Research, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on how science and technology are being used for counter-terrorism and national security research.
  • Climate Change
    Understand climate change, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on greenhouse gas emissions, sea-level rise and Canada’s increasingly warm summers.
  • Climate Change - Government of Canada
    Find out about climate change issues, their impacts and what Canada is doing about it.
  • Cold Traps
    Plan a lesson that helps students learn about the polar ice caps and glaciers in the Canadian Arctic. Engage students by building a “cold trap” that demonstrates how huge amounts of water become "trapped" in mountain glaciers and at the Earth's poles.
  • Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC)
    Access information from a committee of experts that assesses and designates which wild species are in some danger of disappearing from Canada. Search through a database to find information on specific species.
  • Electric Power: A Canadian Specialty
    Learn how electricity has become a cornerstone of the Canadian economy and Canadian life.
  • Energy from Wind and Moving Water
    Plan a lesson that teaches students about the basic principles of energy, including kinetic energy and the conservation of energy. Engage students by building a wind turbine, or "Atmospheric Molecular Energy-grabber".
  • Invasive Alien Species
    Understand invasive alien species, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on how these pests make their way to Canada, the environmental, economic and health effects, and how Canada is working to prevent the invasion of more invasive species.
  • Job Listings
    Select the Specialty Job Sites section to explore careers in government, the private sector and overseas in categories such as agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting as well as professional, scientific and technical services.
  • Jobs, Workers, Training and Careers
    Find current, detailed Canadian job information and postings. Use the search tool to find a variety of information on careers in science.
  • Monitoring the Atmosphere
    Plan a lesson that will give students an introduction to Canadian weather dynamics, weather instruments, and heat transfer in the hydrosphere and atmosphere. Engage students by building a classroom hygrometer and barometer.
  • National DNA Databank
    Read about the National DNA Data Bank, a science and technology tool in the field of modern law enforcement.
  • Natural Hazards and Emergency Response
    Find information from the program that strives to enhance response preparedness to disasters such as earthquakes, floods and nuclear emergencies.
  • Northern Science and Technology
    Understand Northern science and technology, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on climate change, natural resources and the how issues related to both are being addressed through the use of local traditional knowledge.
  • Oceans Science
    Understand oceans science, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on Canada’s aquaculture industry, sustainable fishing and oil and gas exploration.
  • Our Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Future
    Access information about hydrogen and fuel cell technologies, including scientific background, a list of benefits and demonstrations.
  • Pandemic Influenza
    Find authoritative information on pandemic, avian and seasonal influenza, including flu detection and surveillance, planning and response and the latest news.
  • Public Safety Portal
    Link to authoritative safety information in a variety of areas, including transportation, internet, environment, national security, and health.
  • RésEau
    Explore this gateway to water information that is being prototyped by the Government of Canada to support clean, safe and secure water for all Canadians and ecosystems.
  • Science Overviews
    Understand key Canadian science issues through these overview articles and relevant Web sites. Find information on climate change, water, invasive alien species, Northern science and technology and more.
  • Storm Surges
    Learn about the impact of storm surges and rising sea-levels, both of which are likely to increase as a result of climate change (text and video).
  • Turkey Lakes Watershed Study
    Find information on a study that evaluates aquatic and terrestrial effects of acid rain and other anthropogenic pollutants on Canadian Shield ecosystems.
  • Water
    Understand water, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on freshwater or “blue gold” and water quality.
  • Wild Species 2000 – Species Information
    Find information on each of the taxon groups featured in the Wild Species 2000 Report.
  • Wildlife Diseases
    Understand wildlife diseases, a key Canadian science issue, through this overview article and relevant Web sites. Find information on zoonoses and how they impact agriculture and human health.
  • Acrylamide and Food
    Find information on acrylamide, a potential cancer-causing chemical used in the manufacture of plastics, which is also produced in certain starch-based foods when they have been cooked at high temperatures.
  • Advisories, Warnings and Recalls
    Access an archive of health-related warnings and advisories from 1995 to present.
  • Aluminum and Human Health
    Looks at the ways in which we are exposed to aluminum, the health risks, and issues related to aluminum's presence in food and drinking water.
  • Antibiotic Resistant Germs
    Learn about the increasing concern that certain germs such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites are becoming more resistant to antibiotics, resulting in fewer effective antibiotics.
  • Antioxidant Vitamin Research
    Find out how, by eating foods containing natural antioxidants, to protect yourself from diseases that research shows are linked to oxidative stress, such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, neurological disorders, cataracts and arthritis.
  • Arsenic in Drinking Water
    This site looks at health effects and how to test for arsenic levels in your water.
  • Assisted Human Reproduction
    Find information on assisted human reproduction, including legislative and background information, news releases, proposals and reports.
  • Assisted Human Reproduction at Health Canada
    Link to a selection of relevant websites and documents relating to assisted human reproduction.
  • Blue-Green Algae (Cynobacteria) and their Toxins
    This document covers a wide range of topics related to cyanobacteria, their toxins, and your health.
  • Bottled Water
    Find out about efforts to ensure that bottled water does not contain harmful contaminants, such as bacteria (text and video).
  • Breast Cancer
    Learn how you can lower your risk of developing breast cancer or dying from it by medical screening and by minimizing lifestyle and environmental risk factors.
  • Caffeine - It's Your Health
    Understand the potential health effects of caffeine as well as Health Canada’s recommendations for daily caffeine intake.
  • Canada’s Drug Strategy
    Access Canada’s Drug Strategy to find information on different types of drugs and people affected by substance abuse.
  • Canada's Food Guide to Healthy Eating
    View Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating or link to the pdf version to print a copy for easy reference.
  • Canadian Health Network
    Link to the Canadian Health Network to find information on how to stay healthy and prevent disease.
  • Canadian Health Portal - Environmental Health
    Addressing air quality, water quality, soil contamination affecting food supply, toxic management, use of pesticides and radiation-emitting devices, as well as a wide range of workplace health and safety issues.
  • Canadian Nutrient File
    Learn about the nutrient content of the foods and beverages you consume. Find values for nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, protein, energy, fat and many more.
  • Cardiovascular Disease Surveillance On-Line
    Find the most current available statistics on cardiovascular disease Canada. Look at trends for cardiovascular disease by province and territory, by age group and over time.
  • Chickenpox Vaccine
    Read about chickenpox and the new recommendations for determining who should be vaccinated.
  • Childhood Immunization
    Find information on childhood immunization, a safe and effective way to give children immunity against a number of potentially serious diseases such as polio and tetanus.
  • Children and Healthy Eating
    Refer to these nutrition guidelines for children to ensure healthy eating through key periods of growth, from infancy to adolescence.
  • Chlamydia
    Meet Dr. Rosanna Peeling, a scientist at Health Canada who developed a test for chlamydia that can help make some of its long-term complications, such as infertility, a thing of the past (text and video).
  • Climate Change and Health
    Discover how scientists are working to try to understand how climate change could impact our health. Access related resources such as publications and reports.
  • Codex Alimentarius in Canada
    Access information on the Codex Alimentarius Commission, which was established to develop international food standards to protect consumer health and to facilitate fair trading practices in foods.
  • Cyclospora
    Learn about research done to reduce illness in consumers resulting from the increasing availability of exotic foods (text and video).
  • Diabetes
    Learn about diabetes, a lifelong condition where either the body does not produce enough insulin, or the body cannot use the insulin it produces.
  • Dietary Reference Intakes
    Find information on The Dietary Reference Intakes, a comprehensive set of nutrient reference values for healthy populations that can be used for assessing and planning diets.
  • Dietary Trace Elements and Cardiovascular Diseases
    Read about the research that helps to better understand the roles of dietary trace element imbalances in the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diseases and Conditions
    Find information on disease surveillance and statistics as well as disease prevention and control programs.
  • Dr. John Amyot
    Explore the accomplishments of Dr. John Amyot, whose many contributions to the science of public health include the filtration and chlorination of water, production of vaccines and the pasteurization of milk (text and video).
  • Drinking Water Away from Home
    Drinking untreated water in the great outdoors can make you ill. Take these precautions to make sure the water you drink is safe.
  • Drinking Water Chlorination
    Information on water chlorination including health effects, risks and benefits.
  • Drinking Water in the Great Canadian Outdoors
    Learn crucial facts about drinking water in an outdoor setting, including extensive detail about purification methods.
  • Drug Product Database
    Visit the Drug Product Database to find product-specific information on drugs approved for use in Canada.
  • Drug Products
    Learn how health products offered for sale in Canada are evaluated and monitored for safety, effectiveness and quality.
  • Effects of Lead and Human Health
    Information dealing with the effects of lead in the environment - in food, in water, and in the air.
  • Energy Metabolism
    Learn about energy metabolism and the issue of an increasing percentage of obese persons in Canada.
  • Environmental and Workplace Health
    Addressing air quality, water quality, soil contamination affecting food supply, toxic management, use of pesticides and radiation-emitting devices, as well as a wide range of workplace health and safety issues.
  • Fall Out
    Learn about fall-out radiation in Canada’s North and how it can travel through the food chain to humans (text and video).
  • Fibre Research
    Find information about fibre, a complex and varied macronutrient, and discover the research being done on such topics as the effect of fibre in the digestive tract.
  • First Scientists: Natural Health Products
    Learn about Native healing practices and the holistic method of gathering, preparing and using nature’s remedies (text and video).
  • Flesh-eating Disease
    Learn about necrotizing fasciitis, also called flesh-eating disease, a rare but very serious disease that can lead to death.
  • Fluorides and Human Health
    Describes where and how fluorides occur, sources of human exposure, and dental and health effects on humans.
  • Food and Nutrition
    Access information on numerous nutrition topics, including healthy eating, assessing weight, advisories, prenatal nutrition and food recalls.
  • Food and Nutrition - Reports, Facts and Trends
    Link to a variety of data sources that provide insights into nutrition-related knowledge, attitudes and eating behaviours of Canadians.
  • Food for Thought
    Discover several ways to reduce fat intake with this list of tips for healthy eating.
  • Food Safety and Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) Found in Fish
    Read about the issue of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) found in fish, and find out why farmed salmon is considered safe for consumers to eat.
  • Food-induced Autoimmune Diabetes: Characterization of Agents and Mechanisms
    Learn about type 1 diabetes, an autoimmune disease in which the patient's own immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-secreting beta cells in the pancreatic islets.
  • Fortified Foods
    Link to information on food fortification and find out how it is regulated in Canada.
  • Genetically Modified (GM) Foods and Other Novel Foods
    Read the definition of novel foods, access frequently asked questions and link to related information about consultations and projects.
  • Genetically Modified Foods
    Access information on novel foods, also known as genetically modified foods, including the definition, the Government of Canada action plan and answers to frequently asked questions.
  • Genital herpes
    Learn about genital herpes, a sexually transmitted infection that causes painful sores on and around the genitals.
  • Giardia and Cryptosporidium in Drinking Water
    An explanation of the giardia and cryptosporidium parasites, responsible for giarchiasis (beaver fever) and cryptosporidiosis. Steps for disease prevention and treatment are given.
  • Gonorrhea
    Find information on the symptoms and treatment of gonorrhea, a common sexually transmitted infection which, if not treated early, can cause serious health problems.
  • Ground Beef Safety
    Learn all about ground beef and how to ensure safe consumption to prevent E. Coli infection.
  • Health Canada
    Visit Health Canada’s website to access the latest news, warnings and advisories, quick links and much more.
  • Health Canada – Highlights of Science Acitivities
    Discover how scientific research enables Health Canada to respond effectively to the health issues affecting Canadians.
  • Health Canada Reports and Publications
    Find reports and publications related to health science and research activities, including results of specific research projects, policy research bulletins, and working papers and proceedings from forums and meetings.
  • Health Policy Research Bulletin - Health and the Environment - Critical Pathways
    This issue explores the range of research and evidence required to effectively assess and manage environmental health risks.
  • Healthy Heart Kit
    Discover information on factors leading to heart disease, such as smoking, physical inactivity and high blood pressure.
  • Heart and Stroke
    Learn about cardiovascular and heart disease, the number one killer in Canada.
  • Hepatitis
    Learn about viral hepatitis, a group of diseases of the liver that can be caused by consuming contaminated water or food, using dirty needles or syringes, or practising unsafe sex.
  • Hepatitis C
    Find information on Hepatitis C, an infectious virus that is carried in the blood and causes inflammation of the liver.
  • HIV and AIDS
    Access several resources on HIV and AIDS, such as information on how it is transmitted, incidence and reports.
  • Holiday Food Safety
    Follow these safe food handling tips to decrease the risk of food borne illness during the holiday season.
  • Hormone Replacement Therapy
    Find out why Hormone Replacement Therapy, used to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, can have significant risks.
  • Human Papillomovirus
    Find information on HPV, or Human Papillomovirus, a virus linked to incidence of cancer, that is spread through sex or close skin-to-skin, genital area contact with someone who is infected.
  • Immunization
    Link to a variety of information on immunization, including immunization schedules for children and recommendations for travel vaccines.
  • Influenza (Flu)
    Read about influenza, also known as the flu, which is a common respiratory illness affecting millions of Canadians each year.
  • Laboratory Procedures for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods
    Access Volume 3 of The Compendium of Analytical Methods, entitled Laboratory Procedures for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods.
  • Laser Eye Surgery
    Learn how laser eye surgery can correct vision and replace glasses or contact lenses.
  • Level 4 Laboratory
    Find out why researchers have built a Level Four containment lab to bing to Canada some of the deadliest diseases known to humanity (text and video).
  • Lior Typing
    Meet Dr. Hermy Lior, who was instrumental in developing research tests and methods to distinguish different types of the bacteria E. coli and Campylobacter (text and video).
  • Medical Devices
    Link to information on medical devices, including public warnings and advisories.
  • Meningococcal Vaccine
    Find information on a vaccination for meningococcal disease, an infection which can, in rare instances, cause bacterial meningitis and meningococcemia.
  • Methods for the Analysis of Extraneous Material in Foods
    Access Volume 4 of The Compendium of Analytical Methods, entitled Methods for the Analysis of Extraneous Material in Foods.
  • Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods
    Access Volume 2 of The Compendium of Analytical Methods, entitled HPB Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods.
  • Minerals and Trace Element Research
    Learn about minerals, which are unique nutrients because they are extremely active metabolically and can be both intracellular oxidants as well as antioxidants.
  • Misconceptions about Vaccine Safety
    Link to information addressing concerns about vaccine safety.
  • Mold Vaccine
    Meet Dr. Hari Vijay, a research scientist at Health Canada who has developed internationally recognized research on the standardization of mold allergens (text and video).
  • Natural Health Products
    Visit the Natural Health Products Directorate, whose mission is to ensure that all Canadians have ready access to natural health products that are safe, effective and of high quality.
  • Nutrient Value of Some Common Foods
    Link to a pdf version or order a copy of a guide that outlines the nutritional content of common foods.
  • Nutrition and Healthy Eating
    Read about the importance of healthy eating, which contributes to an overall sense of well being and helps people to look, feel and perform better.
  • Nutrition for a Healthy Pregnancy – National Guidelines for the Childbearing Years
    Refer to this guide to find information on healthy eating practices during childbearing years, and specifically during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Office of Nutrition Policy and Promotion
    Link to information about nutrition , including Canada’s Food Guide to Healthy Eating and the Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults.
  • Official Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods
    Access Volume 1 of The Compendium of Analytical Methods, entitled The Official Methods for the Microbiological Analysis of Foods.
  • Patent Register
    Access the Patent Register to find an alphabetical listing of medicines and the associated patents, patent expiry dates and other related information.
  • Pest Notes
    Read these documents to learn how various pests can be controlled.
  • Pneumococcal Vaccine
    Find information on the vaccine for pneumococcal disease, which can occasionally cause serious diseases such as meningitis.
  • Policy Development for Raw Foods of Animal Origin
    Read about the initiative to develop a comprehensive policy to improve the safety of raw foods of animal origin.
  • Preventing Skin Cancer
    Learn the simple but important steps you can take to reduce your risk of getting skin cancer.
  • Proper Use and Disposal of Medication
    Discover the growing evidence that improper disposal of drugs and health products may have a harmful effect on the environment.
  • Protein Research
    Discover what research is being done on protein, an essential component of diet that is required to synthesize nitrogen-containing compounds.
  • Radiation Protection Bureau
    Find information about a program responsible for the investigation, communication and reduction of health risks to Canadians from exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.
  • Research on Fats, Oils and Other Lipids
    Read about the role of dietary fats and oils in human nutrition, one of the most important areas of concern and investigation in the field of nutritional science due to implications in the etiology of cardiovascular vascular disease.
  • Responsible Pesticide Use
    They buzz, they burrow, they crawl, they sting, they bite, they munch, they torment. From insects to rodents, they can make our lives difficult. If you are planning on using pesticides to control the little beasts, remember these safety tips . . .
  • Safe Environments Programme
    Information about environmental health issues such as radiation, contaminants, health sciences, and health impacts.
  • SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
    Link to information about SARS, including updates, frequently asked questions, fact sheets and news releases.
  • Screening for Cervical Cancer
    Find out how cervical cancer can, for the most part, be avoided or easily treated with regular screening.
  • Screening for Colorectal Cancer
    Find information on colorectal cancer as well as tips for its prevention.
  • Sexuality and Reproductive Health
    Access resources for all ages on topics such as sex and sexuality, sexual orientation, birth control, pregnancy and infertility.
  • Smog and Your Health
    About the issue of smog, the types of air pollution, potential health effects, and what you can do.
  • Syphilis
    Learn about syphilis, a bacterial infection that is transmitted through oral, genital or anal sex with an infected person.
  • Tobacco – Research
    Read descriptions of several reports on smoking or access the full pdf versions.
  • Tuberculosis
    Find information on tuberculosis, such as how the disease is transmitted, risk factors and how to minimize transmission.
  • Undiluted Truth About Drinking Water
    Answering your questions about drinking water quality.
  • Unpasteurized Fruit Juice and Cider
    Find out how unpasteurized drinks, which are normally safe to drink, carry a risk of being contaminated with harmful bacteria that can make people very ill.
  • Veterinary Drugs
    Discover who is responsible for ensuring the safety of foods such as milk, meat, eggs, fish, and honey derived from animals treated with veterinary drugs.
  • Water Quality and Health Bureau
    Lists publications on water quality and your health.
  • Water Soluable Vitamin Research
    Find information on water soluble vitamin research, including their levels and availability in foods, their interactions with other dietary components and their roles in health and disease.
  • West Nile Virus
    The risk of illness from West Nile virus is low, and the risk of serious health effects is even lower, but it's important to know the symptoms of illness related to infection and how to minimize your risk.
  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
    Find information on whooping cough, the common name for Pertussis, which is a highly contagious infection of the respiratory tract.
  • About Biotechnology
    Find background information on the development and uses of biotechnology, including traditional and modern forms of biotechnology and some of the scientific tools that make this technology possible.
  • Advanced Audio Systems
    Learn about research and development in advanced audio technologies for radio, television and internet, including audio source coding techniques, psychoacoustics and channel coding and modulation techniques.
  • Binding Characteristics of DNA and Antigens and Antibodies
    Discover how biotechnology uses biological mechanisms that already exist in nature by using and manipulating, for example, complementary molecules.
  • Bioenergy
    Learn about research being done on bioenergy, which could reduce the negative environmental impacts that result when fossil fuels are used to obtain energy.
  • BioGov
    Travel the international world of biotechnology with BioGov, a portal that provides access to government biotechnology sites from more than 40 countries around the world.
  • Bioindicators
    Discover how bioindicators, organisms used to monitor the state of health of the environment, can provide scientists with valuable information.
  • Bioinformatics
    Find information on bioinformatics, the organization, storage and analysis of the large amounts of biological information and data generated through research on living things.
  • Biopolymers and Bioplastics
    Find research information on biopolymers and bioplastics, alternatives to petrochemical plastics that are being developed due to concern over the cost of fossil fuels and their impact on the environment.
  • Bioremediation
    Learn about bioremediation, which involves using living microorganisms to clean up contaminated soil or water.
  • Biotech Tools
    Learn about some of the common tools used in biotechnology, such as DNA microarrays and antisense technology, and read about related fields that play an important role.
  • Broadband
    Gain a better understanding of broadband Internet with a glossary, fact sheets and statistics about broadband coverage throughout Canada.
  • Cospas-Sarsat: Satellites helping keep Canadians safe
    Learn about Canada’s role in the development of an international satellite system that helps save lives by providing alert and location information to search-and-rescue services throughout the world.
  • CRC: Safeguarding Canada's Networks
    Discover how the Communications Research Centre Canada (CRC) is making communications networks in Canada — and around the world — more secure.
  • CRC-SEAQ: Assessing digital audio quality for the world
    Find out about leading-edge research and development being carried out by Canadian researchers to assess digital audio quality.
  • Databases of Assistive Technology
    Find web-based resources that catalogue assistive devices, their manufacturers and vendors and service providers and practitioners in the fields of assistive technology, rehabilitation and research.
  • Digital Radio Broadcasting
    Learn about international standards for Digital Radio Broadcasting, in which Canada has played an active role in research, development and regulatory work.
  • Diseases and Conditions - Biotechnology
    Discover the important role of biotechnology in the treatment, prevention and diagnosis of several diseases and conditions, including cancer, multiple sclerosis, infertility and spinal cord injury.
  • DNA Microarrays
    Read about the development of DNA microarray technology, which allows scientists to examine thousands of genes at the same time in order to help them determine the complex relationships between individual genes.
  • Drug Delivery Systems
    Learn about drug delivery systems, which refers to both the construct of the drug and its method of administration. Find information on the science, research and applications.
  • Examples of GM (genetically modified) Crops
    Access information on various food and agriculture products that are affected by biotechnology, including canola, flax, soybean and wheat.
  • Eye on Technology
    Read this online newsletter to find the latest information on research and new technologies coming out of the Communications Research Centre.
  • Famous Canadian Patents
    Find a list of several famous Canadian patents. Discover who was responsible for each invention and when the patent was granted.
  • Gene Therapy
    Discover how disease can be treated with gene therapy, the introduction of a new gene into a cell that changes the expression of a person's genes to cure or prevent genetic diseases.
  • Genetic Testing
    Learn about genetic testing, also known as gene testing and DNA tests, which involves the examination of an individual's DNA.
  • Genetically Engineered Mice
    Discover the role of genetically engineered mice in the research lab in allowing researchers to study how a gene affects the progression of a disease and to discover the unknown processes a particular gene may control.
  • Genomics
    Learn about genomics, which is the study of genomes, a term used to describe all of the genes and genetic material that predict the nature of an organism.
  • Industrial Biotechnology
    Find out how biotechnology enables the use of renewable resources in industry, thereby increasing efficiency, decreasing pollution and reducing energy usage and waste production.
  • Innovation in Canada - Success Stories
    Read the success stories of innovative Canadians who have had an impact on new products and services or share your own story to inspire others.
  • LearnCanada: Creating an e-learning environment for Canadians
    Find out how broadband technologies are being used to build an interactive virtual learning community for Canadian students and educators across the country, breaking down barriers of economy, time and place.
  • Monoclonal Antibodies
    Learn about monoclonal antibodies, which differ from antibodies that already exist in the body for the treatment and diagnoses of disease in that they are artificially produced from the clones of a single cell.
  • National Satellite Initiative
    Find information on the National Satellite Initiative and discover how your community can participate.
  • Natural Resources - Biotechnology
    Discover how biotechnology contributes to the sustainable use of Canada's natural resources, such as how it may be used to protect plants and animals.
  • Phytoremediation
    Read about phytoremediation, the use of a plant's natural ability to contain, degrade or remove toxic chemicals and pollutants from soil or water.
  • Pioneering Technology at Shirleys Bay
    Review landmark developments in advanced communications research and development, including the following technologies: Alouette, Cospas-Sarsat, Hermes, Telidon, Anik, ARPANet, Fibre optic, Canadarm, Radarsat and SCISAT.
  • Renewable Energy Industry
    Access a helpful summary of renewable energy information, sorted by type of renewable energy - wind, solar, bioenergy, small-scale hydro, geothermal and ocean - and also by companies involved in the industry.
  • Selectable Marker Genes
    Read about selectable markers, gene sequences used in the lab to distinguish cells that have been successfully transformed and used in the early development stages of certain genetically modified products.
  • Software Defined Radio: Securing clearer communications for Canadians
    Read about Software Defined Radio, an emerging technology that will ensure interoperability among different kinds of radios or other communication devices in crisis situations.
  • Spectrum Explorer: Managing and securing the radio frequency spectrum
    Discover how Canada is addressing the issue of the limited radio frequency spectrum with the development of advanced spectrum monitoring and surveillance technology.
  • Technologies & Tools - Biotechnology
    Learn about the technologies and research tools that support biotechnology applications in healthcare, including stem cell research and the use of genetically engineered mice.
  • Tele-Justice
    Find out how multimedia satellite communications contributes to the justice system by ensuring that citizens in remote areas get speedy legal attention.
  • Transgenic Trees
    Discover how and why scientists are creating transgenic, or genetically modified, trees by adding or removing genes from trees during the genetic engineering process.
  • Treatments & Tests - Biotechnology
    Read about new biotechnology-based treatments and tests, such as gene therapy, genetic testing and protein-based drugs, that are expected to revolutionize health care.
  • What Are Novel Foods?
    Read an article that provides a definition and explanation of novel foods, as well as a description of how they are developed.
  • Canadian Women in Science
    Read biographies of Canadian women who have made significant contributions to scientific research.
  • Life of a Rock Star
    Read stories of Canada's geologists, chemists, paleontologists and botanists. Learn how the first Geological Survey of Canada team was formed and find out how the study of rocks has developed over time.
  • 3D Technology
    Explore the realms of 3D Technology research in areas such as creating realism or virtual reality, human interaction and the storage and sharing of 3D objects and scenes.
  • A Day in the Life...
    Learn about the lives of everyday scientists working at the National Research Council Canada in fields such as astronomy, health sciences, engineering and marine biology.
  • Advanced Materials Design
    Read about research in Canada related to powder forming, functional polymer systems, polymer composites, surface technologies and functional nanomaterials.
  • Aerodynamics - Guy L. Larose
    Explore a career that will blow you away! Meet Dr. Guy Larose, an aerodynamics research officer who analyses the effects of wind on everything from bridges to athletes.
  • Aerospace Manufacturing Technology Centre
    Learn about new technologies being developed in areas related to aerospace manufacturing, including metal forming, liquid composite moulding, resistance welding and aircraft assembly.
  • Astronomical Links
    Connect to a wide assortment of astronomical links. Check the current weather conditions in space, visit NASA or learn about the Hubble Telescope.
  • Astronomy Basics
    Learn about certain astronomy topics, such as telescopes, the solar system, stars, galaxies and Canadian astronomers in this beginner’s guide.
  • Astronomy Research - Projects
    Link to information about current astronomy-related projects, such as telescope and spectrograph development.
  • Astrophysics - Dr. Ken Tapping
    Take a journey to the centre of our solar system with astrophysicist Dr. Ken Tapping, who studies the sun – the engine that drives our environment.
  • Biological Sciences - Dr. Wing Sung
    Meet Dr. Wing Sung and discover a career in which scientists use little proteins to solve big problems, such as treating diseases, reducing chlorine use in the pulp and paper industry and improving the quality of hemp fibre.
  • Biology Basics
    Explore this interactive resource to learn more about the "typical" structures and components of the fundamental units of life: plant cells, animal cells, bacteria, viruses.
  • Biomaterials Fact Sheet
    Learn about advanced research and analysis of biomaterials at the Canadian Neutron Beam Centre.
  • BioMiner
    Read about BioMiner, an integrated data mining infrastructure to process and analyze vast amounts of information, which is playing an important role in the advancement of health care.
  • Bioremediation - Interview with Dr. Charles Greer
    Meet Dr. Charles Greer, who runs an environmental microbiology laboratory at the National Research Council of Canada and researches the use of microorganisms to clean up pollution through a process known as biodegradation.
  • Biosensors and Nanobiotechnology
    Learn more about research into biologically-based sensors based on optical detection, electrochemical detection, and capillary electrophoresis (CE) on a chip with inte-grated optical/electrochemical detection.
  • Broadband Visual Communications
    Learn about broadband Internet and its potential applications. Find information on current research into this technology.
  • Canadian Innovations and Innovators
    Learn about innovators who have contributed to an array of achievements in diverse areas of science and technology.
  • Canadian Light Source
    Discover Canada's synchrotron, an extremely powerful microscope in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
  • Canadian Neutron Beam Centre
    Find out how neutrons are used to examine materials. Discover how researchers can use the Neutron Beam Centre's expertise and instruments and find information on the NRU reactor.
  • Canadian Skies
    Access resources for teachers and students to discover how to explore the skies above Canada. Find information to support curriculum, as well as a glossary of astronomy terms and a gallery of images.
  • Cancer Genomics
    Find information on the Cancer Genomics Program, which develops new drug treatments and diagnostics, concentrating on brain, lung and breast cancers.
  • Ceramics Paired with Coatings
    Discover the science behind ceramics and learn about some of the applications of this key material in many high tech industrial sectors.
  • Cesium Fountain Atomic Clock
    Learn how the most stable clock at the National Research Council of Canada, the cesium fountain atomic clock, works.
  • Chemistry Milestones at NRC
    Find information on prominent chemists at the National Research Council, such as Dr. Keith Ingold, a pioneer in understanding the role of Vitamin E in medicine and health.
  • Construction Innovation
    Read news on construction relating to recent research results, product evaluations, code developments and conference highlights in this online newsletter.
  • Dental Porous Titanium Foam Implants: An Idea with Bite
    Find out how Canadian researchers are working to take a bite out of the dental implant market with the development of titanium foam dental implants, which may transform the way people replace lost or broken teeth.
  • Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory
    Review the instruments and facilities in use at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory and discover how they are used in scientific research to understand distant objects emitting radio energy.
  • e-Government/e-Citizen Research Group
    Learn about the work of a group that conducts social and computer science research on the ways information and communication technologies are applied by and for governments, citizens and communities.
  • Eliminating E.coli O157:H7 from the Digestive Systems of Cattle
    Learn about the development of a natural antibody that Canadian researchers hope will lead to the elimination of E.coli O157:H7 in the digestive tracts of cattle.
  • Energy Materials
    Find out about research being conducted on materials for electrochemical energy storage and delivery systems, such as advanced lithium battery technology and solid oxide fuel cell development.
  • Fuel Cell Research - NRC Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation
    Read about the four strategic areas that are the focus of the Institute for Fuel Cell Innovation's research program, that are important in advancing fuel cell science and technology and facilitating the commercialization of fuel cells.
  • Genomics and Health Initiative
    Link to research information on genomics, an area of scientific study that aims to decipher and understand the genetic information in living organisms.
  • Human-Computer Interaction
    Learn about research into Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in the areas of speech-based interfaces, 3D and virtual reality, socio-ethical issues, socially aware technologies and computer-supported collaboration.
  • Industrial Materials Institute - Fact Sheets
    Find fact sheets on Canadian research related to advanced material design, modelling and diagnostics and the Aluminum Technology Centre.
  • Innovation in BioMaterials: Titanium Foams for Tissue Attachment
    Learn about a new manufacturing process developed in Canada to produce metallic foams for the fabrication of biomedical implants.
  • Institute for Microstructural Sciences - Success Stories
    Read about the achievements in materials research of the Institute for Microstructural Sciences, including advances in microelectronics, acoustics, semiconductors and anti-counterfeiting.
  • Institute for Research in Construction - Shortcuts for Professors / Educators / Students
    Link to practice-oriented publications and guides on construction for professors, educators and students.
  • Interactive Language Technologies
    Learn about the PORTAGE project to develop translation technology, or the ability of computers to translate human languages and asses the quality of translations produced by humans.
  • Led by the Nouse
    Discover the Nouse, or "nose as mouse," an innovation that replaces a computer mouse with facial tracking, and has potential capabilities ranging from security applications to being a tool for those with physical disabilities.
  • Magnetism Fact Sheet
    Discover how neutron scattering research led to new knowledge about magnetism.
  • MD Robotics and ROSA (Remote Operation with Supervised Autonomy)
    Find out about Canadian technology that uses an intelligent understanding of visual information to enable autonomous servicing of space vehicles.
  • Medical Diagnostics - Dr. Roxanne Deslauriers
    Find out how the work of Dr. Roxanne Deslauriers improves our health and quality of life. Learn about her research into non-invasive techniques and technologies for diagnosing and monitoring medical conditions.
  • Metals as Seen through Our Specialists' Eyes
    Learn about Canadian metal research being done at the Industrial Materials Institute (IMI), which has developed expertise in metal processes such as die casting and powder metallurgy, along with related quality control technologies.
  • Nano-Material Architecture
    Discover how single-walled carbon nanotubes are being investigated for potential use in biomedical applications and new composite materials.
  • Nanotechnology
    Learn about nanotechnology, the application of science and engineering at the atomic scale, and discover its applications in the construction of new materials and devices.
  • Nanotechnology and Concrete: Small Science for Big Changes
    Discover how Canadian researchers are helping lead the way in understanding the nanoscale properties of concrete and using this knowledge to create stronger, more durable concrete in a more sustainable manner.
  • National Measurement Standards
    Learn about the institute responsible for developing and maintaining base quantities of measurements such as mass, length, time and temperature.
  • NRC Institute for Biodiagnostics - Research
    Visit the Institute for Biodiagnostics, where research groups are focusing on the development of non-invasive techniques for biomedical applications.
  • NRC Institute for Information Technology – Colloquium Series
    Access the schedule for a series of free talks about academic and industrial research in various areas of Information Technology. Find also the abstracts of many of these past and upcoming presentations.
  • NRC Institute for Marine Biosciences
    Learn about the Institute for Marine Biosciences, an integrated systems biology institute with the capability to study life from the level of the genome to the whole organism.
  • NRC Institute for Ocean Technology
    Explore the Institute for Ocean Technology (IOT), which provides technical expertise in support of Canada's ocean technology industries.
  • NRC Institute for Research in Construction - Publications
    Link to practice-oriented publications and guides on construction for professors, educators and students.
  • NRC Picture Perfect Science
    Use this image database, which includes detailed captions, to see how the National Research Council of Canada is putting science to work for Canada and Canadians.
  • Periodic Table of the Elements
    Navigate this interactive Periodic Table to learn more about the elements and their properties.
  • Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells
    Learn about the Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells Program, whose research is aimed at increasing reliability and durability while improving performance, manufacturability and operational flexibility while decreasing costs.
  • Polymer Nanocomposites
    Discover polymer nanocomposites and learn about their structure, properties and potential applications in the materials industry.
  • Polymeric Materials
    Learn about research into the design, synthesis and modification of polymeric materials, and find out how these versatile materials can be used in Canada's plastics and polymers industry.
  • Polymers: Next Generation Materials and Applications are Expanding
    Learn about the creation of products for applications such as foams, films, moulding and electroplating from polymer-based materials, the primary material used in making plastics.
  • Public Outreach - NRC Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics
    Learn about astronomy and about Canada's involvement in this field of research, whether you are a dedicated astronomer or simply want to find the name of the brightest star.
  • Scattered Neutrons Never Lie!
    Learn about the materials analysis method known as powder neutron diffraction and discover how it works.
  • Sky This Month
    Discover what events are occurring in the sky this month. Find out when there will be a full moon or what planets might be visible and where to find them in the night sky.
  • Skygazing: Astronomy Through the Seasons
    Discover something new going on in the sky above you with Dr. Ken Tapping, an astronomer who shows you how to enjoy the beauty and mysteries of the heavens with nothing more than binoculars.
  • Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
    Find information on research of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFC), which is aimed at improving durability and lowering costs by reducing operating temperatures and system complexity.
  • Subject Search of IRC Publications
    Search publications from the Institute for Research in Construction (IRC) to find research on many aspects of construction science including acoustics, envelope building, fire, infrastructure and materials.
  • Technologies and Materials for the Biomedical Sector
    Learn about research activities of the Industrial Materials Institute in the formulation, behaviour, modelling and processing of biomaterials.
  • Technology Roadmap
    Access a document that is used as a forecasting tool in the marine and ocean industry to identify future market needs and develop strategic technologies.
  • The Quest for the Ultimate Measurement: Single Atom Timepieces and Femtosecond frequency Combs covering the Optical Spectrum
    Learn about Canada’s contributions and research into the goal of perfecting time measurement. Read about key developments and the latest technologies.
  • Time Services - Frequently Asked Questions
    Read answers to common questions about the measurement of time on topics including leap years, seasons, sun and moon cycles and daylight savings time.
  • Uqausiit: Inuktitut Language Technologies
    Learn about the challenges in adapting computers to use Inuktitut, the main language for Nunavut and the major language for the Circumpolar region, and find out how researchers in Canada are using technology to help meet these challenges.
  • Working for National Research Council Canada
    Discover a variety of career possibilities with National Research Council Canada. Explore the searchable jobs database or find out how to apply for an employment program.
  • Advanced Combustion Technologies Group
    Learn how the Advanced Combustion Technologies Group assists industry to develop cleaner, more energy-efficient combustion processes.
  • Advanced House
    Discover how your choices and actions as an individual, can save energy and help fight global warming (text and video).
  • Age of Rocks – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the history of the formation of the earth and when various areas of Canada were formed, as shown by layering of rock.
  • Alien Bugs
    Learn about efforts to erradicate the Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle, an alien species that has caused the deaths of red spruce trees in Halifax, Nova Scotia (text and video).
  • Alien Forest Pests
    Read the PDF version of Alien Forest Pests – Context For Canada’s Forest Service Program.
  • Alien Invaders in Canada's Waters, Wetlands and Forests
    A collection of papers about various alien species and the impact they have had on Canadian ecosystems.
  • Alternative Fuels
    Discover how alternative fuel vehicles produce up to 30% less C02 than their gasoline counterparts (text and video).
  • Aquatic Effects Technology Evaluation Reports
    AETE reports look at appropriate, cost-effective methods of determining the biological and non-biological impacts of mine effluents on Canada’s lakes, rivers and streams.
  • Ask-a-Geologist
    A forum to ask questions on topics related to the geosciences in Canada, with links to online educational resources.
  • Astro-Collector
    Take the gravity challenge by collecting research samples on planets and moons throughout our solar system. Part of the Arcade.
  • Atlantic Forestry Centre
    The Atlantic Forestry Centre conducts regional and national forestry research programs.
  • Atlas of Canada
    A dynamic and comprehensive national collection of maps and related geographic information.
  • Avalanches – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about avalanches in Canada, mass movements of snow and ice down a hillside that occur when unique circumstances of climate and topographic factors come together.
  • Biodiesel
    Discover biodiesel, a new fuel that is better for the environment than gasoline and is made from renewable sources such as soybeans or used french fry oil.
  • Biodiversity Research Web Site
    Learn about the organization that strives to conserve biodiversity in Canada's forests and promotes the sustainable use of the forest resource.
  • Bioenergy
    Access information about bioenergy, produced by the release of stored chemical energy contained in fuels made from biomass, a product of solar energy that is stored by the photosynthetic activity of plants.
  • Bioenergy Research at the Canadian Forest Service
    Discover the ways that biomass, plant material that is the product of photosynthesis, can be used as a fuel to supply heat and electricity.
  • Buildings Centre - Canada Centre for Minerals and Energy Technology Energy Technology Centre - Varennes
    Learn how the Varennes Centre can provide building managers with tools for decreasing energy consumption, improving indoor comfort and reducing building energy and maintenance costs.
  • Buildings Group - CANMET Energy Technology Centre
    Visit the Buildings Group, which develops and deploys building technologies and innovations to reduce energy consumption and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
  • Canada Centre for Minerals and Energy Technology (CANMET) Energy Technology Centre – Varennes
    Read about the ways that the Varennes centre works with two industry-related R&D areas, process integration and process engineering, to implement energy efficient technologies in industry.
  • Canada Centre for Remote Sensing
    Access information from the program responsible for receiving, processing and archiving Earth observation data. Find information on topics including climate change, northern development and natural hazards.
  • Canada Centre for Remote Sensing - Climate Change
    Developing remote sensing techniques to monitor and model environmental and climate change processes. Information on forestry, hydrology, landcover, marine, mapping, and productivity.
  • Canada Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS) Image Showcase
    Visit the image gallery of the Canada Centre for Remote Sensing to see thematic satellite images of many regions of Canada.
  • Canada From Space
    View pictures, taken from space, of select areas across Canada. Identify landmarks such as rivers, forests and even golf courses!
  • Canada’s Arctic - Polar Continental Shelf Project
    Explore Canada's Arctic, a vast, fascinating landscape consisting of Yukon, the Northwest Territories and Nunavut. Learn about climate, habitat and more.
  • Canada’s Forests - An Overview of Canada's Forests and Forest Industry
    Overview of Canadian forests and forestry focusing on various Canadian ecozones.
  • Canada's Forests and the Global Carbon Cycle
    Forests remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and thus help reduce global warming.
  • Canada's Minerals and Metals: Key Facts
    Read several key facts about minerals and metals in Canada, from global, local and economic perspectives.
  • Canada's Model Forest Program
    An initiative in building partnerships locally, nationally, and internationally to generate new ideas and solutions to sustainable forest management issues.
  • Canada's National Forest Inventory
    Provides information on Canada's forest conditions, monitoring and reporting from the Canadian Forest Service.
  • Canadian Clean Coal Technology Roadmap
    Learn about efforts to develop and implement technologies that can allow coal-fired electricity generating plants to be retrofitted or built so that they produce low to zero emissions.
  • Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Research Network (C-CIARN)
    Access information from the network that facilitates the generation of climate change knowledge, identifies information gaps and defines research priorities.
  • Canadian CO2 Capture and Storage Technology Network (CCCSTN)
    Access information from a network established to respond to increasing interest in the technology to capture and store carbon dioxide in order to reduce emissions.
  • Canadian Forest Service - Climate Change
    Research on climate change effects on Canadian forests and their ecosystems as well as Canadian forest contributions to the carbon cycle.
  • Canadian Forest Service - Publications and Products
    Linking you to everything forestry, including statistics, alien invaders database, national forestry database, State of Canada's Forests report, plant hardiness zones map and more.
  • Canadian Forest Service - Science
    Find out how the Canadian Forestry Service is using science to intercept, identify and limit the impact of forest pests, and about research on biodiversity, biotechnology, climate change, ecology, silviculture and forest fires.
  • Canadian Forest Service Bookstore
    Visit this bookstore to find publications from the Canadian Forest Service, most of which are available free of charge in print or pdf form.
  • Canadian Forest Service Research Areas
    The CFS undertakes research in biodiversity, biotechnology, climate change, ecology and ecosystem, entomology, forest conditions, forest fires, forest and landscape management, pathology, silviculture and regeneration, and socioeconomics.
  • Canadian Geographical Names
    Access the database of toponyms, or geographical names, that are used on official, Government of Canada maps.
  • Canadian Geospatial Data Infrastructure
    Access geospatial databases, tools and services on-line, including an extensive collection of maps and images.
  • Canadian Landscapes
    Over 1000 images with descriptions of landscapes and landforms illustrate the great diversity of Canadian scenery.
  • Canadian Renewable Energy Network
    Link to information on renewable energy. Discover how to reduce energy costs in the home and learn about technologies such as hydroelectric and solar energy.
  • Canadian Spatial Reference System (CSRS) - A Framework for Natural Hazards Information
    Continuous observations of data allow the monitoring of changes, which for example can illustrate yearly ground motion at points around globe. Site includes links to Canadian and international data collecting agencies.
  • Canadian Wildland Fire Information System
    The Canadian Wildland Fire Information System creates daily fire weather and fire behavior maps year-round and hot spot maps throughout the forest fire season, generally between May and September.
  • Centre for Topographic Information
    Responsible for the provision of topographic information about Canada’s landmass, the centre collects maps and aerial photography that details natural and man-made land features.
  • Chronology of Geomagnetic Effects
    Link to a chronology of geomagnetic events with this interactive graph that provides detailed descriptions of events dating as far back as the 1840s.
  • Climate Change – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to look at a geographical perspective of climate change and discover why changes in climate have become a global issue of concern.
  • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program
    Explore a variety of Government of Canada supported research on climate change, including resources such as publications, online posters and fact sheets.
  • Climate Change in Atlantic Canada
    Find out how climate change affects Atlantic Canada, such as how ecosystems in the ocean are impacted or the damage of coastal flooding caused by storm surges.
  • Climate Change in Nunavut
    Learn about climate change in Nunavut and find out how it is affecting the ecosystems and culture of Canada’s North.
  • Climate Change in Ontario
    Find out about climate change in Ontario and how it affects health, water, farms and forests.
  • Climate Change in Prairie Provinces
    Learn about melting glaciers, changing vegetation and extreme weather, some of the results of climate change in the prairie provinces.
  • Climate Change in Quebec
    Discover how people can help prevent climate change in order to reduce its detrimental effects on ecosystems, such as that of the St. Lawrence River region in Québec.
  • Climate Change in Southwestern British Columbia
    Discover how climate change poses a threat to salmon, water levels, air quality and forests in British Columbia.
  • Climate Change in the Yukon and Northwest Territories
    Find out about the implications of climate change in the Territories. Discover what it means to have a greener North.
  • Climate Change Research at the Canadian Forestry Service
    The Canadian Forest Service is generating knowledge and exploring the effects of climate change on Canada's forests to promote sustainable forest management.
  • CO2 Capture and Storage
    Learn about cutting-edge Government of Canada research at a massive facility in western Canada where carbon dioxide emissions are safely buried underground, protecting the atmosphere.
  • CO2 Capture and Storage Technology Roadmap
    Read about the development of a technology to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions by capturing carbon dioxide and storing it underground in geological formations.
  • CoastWeb
    Visit CoastWeb to find coastal research by the Geological Survey of Canada, including information about sea level change, storm impact and coastal mapping.
  • Code Breaker
    Challenge your mind to see how many secret codes you can decipher within 90 seconds. Part of the Arcade.
  • Cordilleran and Continental Margin Tectonics
    By acquiring and combining various types of data, we are able to map and to model underground structures and ongoing processes that formed and are forming this region, produce hazards and created the distribution of minerals.
  • Cordilleran Geoscience
    Explore the geoscience of the Canadian Cordillera, the name for the mountains of western Canada and the submerged regions on the continental shelf and slope.
  • Criteria and Indicators of Sustainable Forest Management
    Links to reports on the status of Canada's forest sustainability, the capacity to measure forest sustainability, and a framework of criteria and indicators for measuring progress towards sustainable forest management.
  • Current Space Weather
    Discover the current weather conditions in space for areas across Canada. View the latest forecast and learn how space forecasts are determined.
  • Deformation of the Sudbury Structure
    Efforts to understand the origin of the major mineral occurrences at Sudbury can help us understand the potential of other impact craters in Canada and elsewhere.
  • De-Ice Bugs
    Learn about Pseudomonis putida, bacteria that degrades ethylene glycol efficiently to protect bodies of water from the deicing fluid used on the wings of planes (text and video).
  • Drainage Basins – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about Canada’s major drainage regions, areas that drain all precipitation as a runoff or base flow (groundwater sources) into a particular river or set of rivers.
  • Earth and Geothermal Energy
    Find information about the two types of energy that can be obtained from the earth, earth energy and geothermal energy.
  • Earth Observation for Sustainable Development of Forests
    Find out how space-based earth observation (EO) technologies are being used to create products for forest inventory, forest carbon accounting, monitoring sustainable development and landscape management.
  • EarthNet
    Teachers, find a variety of earth sciences resources, including experiments, information on the geology of various communities and a glossary.
  • Earthquakes – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about Canada’s past earthquakes, the rapid shaking of the earth’s surface that follows the sudden release of energy within the earth.
  • Earthquakes Canada
    About the causes of the earthquakes and the hazards associated with earthquakes in Canada.
  • Earthquakes Canada - West
    Find out when earthquakes occur in western Canada. Report any that you may have felt or learn more about earthquakes, seismographs and plate tectonics.
  • Ecological Framework – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the 20 land and water ecozones of Canada.
  • Electricity Resources
    Access information about the Electricity Resources Branch, organized into three divisions that all interface with the electricity sector in Canada.
  • EnerGuide - Tips for Your Home
    Discover many energy-saving techniques for around the house by making certain choices in lighting, plumbing, landscaping and much more.
  • Energy and Sustainable Development
    Read about Natural Resources Canada's efforts towards sustainable development and the use of the nation's energy resources.
  • Energy and the Environment Calendar
    Kids, explore NRCat’s tree-house and find lots of great stuff about energy and energy efficiency - animation, adventures, artwork and more!
  • Energy Efficient Homes Built to R2000 Standard
    Learn about R2000 standards for house construction to find out how leading edge, Canadian, clean technology is used to build energy efficient and environmentally responsible homes (text and video).
  • Energy in Canada
    Link to information on climate change, energy efficiency and renewable energy. Read about energy policies and learn about international priorities.
  • Energy in Canada 2000
    Read the complete text of Energy in Canada 2000. Use the table of contents to find information on Canadian energy policy, energy and the economy and federal government lines of action.
  • Energy Solutions
    Find energy solutions, for homes and cottages either on-grid or off-grid. Discover solutions for the office and make money on waste wood.
  • Energy Technologies for High Temperature Processes Group
    Find out what research is being conducted to support Canadian coal producers and ironmakers, in areas including coal injection into blast furnaces, extending the life of coke ovens and improving the quality of coke.
  • Environmental Atlas of the Beaufort Coastlands
    Information on the environment and its protection, supporting the efforts of those developing and harvesting the natural resources, and helping to ensure the preservation of a native way of life.
  • Experimental Mines
    Visit a former working mine that is now dedicated to research for developing and testing safe, cost-effective mining equipment and systems (text and video).
  • First Scientists: Non-Timber Forest Products
    Discover that forests have much more to offer than just trees. Non-timber forest products are used in medicines, food, clothing and much more (text and video).
  • Flexible Materials Capture Solar Energy
    Learn how Canadian scientists are using tiny silicon spheres to efficiently convert sunlight into electricity without the use of fossil fuels (text and video).
  • Flooding in Canada
    Link to information on flooding, including research activities and flood-related scientific products.
  • Floods – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about floods that have occurred in Canada, including flash floods, freshet and outburst floods.
  • Forest Carbon Accounting
    Canada’s forests contain large pools of carbon and we need detailed, scientifically rigorous forest carbon accounting to help scientists fully understand their role in the global carbon cycle.
  • Forest Conditions, Monitoring and Reporting
    Includes reports on the state of Canada’s forests and sustainable forest management.
  • Forest Ecosystems of Canada
    Learn more about forest ecosystems by exploring four themes of Canadian Forest Service research: classification, dynamics, disturbances and conservation issues.
  • Forest Fire in Canada
    Monitor forest fires in Canada with current maps of fire danger zones, hotspots detected by satellite and more. Learn about the positive and negative effects of forest fires.
  • Forest Fires – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to discover what differentiates a major forest fire from a small one and to learn about the causes, contributors to and methods of fighting major forest fires in Canada.
  • Forest Inventory Terms in Canada
    Forest inventories in Canada have developed in response to local or regional needs. Terminology has tended to develop local or regional variations. This publication is intended to reduce these problems by providing the Canadian forestry community with a common forest inventory terminology and explaining its usage.
  • Forest, Source of Life (Canada Pavilion on-line)
    Learn about the forests of Canada by interacting with presentations, web sites and quizzes.
  • Forestry Leaflets
    General and diagnostic information on some of the most common insects and diseases that affect trees and shrubs in the prairie provinces.
  • Formation of Diamonds
    Discover how diamonds are formed. Read a text explanation or view a video that demonstrates the process.
  • Freshwater – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about freshwater, including where it can be found and how it is used and consumed.
  • Fundamentals of Remote Sensing
    What is remote sensing? Remote sensing is the science (and to some extent, art) of acquiring information about the Earth's surface without actually being in contact with it.
  • Fundamentals of Remote Sensing - Oceans and Coastal Monitoring
    Understanding ocean dynamics is important for fish stock assessment, ship routing, forecasting and monitoring storms so as to reduce the impact of disaster on marine navigation, off-shore exploration, and coastal settlements.
  • Gas Hydrates
    Uses studies on the west coast of Vancouver Island as an example.
  • Gas Hydrates in Canada’s North
    Find out how scientists discovered they could extract methane hydrate, a clean-burning gas, from its source in an efficient, economic way (text and video).
  • GeoBase - Home
    Visit GeoBase to access quality Canadian geospatial information at no cost and with unrestricted use.
  • Geodetic Survey Division
    Learn about Geodesy, the study of the shape and size of the earth. Access online data, products and services.
  • Geodetic Survey Division
    Facilitates access to the Canadian Spatial Reference System. The result is a national coordinate system which serves as a reference for all mapping, charting, navigation, boundary demarcation, crustal deformation, and other georeferencing needs.
  • Geodynamics Program
    Information on contemporary movements of the Earth's crust, for the study of earthquake hazard and global change.
  • GeoGratis
    Distributes geospatial data about Canada. The data is available for free.
  • Geological Provinces – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the shield, platforms, orogens and continental shelves that make up Canada’s geological provinces, characterized by rocks and structures of varying types and ages.
  • Geomagnetic Effects on Communication Cables
    Learn how cable systems are effected by the varying magnetic field that occurs during a geomagnetic disturbance, influencing continental, submarine and fibre optic systems.
  • Geomagnetic Effects on Power Systems
    Find out how geomagnetic disturbances, during which magnetic field variations occur, can have a serious effect on power systems.
  • Geomagnetism
    Learn about the Earth's magnetic field -- or geomagnetic field -- an ever-changing phenomenon that influences human activity and the natural world in a myriad of ways.
  • Geomatics Canada
    Describes geomatics, the geomatics technology sector and provides access to geographical tools.
  • Geomatics Canada - Educational Resources
    Includes links to dozens of resources including the Canadian Communities Atlas, Maps 101, Remote Sensing Teachers Kits and Ask a Geologist.
  • Geomatics for Northern Development
    Discover how geomatics is being used to help sustainable development in Canada's North. Find links to other Northern-related websites.
  • Geomatics for Sustainable Development of Natural Resources – Success Stories
    Read several success stories relating to the Government of Canada's use of geomatics as a tool for integrating sustainable development.
  • Geomatics for the Sustainable Development of Natural Resources (GSDNR)
    Find information about the program responsible for providing reliable geospatial information as part of the Government of Canada’s priority of integrating sustainable development.
  • Georgia Basin Geohazards Initiative
    Explore the Georgia Basin and learn about the project that provides the geoscientific knowledge necessary for effective decision making on environmental and resource management issues in this area.
  • Geoscape Calgary
    Visit Geoscape Calgary to learn about the city's landscape and how geological knowledge contributes to sustainable land-use decisions for Calgary's growing population.
  • Geoscape Canada
    Visit Geoscape Canada, which visually explains landscapes, earth and water resources and natural hazards of Canadian communities through posters, available both online and in print.
  • Geoscape Fort Fraser
    Learn about bedrock, ice age and modern sediments, groundwater and much more at Geoscape Fort Fraser.
  • Geoscape Montréal
    Visit Geoscape Montréal to find out how the St. Lawrence River and Mount Royal played key roles in the city's founding and growth
  • Geoscape Ottawa - Gatineau
    Visit Geoscape Ottawa - Gatineau to learn about an area that has experienced mountain building and erosion, tropical and temperate seas, thick ice sheets and erosion by rivers.
  • Geoscape Québec
    Travel through more than a billion years of the geologic history of Québec, the junction of three major geological provinces.
  • Geoscape Southern Saskatchewan
    Explore Geoscape Saskatchewan to learn about the prairies, a mosaic of flat plains, rolling hills, steep-sided valleys, and forested coulees.
  • Geoscape Toronto
    Unearth information about the Greater Toronto Area's fascinating geologic past through five themes highlighting significant geoscape features in the region.
  • Geoscape Vancouver
    Visit Geoscape Vancouver to learn about volcanoes, mountain watersheds, the Fraser River delta, earthquakes and much more.
  • Geoscape Victoria
    Visit Geoscape Victoria to find information on the landscape of southern Vancouver Island, the product of a wide variety of natural processes acting over 370 million years.
  • Geoscape Whitehorse
    Tour Geoscape Whitehorse to find information on volcanic eruptions, groundwater, radon gas and much more.
  • Geoscience for Oceans Management
    Learn about the program that delivers the geoscience knowledgebase to manage Canada's offshore lands.
  • Glaciers and Icefields
    Provides estimates for areas by region, and the number of glaciers for those areas surveyed to date.
  • Glaciers and Icefields – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about glaciers and icefields, huge masses of ice that cover 200 000 square kilometers or 2% of Canada’s area.
  • Great Lakes Forestry Centre
    The Great Lakes Forestry Centre conducts research, and provides the forest sector with information and leading edge technologies to ensure it remains competitive, environmentally responsible, and sustainable.
  • Green Side Up - A Guide to Tree Planting
    Planting trees is not only a nice thing to do - it's one way each of us can help improve the environment. Tree planting is not difficult if you remember to follow these simple steps and "keep the green side up!"
  • Ground Hemlock: A new source for an anti-cancer drug
    Find out about a partnership that involves the development of a new forest-based industry in eastern Canada using ground hemlock, a major anti-cancer drug.
  • Groundwater – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about groundwater beneath the surface of the earth, which is more plentiful in Canada than water found on the surface.
  • Hailstorms – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about hail, when and where it occurs, the damage it causes and major hailstorms that have occurred in Canada.
  • Handbook of Maritime Trees
    Helps to choose the most appropriate trees for plantings on school grounds, woodlots, parks, natural areas, residential, and environmental restoration projects.
  • Harvest Race
    Add sun, water and nutrients to wheat in this fast-paced game for those who like to see results. Part of the Arcade.
  • Hurricanes That Affected Canada – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn how hurricanes are formed and when and where in Canada they occur.
  • Hydroelectric Energy
    Learn about hydroelectric energy, a renewable energy source dependent upon the hydrologic cycle of water, which involves evaporation, precipitation and the flow of water due to gravity.
  • Hydrogen Fuel Cells
    Learn about how Government of Canada research and development is helping manufacturers produce hydrogen fuel-cell-powered vehicles and tools for industry, home and commercial markets.
  • Ice Cores
    See how studies of ice cores are helping to decipher past environmental change (text and video).
  • If the Earth Could Talk
    Find out what the Earth might say if it could talk! Learn about volcanoes, glaciers, mining and more.
  • Image Processing Standards for Earth Observation Data
    Learn about geometric processing, the correction of errors of skew, rotation and perspective in raw, remotely sensed data.
  • Improved Flaring of Gases
    Discover how Canadian research is helping to improve flaring from drill rigs and refineries to reduce their environmental impacts (text and video).
  • Information Forestry
    Find the latest on research and development activities at the Pacific Forestry Centre through this online newsletter, which contains information about forestry research in various aspects of forestry.
  • Information Forestry
    This newsletter contains information about research in various aspects of forestry, such as silviculture, remote sensing, biological control, and insect and disease management.
  • Insects
    Learn about the threat that alien insect species can pose when they make their way into Canada (text and video).
  • Insects and Diseases of Eastern Canada's Forests
    An extensive collection of images and a variety of information on the main insects and diseases of Quebec forests and, more broadly, the forests of Eastern Canada.
  • Insects and Diseases of Western Canada’s Forests
    Learn more about the forests of Western Canada with information on trees and the effects of insects and diseases on them.
  • Introduction to the Geology of the Canadian Cordillera
    About the mountains of western Canada, their plateau regions and the continental shelf. Mountain-building is continuing here, as evidenced by earthquakes and recently active volcanoes.
  • Landslides
    Learn about the project that uses historical data of landslides to assess and understand landslide hazards, produce related maps and reduce risks relating to landslides.
  • Landslides – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about rock avalanches, rockslides, rockfalls, debris flows and debris avalanches, the different types of landslides that occur in Canada.
  • Main Minerals and Metals Produced in Canada
    Learn about the many different minerals and metals produced in Canada, including gold, nickel, and salt. Discover where they are found and how they are mined or otherwise accessed.
  • Marine Geoscience
    Presents a variety of marine geoscience activities. Projects include the Georgia Basin Geohazards initiative, Sponge Reef project, Gas Hydrate studies, Marine Hydrogeology studies and the Geological Survey of Canada Expedition Database.
  • Meteorite Identification
    Learn about meteorites, rocks that have fallen from space, and discover how they are distinguished from Earth rocks.
  • Minerals and Metals - Students and Teachers
    A listing of educational resources on the minerals and metals sector.
  • Minerals and Mining Statistics On-Line
    Find statistical information on mineral production, exploration, trade and use. Access Canadian mining facts, a minerals yearbook, publications and interactive maps.
  • Mining and the Environment
    Read about the modern challenge for mining companies to find, extract and process mineral and metal resources with the least possible disruption to the ecosystem.
  • Mining Innovations
    Learn how science and technology support the innovations that create the “modern face of mining.”
  • National Forest Fire Situation Report
    During the fire season, weekly reports are provided about the size and location of forest fires, the mobilization needs for containment and the status of burned areas.
  • National Forestry Database Program
    Database providing information about forestry activity, including; forest inventory, allowable cut, management costs, revenues and economic profiles, forest fires, insects and pesticides.
  • National Gravity Program
    Gravity is measured because it is not constant around the world. The gravitational pull originates at the centre of the earth and is stronger at lower altitudes and the north and south poles than at the equator and higher altitudes.
  • National Permafrost Database
    Baseline data and monitoring activities concerning permafrost which record temperature, thickness and layer characteristics.
  • National Tree Seed Centre
    A collection, processing, testing, and storage facility for tree and shrub seed, the Centre provides seed of known origin and quality for research purposes to researchers around the world.
  • Natural Elements
    Learn about the latest issues facing the natural resources sector in Canada in this electronic newsletter.
  • Natural Gas Division
    Read about the Natural Gas Division, which provides expert technical, regulatory, policy and economic information and advice on natural gas issues to the Minister of Natural Resources and the federal government to ensure the Canadian public interest.
  • Natural Hazards – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the major natural disasters that have occurred in Canada, including earthquakes, landslides and tornadoes.
  • Natural Resources Canada - Climate Change
    This climate change site has sections on news, publications, issues, policies, actions, science and research and press releases by Natural Resources Canada.
  • New Brunswick Tree and Shrub Species of Concern
    This guide is intended to help identify species that may require gene conservation strategies and to increase awareness of the importance of these natural resources.
  • North Magnetic Pole
    Describes the North Magnetic Pole, its movement across the Canadian Arctic, the earth’s magnetic field and the history of expeditions to the Pole.
  • Northern Development
    Learn about the development of efficient remote sensing monitoring and mapping methods for land, water and human-made features of our vast northern areas.
  • Northern Forestry Centre
    The Northern Forestry Centre conducts research, and provides the forest sector with information and leading edge technologies to ensure it remains competitive, environmentally responsible, and sustainable.
  • NRCan Career Profiles
    Find information on career opportunities at Natural Resources Canada. Read career profiles or learn about opportunities available through student and youth programs, scientific programs and visiting fellowships.
  • NRCan Trailblazers
    Read about several Trailblazers who contributed to the beginnings, development or advancement of Natural Resources Canada.
  • Nuclear Explosion Monitoring
    Read about the Government of Canada’s role in the detection and technical analysis of nuclear explosions.
  • Oak Ridges Moraine
    Access research information on groundwater. View maps and images or review the data made available.
  • Office of Energy Efficiency
    Find out how to reduce energy use and save money at home, at work and on the road. Discover incentives and rebates and read numerous energy-saving tips.
  • Office of Energy Research and Development
    Link to information about the Office of Energy Research and Development, the Government of Canada's co-ordinator of energy research and development activities.
  • Oil Division
    Access information on the Oil Division, which provides expert policy advice to the Minister of Natural Resources, and others in the Government of Canada, on matters affecting Canada's oil economy.
  • Pacific Forestry Centre
    The Pacific Forestry Centre conducts research and provides the forest sector with information and leading edge technologies to ensure it remains competitive, environmentally responsible, and sustainable.
  • PaleoGallery
    View and read about a series of sketches of fossils that demonstrate the work done by paleontologists in Canada.
  • Past Lives: Chronicles of Canadian Paleontology
    Scroll through this electronic book to learn about paleontology in Canada, including stories and anecdotes about the people who collected or studied specific Canadian fossils.
  • Permafrost – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about permafrost, which occurs when the ground remains at or below a temperature of 0oC for a minimum period of two years.
  • Publications - Canada Centre for Minerals and Energy Technology Energy Technology Centre – Varennes
    Link to publications about energy from the buildings, industry and renewable energy sectors to find information on topics such as refrigeration and waste gas recovery.
  • Reducing Canada's Vulnerability to Climate Change
    Discover research into improved understanding of the vulnerability of Canada's landscape, coastal areas, infrastructure and communities to climate change.
  • Rehabilitation of Mine Sites
    Learn about the environmental impacts of abandoned mines and how geochemistry can improve the management of mine by-products and waste.
  • Relief – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the multitude of very different landscapes found within Canada.
  • Remote Sensing - Natural Hazards
    Remote sensing methods that monitor, model, and map natural hazards for events such as floods, hurricanes, forest fires, oil spills and geohazards.
  • Remote Sensing Applications - Land Cover
    Research highlights include environmental applications, biophysical measurements from satellite, boreal ecosystems productivity simulator, forest fire monitoring, data correction products, radiation products, vegetation products, the Land Cover Map of Canada and more.
  • Remote Sensing Applications - Marine
    Research highlights include ship detection, wind retrieval, coastal mapping, oil spill detection, oceanic phenomena and sea ice.
  • Renewable Energy - Canada Centre for Minerals and Energy Technology Energy Technology Centre – Varennes
    Find information on renewable energy, such as solar heating, wind energy and alternative fuels from sources including water, biomass, wind, sunlight, earth and waste.
  • Renewable Energy Technologies Group
    Learn about the Renewable Energy Technologies Program, which supports Canadian industry's efforts to develop and deploy renewable energy technologies.
  • Request for Earthquake Information from the Public
    Help seismologists determine how your area may respond to future earthquakes by contributing intensity information on the earthquakes you experience.
  • Research and Innovation
    Access research information on mining, mineral science and explosives. Read about mine environment and materials technologies.
  • Rock Categories – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to find out how rocks are formed through igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic processes, depending on differences in texture, composition and bedding characteristics.
  • Science and Technology Internship Program
    Find information about a Natural Resources Canada internship program that is aimed at science and engineering graduates, complete with details on how to apply.
  • Science Arcade
  • Sea Ice – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about sea ice, any form of ice that is found at sea and has originated from the freezing of sea water.
  • Solar Energy
    Read about solar energy, and find out how it can be used effectively for heating and cooling, electricity production and chemical processes.
  • Space Weather Effects on GPS
    Find out how systems such as the Global Positioning System, that use constellations of earth-orbiting satellites, are affected by space weather phenomena.
  • Space Weather Effects on Satellites
    Learn how an environment populated with charged particles can cause satellites serious problems, including phantom commands, damage to electronics, loss of control and even satellite failure.
  • Space Weather Effects on Technology/Geomagnetic Hazards
    Find out how space weather phenomena have a variety of effects on technology. Tour an interactive diagram to find out how particles such as solar flare protons influence avionics, spacecraft electronics and GPS signals.
  • Sponge Reef Project
    Explore the sponge reefs on the continental shelf. Learn about sponges and the habitat they provide for other creatures.
  • State of Canada's Forests
    Access the complete text of The State of Canada’s Forests.
  • State of Energy Efficiency in Canada
    Read the complete text of the Office of Energy Efficiency Report 2003 and access related publications and databases.
  • Statistics and Facts on Forestry
    Forestry facts and links to forestry statistics websites.
  • Statistics and Facts on Geomatics
    Facts about the geomatics and geoscience industries (primarily surveying and mapping components) and links to earth sciences sector websites.
  • Students' Climate Lab
    As part of the Government of Canada Climate Change Web site, this is a section for youth to find projects, ask questions and share ideas with others.
  • Success Stories
    Read success stories on mineral technologies to discover, for example, Canadian initiatives to make mining safer or how lead is being removed from tap water.
  • Surficial Materials – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to discover how glaciers affect the location and form of the unconsolidated material on the earth’s surface.
  • Sustaining Energy Resources
    Read about the Energy Sector's role concerning Canada's energy resources – to support good public policy decision-making and regulation of Canada's energy industries.
  • Targeted Geoscience Initiative
    Find out how this initiative stimulates sustainable economic development across Canada by increasing the level and effectiveness of private sector exploration for energy and mineral resources.
  • The Dominion Observatory: 100 Years of Geoscience
    Read about the history of scientific research at the Dominion Observatory and learn how the observatory contributed to geophysics in Canada.
  • Toporama
    Click on an area of this index map of Canada to get a map sheet at the scale 1:1 000 000.
  • Tornadoes – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about tornadoes and the major tornadoes that have affected parts of Canada.
  • Tracking Deforestation and its Carbon Consequences
    Developing technology to determine how much forest is disappearing and how that affects the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.
  • Transportation Energy Technologies Program
    Read about the program that works with industry to develop and deploy transportation technologies that minimize environmental impacts, increase job potential and wealth creation and extend the lifespan of our energy resource base.
  • Tree DNA
    Discover how DNA analysis may soon be used to catch tree thieves (text and video).
  • Tree Species by Ecoregion – Atlas of Canada
    Review Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about the deciduous and coniferous trees of Canada and the ecoregions, or ecozones, in which they are found.
  • Tree Talk - Tree Care Advice for the Homeowner
    Current Information on insects and trees in the boreal forest.
  • Tsunamis – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to discover what causes tsunamis, or huge ocean waves, and where they have occurred in Canada.
  • Turkey Lakes Watershed Information
    Learn about forestry research that is being done as a part of the Turkey Lakes Watershed Study. For example, find out about research on natural disturbances that affect forest productivity.
  • Turtles of Ontario
    Find information on, and images of, the many different types of turtles in Ontario.
  • Urban Geology of the National Capital Area
    A pilot project aimed at developing methodologies and standards for sound urban planning.
  • Vehicle Fuels - Biodiesel
    Learn about biodiesel, an alternative to diesel fuel that is made from vegetable oils, waste oils or animal fats. It combusts better than conventional diesel and produces fewer greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change.
  • Vehicle Fuels - Ethanol
    Find information about ethanol. When processed from its liquid form into fuel ethanol, it burns more completely than gasoline, reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Volcanic Areas – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about volcanoes and the distribution of the main volcanic complexes in Canada and around the world.
  • Volcanoes of Canada
    About volcanoes, of which Canada has examples of almost every type. Although none are erupting now many have the potential to erupt in the near future.
  • Welcome to the Minerals and Metals Sector
    Discover Canada’s minerals and metals. Access mining and mineral technology publications and link to information for teachers, students and job seekers.
  • Wetlands – Atlas of Canada
    Explore Atlas of Canada information and maps to learn about wetlands, which occur across most of Canada and play an extremely important role in ecology.
  • What is Geodesy?
    Explains geodesy, how the size and shape of the earth is measured.
  • What Is Sustainable Development?
    Find information on sustainable development and how it relates to minerals, metals, forests, energy, earth sciences and more.
  • Wind Energy
    Find information on wind energy, a pollution-free, infinitely sustainable form of energy that converts kinetic energy present in the wind into more useful forms such as mechanical energy or electricity.
  • Wind Power
    Find out how wind power is fast becoming a clean part of the energy source in both large and small communities.
  • World Minerals Geoscience Database Project
    Geoscience data sets that can be used in conjunction with GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and database software to help understand the broad relationships between global tectonics and the regional settings of mineral deposits.
  • Ecological Integrity
    Learn how ecological integrity can be protected in Canada's National Parks, including maintenance, rebuilding and conservation practices.
  • Fire in Canada's National Parks
    Looks at the ecological cycle of forest fires, fires of the past and how forest fires are managed.
  • Fire Management
    Learn about the ecological benefits of fire, how it was once considered destructive and has now become an important part of ecosystem management.
  • Inventory and Monitoring
    Learn how modern ecosystem management takes care of nature in Canada's parks.
  • Keeping the Wild in Wildlife
    Learn practical tips on how to safely deal with various species when encountering them in their own habitat.
  • Species at Risk - Photo Gallery
    Explore a collection of photographs of the Canadian animals and plants currently threatened with extinction. Read descriptions and access links for each species.
  • Stressors
    Read this resource for a handy overview of the factors that diminish the integrity of an ecosystem, including habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, losses of large carnivores, air pollution, pesticides, alien species and overuse of resources.
  • The Climate is Changing In Our National Parks
    Explore how climate change affects Canada’s National Parks, with discussion of temperature, ecosystems and wildlife.
  • Time For Nature
    Keep up with nature’s rhythm with this newsletter of weekly features and events that take place at Canada’s National Parks.
  • Anxiety Disorders
    Find information on anxiety disorders, which afflict victims with excessive and unrealistic feelings that interfere with their lives.
  • Arthritis in Canada
    Access the complete version of a book entitled Arthritis in Canada: An Ongoing Challenge.
  • Asthma
    Access a document about asthma, one of the most prevalent chronic conditions affecting Canadians.
  • Blood Safety Surveillance and Health Care Acquired Infections
    Link to the organization that works to reduce the risk of bloodborne pathogens and biological injuries caused by blood transfusions and tissue and organ transplantations.
  • Breast Cancer in Canada
    Read about trends in breast cancer incidence rates and discover the current methods of prevention.
  • Canada Communicable Disease Report
    Link to a list of reports, organized by year of publication, on communicable diseases.
  • Centre for Emergency Preparedness and Response
    Visit Canada's central coordinating point for responding to public health security issues, including natural events and disasters and accidents or criminal and terrorist acts involving explosives, chemicals, radioactive substances or biological threats.
  • Cervical Cancer in Canada
    Access information on cervical cancer. View graphs that map trends and learn about primary and secondary prevention.
  • Changing Face of Heart Disease and Stroke in Canada
    Access the executive summary of The Changing Face of Heart Disease and Stroke in Canada, or link to the pdf version of the full document.
  • Congenital Anomalies in Canada: A Perinatal Health Report, 2002
    Read the introduction to Congenital Anomalies in Canada: A Perinatal Health Report, 2002, or access the full pdf version.
  • Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD) / Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD)
    Read about Creutzfeldt-Jakob, a rare disease that affects the central nervous system, which is linked to eating contaminated beef products from animals infected with bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) or "mad-cow disease."
  • Diabetes in Canada
    Access the complete text of Diabetes in Canada, including information on prevalence, risk factors and health outcomes.
  • E. Coli
    Link to resources on E. Coli, such as articles, statistics and reports.
  • Eating Disorders
    Find information on different types of eating disorders, which involve a serious disturbance in eating behaviour and great concern over body size and shape.
  • Flu Watch
    Access reports, produced weekly during influenza season and biweekly in the off season, that summarize influenza surveillance activities in Canada.
  • Folic Acid
    Find out why it is important to take folic acid, one of the B vitamins, to contribute to the healthy growth of your unborn baby.
  • Gonorrhea Resurgence in Canada
    Read about factors that may contribute to changes in the rates of people infected by gonorrhea.
  • Guidelines for the Control of Diphtheria in Canada
    Link to the complete text of Guidelines for the Control of Diphtheria in Canada.
  • Hepatitis B
    Learn about Hepatitis B, an infection of the liver caused by a virus that can result in permanent liver disease and cancer of the liver.
  • HIV and AIDS in Canada - Surveillance Reports
    Read the main findings observed in the HIV and AIDS surveillance data for Canada.
  • HIV/AIDS Epi Update Series
    Link to the Epi Updates, which are compiled on an annual basis to summarize recent trends and developments related to the HIV epidemic in Canada.
  • Infectious Diseases News Brief
    Access the Infectious Diseases News Brief, a weekly digest of national and international information about communicable disease incidents and issues.
  • Malaria
    Access information on malaria, an acute flu-like illness most commonly transmitted to humans through the bite of an infected mosquito.
  • Maternal and Infant Health Section
    Link to information on maternal and infant health, in reports, fact sheets and more.
  • Meningococcal Disease
    Find information on meningococcal infection, caused by a bacterium that, in rare instances, overcomes the body's natural defences and cause serious diseases, including meningitis.
  • Mental Health
    Learn about the roles of government in addressing mental health issues and access program information and reports on mental health.
  • Mental Health Problems and Disorders
    Link to information on various mental health problems and disorders, such as substance abuse, suicide and schizophrenia.
  • Mental Illnesses in Canada: An Overview
    Read about mental illnesses in this report, which includes a detailed explanation of what they are, data on prevalence, and information on causes.
  • Mood disorders
    Learn about mood disorders, which include major depression, bipolar disorder and dysthymia.
  • National Microbiology Laboratory
    Visit Canada's National Microbiology Laboratory, the world's first to accommodate both human and animal health facilities at the highest level of biocontainment under one roof.
  • Notifiable Diseases Monthly Report
    Link to the Notifiable Diseases Monthly Report to access information on several different types of diseases.
  • Notifiable Diseases Online
    Create maps of Canada showing the number of reported cases and rates of infection for selected notifiable diseases.
  • Osteoporosis
    Read about osteoporosis, a disease in which bone loss occurs more rapidly than is natural, causing the bones to become very thin and weak over time.
  • Ovarian Cancer in Canada
    Find information on ovarian cancer, including trends, risk factors, early detection, prevention and treatment.
  • Parkinson's disease
    Find information on Parkinson’s disease, a chronic progressive disorder of the central nervous system characterized by tremors and rigidity.
  • Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada
    Access the pdf version of a resource manual entitled Perinatal Health Indicators for Canada.
  • Persistent Diarrhea in the Returned Traveller
    Find information on diarrhea, the most common affliction of travellers to developing countries.
  • Personality Disorders
    Learn about personality disorders, in which victim behaviours deviate from the expectations of society.
  • Pertussis (Whooping Cough): National Consensus Conference on Pertussis
    Link to the complete text of National Consensus Conference on Pertussis.
  • Prostate Cancer: Monograph Series on Aging-related Diseases
    Access detailed information on prostate cancer, including risk factors, diagnosis and graphs of trends.
  • Respiratory Disease in Canada
    Read the summary and key points of a report entitled Respiratory Disease in Canada.
  • Respiratory Virus Detections/Isolations in Canada
    Link to the Respiratory Virus Detection Surveillance System, which reports on respiratory virus incidences in Canada.
  • Schizophrenia
    Read about schizophrenia, a brain disease that results in symptoms of mixed-up thoughts, delusions, hallucinations and/or bizarre behaviour.
  • Suicidal Behaviour
    Access a concise list of warning signs for suicidal behaviour as well as other information on suicide.
  • Travel Medicine Program
    Link to travel medicine information on international disease outbreaks, immunization recommendations, general health advice and disease-specific treatment and prevention guidelines.
  • Trichomonas or "Trich"
    Read about trichomonas, a germ that can be spread during sex that affects women and their babies.
  • Tuberculosis Prevention and Control
    Learn about tuberculosis, a disease caused by bacteria that belong to a group of organisms known as Mycobacterium.
  • West Nile Virus
    Link to information on West Nile virus, which mosquitoes transmit after becoming infected by feeding on the blood of birds carrying the virus.
  • West Nile Virus Monitor
    Access surveillance data and maps on the incidence of West Nile Virus in Canada.
  • Advanced Technologies Vehicles Program
    Learn about advanced fuel-efficient technologies being developed for use in Canada, including chassis design, emission controls and new types of fuels.
  • Canadian Transportation Research Gateway
    Explore the Canadian Transportation Research Gateway: your route to Canadian transportation resources. Access a variety of information on air, marine, road and rail transportation, including related scientific research.
  • Environment
    Discover how Transport Canada addresses climate change through programs that address matters such as fuel consumption and advanced technology vehicles.
  • Smashed: Information on Drinking and Driving
    Discover the effects that alcohol can have on the body, learn how breathalyzers work and find tips on how to drink responsibly.
  • Transportation and the Environment
    Get an authoritative overview of the relationship between transportation and the environment, including information about emissions, land and water quality, air quality, efficiency programs and environmental monitoring.
  • Transportation Development Centre
    Read about innovations in transportation which are contributing to a safe, smart and sustainable transportation system for Canadians. Research covers all modes -- air, marine, road, and rail -- as well as special areas such as accessibility, human factors, intelligent transportation systems, and the transport of dangerous goods.
  • Urban Transportation Showcase Program
    Discover clean, efficient and convenient transportation options for cities, with showcases, case studies and a directory of links to related efforts.
  • ArcticNet
    Learn about Canada's most ambitious northern science program and its role in studying the impacts of climate change in the coastal Canadian Arctic.
  • Canada Foundation for Innovation
    Review the activities of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, whose mandate is to strengthen the capacity of Canadian universities, colleges, research hospitals, and non-profit research institutions to carry out world-class research and technology development that benefits Canadians.
    Visit this electronic magazine to learn about some of the most exciting, leading-edge research taking place in universities and research institutions across the Canada.
  • Canadian Astronomy Education
    Access information on astronomy for students and educators, including the history of astronomy in Canada.
  • Canadians' Contributions to Astronomy
    Discover the contributions of Canadians to astronomy. Learn about Canadian astronomy history or read about individual accomplishments.
  • Origins of Structure in the Universe
    Read an electronic book about Canadian astronomy and astrophysics in the 21st Century. Explore the image gallery to view pictures that correspond to the chapters of the book.
  • Canadian Mining Hall of Fame
    Explore the Canadian Mining Hall of Fame to learn about the people and natural resources that have contributed to the high standard of living enjoyed by Canadians today.
  • Canadian Water Network
    Learn about the network formed to address critical issues in the provision of clean water, including research toward the protection of watersheds and ecosystems, protection of public health, and the development sustainable water infrastructure.
  • Genome Education Centre
    Learn about the fascinating science of genomics and proteomics. Find information for teachers, students and the generally curious, including games, articles and activities.
    Learn about science through the accomplishments of Canadian scientists. Read biographies of featured scientists, try their experiments, and review answers to hundreds of fascinating science questions.
  • Canadian Arctic Shelf Exchange Study (CASES)
    Discover why monitoring the extent and thickness of Arctic sea ice is an important indicator of climate change, and how a reduction in sea ice could have dramatic environmental, socio-economic and geopolitical consequences.
  • Stem Cell Network - Research
    Link to information on stem cell research, including the science, breakthroughs, sources of stem cells and ethics.
1089 records

Creation date: 2004-01-20
Last updated : 2006-12-04
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Last reviewed: 2006-12-04See resource details
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