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Databases of Assistive Technology
Information for users.

Industry Canada has compiled this list of Web-based resources that catalogue assistive devices, their manufacturers and vendors and service providers and practitioners in the fields of assistive technology, rehabilitation and research.

This page describes each database from a user's perspective. The next page provides information to companies about how to submit product or company information to each database.

If you know of a database of assistive technology that is not listed here and you feel it might be of interest to Canadians please contact us with the information. We ask that you read our linking policy before asking us to list a site.

Read more information about the databases and how to use this site.

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  ABLEDATA Blindness. Deafness/Hard of Hearing. Language/Communication. Learning/Cognitive. Low vision. Mobility. Seniors. 

Show Details for AbleData

  ADIO  Blindness. Deafness/Hard of Hearing. Language/Communication. Learning/Cognitive. Low vision. Mobility. Seniors.

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  CCC  Blindness. Deafness/Hard of Hearing. Language/Communication. Learning/Cognitive. Low vision. Mobility. Seniors. Research. Academia.

Show Details for CCC

  HTX  Language/Communication. Learning/Cognitive. Mobility. Research. Academia.

Show Details for HTX

  ITTATC  Section 508. Web. Research. Academia.

Show Details for ITTATC

  Directory for Accessibility  Blindness. Deafness/Hard of Hearing. Language/Communication. Learning/Cognitive. Low vision. Mobility. Seniors.

Show Details for Directory for Accessibility

  REHADAT Canada  Blindness. Deafness/Hard of Hearing. Language/Communication. Learning/Cognitive. Low vision. Mobility. Seniors. Research. Academia.

Show Details for Rehadat Canada

  Tiresias  Blindness. Low vision. Seniors. Research. Academia.

Show Details for Tiresias

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  Our Partners' Sites:
Government of Canada Persons with Disabilities Online

Accessible Transportation Portal logo. Access To Travel
Mapping for the Visually Impaired logo. Mapping for the Visually Impaired