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Do you want to reduce your energy costs in your home? Do you want your business to be energy-efficient?                

Review the following questions to identify your energy needs and determine which renewable energy is best for you.  Of course, the solutions found here are not an exhaustive list, we are working to make this list more complete.  If we have not addressed your concern please contact us with your specific question!


1) I am a typical (grid connected) home owner and I need to know what Renewable Energy system(s) can supply some of my:

bullet electricity needs

bullet space/air heating needs

bullet  water heating needs


2) I am an off-grid cottage or home owner and I need to know which Renewable Energy system(s) can supply some/all of my:

bullet  electricity needs

bullet  space/air heating needs

bullet  water heating needs


3) I work for a company, which Renewable Energy system(s) might we consider?

bullet  electricity needs

bullet  space/air heating needs

bullet  water heating needs



4) I have waste wood (e.g. chips). What can I do with it to make money?

bullet  sell to electricity generating companies

bullet  generate electricity for yourself

bullet  generate electricity for yourself and sell remaining back to the grid

bullet  generate electricity for yourself and store remaining


Date Published : 2001-11-01
Date Modified : 2006-06-09
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