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Applications of Solar Heating
Other Technologies that are Beneficial when using Solar Energy
Passive Solar Energy
Photovoltaic: Integrating Photovoltaic Arrays in Buildings
Photovoltaic: Using Photovoltaic Energy in Cottages and Lodges
Photovoltaic: Using Photovoltaic Energy in Remote Locations
Solar Collectors
Solar Detoxification
Using Solar Energy to Cool Buildings
Wind Energy
Technologies & Applications
About Solar Energy

Energy from the sun travels to the earth in the form of electromagnetic radiation similar to radio waves, but in a different frequency range.  Available solar energy is often expressed in units of energy per time per unit area, such as watts per square metre  (W/m2).  The amount of energy available from the sun outside the Earth’s atmosphere is approximately 1367 W/m2; that’s nearly the same as a high power hair drier for every square meter of sunlight!  Some of the solar energy is absorbed as it passes through the Earth’s atmosphere.  As a result, on a clear day the amount of solar energy available at the Earth’s surface in the direction of the sun is typically 1000 W/m2.  At any particular time, the available solar energy is primarily dependent upon how high the sun is in the sky and current cloud conditions.  On a monthly or annual basis, the amount of solar energy available also depends upon the location.  Furthermore, useable solar energy is depends upon available solar energy, other weather conditions, the technology used, and the application.

There are many ways that solar energy can be used effectively.  Applications of solar energy use can be grouped into there are three primary categories: heating/cooling, electricity production, and chemical processes.  The most widely used applications are for water and space heating.  Ventilation solar air heating is also growing in popularity.  Uptake of electricity producing solar technologies is increasing for the applications photovoltaics (primarily) and concentrating solar thermal-electric technologies.  Due to recent advances in solar detoxification technologies for cleaning water and air, these applications hold promise to be competitive with conventional technologies.


The advantages of solar energy

Solar energy has the following advantages over conventional energy:

  • The energy from the sun is virtually free after the initial cost has been recovered.         
  • Depending on the utilization of energy, paybacks can be very short when compared to the cost of common energy sources used.         
  • Solar and other renewable energy systems can be stand-alone; thereby not requiring connection to a power or natural gas grid.         
  • The sun provides a virtually unlimited supply of solar energy.         
  • The use of solar energy displaces conventional energy; which usually results in a proportional decrease in green house gas emissions.
  • The use of solar energy is an untapped market.


Applications of solar energy

The following table shows some applications of solar energy, who uses it and how the energy is obtained.  Not all applications listed exist in Canada and this is not a complete list of all solar energy applications in use around the world.

What is solar energy used for?

Where is it used?

Which solar technologies are used?

Which secondary technologies are used? (where applicable)

bullet Heating - Water

bullet  Homes

bullet  Glazed flat plate collectors

bullet  Batch collectors

bullet  Vacuum tube collectors

bullet Heat exchanger

bullet Hot water tank

bullet  Commercial

bullet  Liquid-based collectors 

bullet Heat exchanger

bullet Medium-large water tank

bullet  Agriculture

bullet  Glazed flat plate collectors

bullet  Unglazed flat plate collectors

bullet Heat exchanger

bullet Medium-large water tank

bullet  Aquaculture

bullet  Unglazed flat plate collectors

bullet Medium-large water tank

bullet Heating - Swimming Pools

bullet  Outdoor pools

bullet  Unglazed flat plate collectors


bullet  Indoor pools

bullet  Glazed flat plate collectors

bullet Heat exchanger

bullet Heating - Ventilation Air

bullet  All building types

bullet  all Air-based collectors

bullet By-pass dampers

bullet Make-up air handling units

bullet Heating - Buildings

bullet  Homes / Commercial

bullet  Advanced windows

bullet  Transparent insulation

bullet Appropriate building materials

bullet Building design

bullet  Trombe wall


bullet  Liquid-based collectors with home heating system

bullet Heat exchanger

bullet Advanced thermal storage

bullet Community-wide


bullet  Liquid-based collectors  

bullet large-scale arrays

bullet Seasonal thermal storage

bullet District heating network

bullet  Greenhouses

bullet  Transparent insulation


bullet Cooling -  Buildings

bullet  Commercial

bullet  Vacuum tube collectors

bullet  Glazed flat plate collectors

bullet  Cooling cycles  - various

bullet Daylighting -Buildings

bullet  Homes & Commercial

bullet  Advanced windows

bullet  Transparent insulation

bullet Building design

bullet Crop Drying

bullet  Agricultural

bullet all  Air-based collectors


bullet Electricity Generation - Off Grid

bullet  Cottages / Seasonal homes

bullet Photovoltaics – small arrays

bullet Batteries

bullet Power Invertors

bullet  Small wind turbines  or microhydro

bullet  Power for remote equipment

bullet Photovoltaics – small-medium arrays


bullet Electricity Generation -Distributed Power

bullet  All building types

bullet Photovoltaics – building integrated medium-scale arrays

bullet Power Invertors

bullet Remote communities

bullet Photovoltaics – medium-scale arrays in a hybrid system

bullet combined with diesel generators on local grid


bullet Electric Utilities

bullet Photovoltaics  - large-scale arrays

bullet Power Invertors

bullet Sun trackers

bullet  Power tower

bullet  Parabolic trough

bullet Steam turbine

bullet High temperature thermal storage

bullet Detoxifying -  Water

bullet Industrial / Municipal

bullet  Photocatalysts for oxidation

bullet UV lamps for backup

bullet  Thermal catalysts for oxidation with  concentrating collectors


bullet Detoxifying - Air

bullet  Commercial / Homes

bullet  Photocatalysts for oxidation

bullet UV lamps for backup

bullet Cooking food & H2O treatment

bullet Homes

bullet  Solar cookers



Date Published : 2000-07-10
Date Modified : 2005-04-26
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