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Level of Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel Fuels

Executive Summaries Available for Viewing

Studies and Reports on Reducing the Level of Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel Fuels - Summer 1997

Mandate and Process

This paper outlines the organizational structure and process used to produce the studies on sulphur in gasoline and diesel fuel. Annexes to the paper outline the mandate of each of the expert panels commissioned to produce reports.

Atmospheric Science Report

This report evaluates the improvements expected in air concentration of particulate matter (PM10, PM2.5), sulphate (SO4)), sulphur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx),non-methane hydrocarbons (VOCs) and ground level ozone from six sulphur level reduction scenarios for gasoline and three reduction scenarios for motor diesel fuels in the urban areas of Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Toronto, Montréal, Saint John, and Halifax.

Health Impacts Assessment Report

This report presents the estimated human health and environmental benefits expected to be achieved by the various proposed sulphur-in-fuel control strategies under consideration by the Canadian government.

The original report, as published in the summer of 1997, contained a few errors. The report has been revised and republished in March of 1998.

The findings of this report are summarized in the final report of the Government Working Group on Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel

The findings of this report are summarized in the final report of the Government Working Group on Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel

Cost (to Industry)

This report focuses on the changes required and the associated capital and operating costs that Canadian refineries would incur in order to meet specified regulated sulphur scenarios for gasoline and diesel.

Competitiveness (of Refining Industry)

This report provides the competitive and viability outlook for the Canadian refining industry that would result from the implementation of more stringent sulphur standards for gasoline and diesel fuels. A summary of the contents of this report is available on pages 19-21 of the Final Report of the Government Working Group on Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel Fuel (July 14, 1998).

International Activities Directed at Reducing Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel

This report discusses the activities directed towards reducing the limit of sulphur in gasoline and diesel fuels in Canada, the United States and Europe.

Impact of Sulphur In Gasoline on Vehicle Pollution Control Technologies

Sulphur in Fuels Study Final Report - August 1997

This report outlines the organizational structure and process used to produce the studies on sulphur in gasoline and diesel fuel. The report also outlines the mandate of each of the expert panels commissioned to produce the reports and contains the executive summary of those reports. The report makes observations on the process itself and offers suggestions for its improvement.

Final Report of the Government Working Group on Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel - Setting a Level for Sulphur in Gasoline and Diesel - July 14, 1998

Research has found that reducing the level of sulphur in gasoline and diesel can have significant positive impacts on public health and the environment. This report presents two options and two variants concerning an appropriate level of sulphur in gasoline. It also makes recommendations for the level of sulphur in on-road and off-road diesel.

Summary and Options/Recommendations


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