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Species at Risk Fact Sheets
Species at Risk Fact Sheets

Species at Risk Fact Sheets

This section leads to a wealth of information about species at risk in Canada.

Our fact sheet on species at risk in Canada explains threats to species, how species are designated "at risk," the laws which govern species at risk in Canada, and recovery programs for some species.

To learn more about species that are at risk in Canada, visit the Species at Risk Web site. The “Search by species” function will allow you to search by species name, by province or territory, by risk category, and by taxonomic group (mammals, birds, reptiles, etc.). For each species, you will find a fact sheet that will provide information on its biology, its distribution, its habitat, the threats it faces, the protection it is receiving, and work that is taking place to help it recover.

Some of the species that we profile on this Web site are at risk. To read a Hinterland Who’s Who fact sheet on these species, choose from the following links:

Bicknell’s Thrush
Burrowing Owl
Great Blue Heron
Harlequin Duck
Leatherback Seaturtle
Loggerhead Shrike
Marbled Murrelet
North American Bison
Sharp-shinned Hawk, Cooper’s Hawk, and Northern Goshawk
Peregrine Falcon
Piping Plover
Polar Bear
Roseate Tern
Swift Fox
Whooping Crane

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