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Skygazing: Astronomy Through the Seasons
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Skygazing: Astronomy Through the Seasons


This month:

>The Message of Light


On any starry night, you can enjoy the beauty and mysteries of the heavens with nothing more than binoculars and a deck chair to lie in the backyard, in a field or on the beach. The further you are from city lights, the more you will experience the awe and wonder of Canadian skies.

Ken TappingEach week, NRC's Ken Tapping will lead you in discovering something new going on in the skies above you. Dr. Tapping is an astronomer at the NRC-Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, and is based at the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, Penticton, BC.

Dr. Tapping pens these articles as one of his many activities to promote public understanding of astronomy. His weekly column also appears in the Victoria Times Herald newspaper.

Telescopes and Other Astronomy Tools
The Future of Hubble / Christmas Shopping? / Choosing Binoculars /
Three Useful Gifts / Other Christmas Gifts / Bigger Telescopes /
Sharpening the Image / The Holidays are Coming! / Picking a Telescope /
Astronomy Presents / Earthquake!!! / Hints for Santa

The Sun
Life Under a Blue Sun / Northern Lights / Sun Versus Pipelines

The Moons (Earth's and Others)
What About the Moon? / Eclipse of the Moon / Seeing the Eclipse /
Lunar Lava Lakes / Voyage to Titan / Postcards From Titan /
The Lowdown on Titan / Rocking On The Moon / High Sun, Low Moon /
Moon Menagerie / Moon Hoax / Titan the latest
Puzzling Enceladus / The Cratery Moon

The Planets
It's the Planet Venus / It Really is Venus! / Venus Crossing / It's Venus /
SEDNA? / Planets on Parade / Red Spot Junior /
Rings Around Saturn! / Expedition to Saturn /
2004's Biggest Hit / Huygens: 14 January, 2005 /
Worlds Like Ours / Alien Volcanoes /
Poor Old Mars / Mars: The Latest / More On Mars / Close Look at Mars /
A Peek At Mercury / Mistake or Hoax / What is Pluto? /
Morning Star / The Wet Planet / Sand Dunes on Titan / Mars Hoax Again / What's in a Name? / A Drop of Rain / Transit of Mercury

The Earth
You Said, How Old? / Earth & Starquakes

The Solar System
Solar System Tourism / Deep Impact-For Real /
Zodiacal Light / A Pinch of Stardust

Comets, Asteroids and Meteors
Mass Extinctions / Making Earth Bigger / Perseids: 2004 Edition /
Rocks from Space / It Will Happen Again / See the Leonids /
Extinction by Impact / Perseids - 2006

Stars and Constellations
The Winter Triangle / Where's Canopus? / Cosmic Art /
Evening/Morning Star / Naming that Star / Herald of Spring /
Star Clusters / Cosmic Dwarfs / Blowing Bubbles /
That? A Crow? / A Star For Summer / Seeing Double Stars /
While Looking Up / The Unfixed Stars / The Pleiades Return /
A Mid-Winter's Tale / And in the Middle? / Herald of Autumn / The Pleiades Return / Atlas' Other Kids / Star Clusters / Constellations

The Universe and Galaxies
Everything there is! / Strange Recipe / Downtown Milky Way /
A Pinch of Stardust / The Hidden Universe / Our Galaxy's Secret /
The Magic Ingredient / Mapping our Galaxy / Getting It Started /
Mystery Ingredients / In a Cosmic Sponge / After the Beginning / An Ancient Artefact / Everything There Is

Canadian Astronomy
Reading Volume Two

Life Beyond Earth
Life As We Know It / Anyone Out There? / Which Star First?
Finding Planets / Anybody out there? / The Methuselah Bugs

Astronomy Basics
Cosmic Forecasting / A Matter of Time / A Matter of Time, II /
What Tides Get Up To / Atoms and Bureaux / Finding Black Holes /
Into a Black Hole / Winter Solstice / Science & Serendipity /
Opals in the Clouds / Why Read Rocks? / Car Radio Astronomy /
Into Orbit, or Not? / Digging For Facts / Back To Basics /
Space Navigation / Astronomy Today / Fall Equinox 2005 /
Ask a Silly Question / Winter Solstice / Just a Second /
A Little More Time / A Matter of Mass / Bending Light /
Bode's Law? / Time Ball and Zulu / Where are we? /
Summer Skywatching / Star Power / My theory is...  /
Red Sun, Red Moon  / The Message of Light

Date Modified: 2006-12-06
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