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Statistics and Facts on Geomatics and Geoscience

The Earth Sciences Sector of Natural Resources Canada is a world leader in geoscience and geomatics. The Sector works in partnership with governments at all levels and with Canadian business and universities to provide the knowledge and expertise Canadians need to understand Canada’s landmass, manage this country’s rich natural resources and contribute to the well-being of present and future generations.

The Earth Science Sector puts its expertise at the service of Canadians to access, understand and use Earth science information to deal with economic, environmental and social changes.

Comprehensive statistics on geomatics and geoscience industries are difficult to produce as many relevant firms are considered part of the energy, mining, consulting and computer industries. Below, you will find the Geomatics and Geoscience section of the statistical fact sheet for the year 2004 prepared with information available to October 2005. Data presented below is primarily for the surveying and mapping components of the geomatics industry.

Earth Sciences Sector Web sites that may be of interest:

Important Facts on Geomatics and Geoscience

  • Geomatics and geoscience are complementary aspects of Earth sciences activities. They encompass a broad range of disciplines that can be brought together to create a detailed and understandable picture of the physical world and our place in it.

  • Geomatics consists of science and technology activities, products and services involved in the collection, integration, interpretation, analysis and management of geospatial data and the development of tools to support those activities.

  • Geographic information can be retrieved from various sources including Earth-orbiting satellites, ground-based instruments, and air and sea-borne sensors. This geospatial data is processed and manipulated with state-of-the-art information technology using computer software and hardware.

  • Geoscience is any science that deals with the physical Earth, including geology, geophysics, geochemistry and geodesy.

  • Geomatics and geoscience technologies play an important role in supporting the data gathering, interpreting, and analysis applications of the energy, mining and forestry sectors, as well as other sectors in the economy. They also play an important role in environmental assessments, climate change impacts and adaptations, land-use planning, and natural-hazards assessment and mitigation.

National Economic Importance

  • In 2004, the estimated1 revenue from the sale of geomatics products and services totalled $2.8 billion, with a contribution to the economy estimated at $2.4 billion.

  • The geomatics activities experiencing high growth include Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Global Positioning Systems (GPS), remote sensing, location-based services and technologies, and Web-based services.

  • The 27 000 employees in the geomatics industry make up a highly educated workforce engaged by more than 2 200 firms that form important clusters in Atlantic Canada, Quebec, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia.

  • The benefits of geomatics technologies relate to many vital sectors of the Canadian economy that require geospatial data to increase productivity and efficiency or to facilitate the allocation of resources.

1 These are preliminary results from Statistics Canada Census Survey of the Geomatics Industry.

Geomatics Industry2 
Number of Establishments 2 215          

Number of Employees

27 300       


$2.8 billion    


$497 million

Value Added $2.4 billion   

International Importance

  • Geomatics ranks in the top three most important and rapidly growing professional fields in the global market. Its products and services are estimated to be between US$30 and
    US$40 billion.3 In 2004, Canada exported approximately
    C$497 million in geomatics products and services, mostly to the United States.

  • The areas in which there is growth and export potential are the areas with technological innovations and value-added applications, mainly satellite-based remote sensing, GIS and GPS.

  • Canada is the world leader in niche markets of remote sensing data and applications, including mapping from space, sea floor mapping, and hydrography via the Electronic Chart System.

  • Canada is recognized internationally for developing customized GIS applications for urban planning, agriculture, geo-marketing and natural resources management.

  • Major international markets for Canadian geomatics firms include North America and western Europe (mainly Germany and the United Kingdom). Emerging markets include Asia, Africa, Russia, eastern Europe and Latin America. The international demand for geomatics products and services will continue to increase, stimulating the growth of the industry in the coming years.

  • Canadian geomatics firms, through many recent trade missions to China, India and Brazil (among others), continue their international efforts to ensure future growth.

2 Ibid.

3 Source: US Department of Labour, Hal Corp report 2001.


Last Modified: 2006-06-07 Important Notices