Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative
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The Prairie Adaptation Research Collaborative is a partnership of the governments of Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba mandated to pursue climate change impacts and adaptation research in the Prairie Provinces. Our objective is to generate practical options to adapt to current and future climate change. We are also charged with fostering the development of new professionals in the emerging science of climate change impacts and adaptation.

PARC also hosts:

C-CIARN Prairies, part of the national Canadian Climate Impacts and Adaptation Network.

National Assessment on Climate Change - Prairies Chapter

Climate models generally forecast drier and warmer conditions and increased climate variability for the Prairie Provinces. This implies stress on agriculture, reduced river and stream flows, increased fires and pathogen stress in our forests, and impacts on biodiversity, to highlight a few challenges. Since its inception in 2000, PARC has been involved in dozens of interdisciplinary projects to address climate change impacts and adaptation issues. Explore our site to view our research projects and reports and learn about our support for graduate researchers and interns. Climate change affects all of us in some way - how does it affect you?

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