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Water and Sediments


What Do You Know about the Hydrographic Divisions of the St. Lawrence River?

to St. Lawrence Water Masses

What Effect Do Extreme or Prolonged Fluctuations in Water Levels in the St. Lawrence River Have on Environmental Components and Uses?

to Flows of the St. Lawrence River and Its Main Tributaries

Do You Know the Drainage Basins of Canada?

to The St. Lawrence River and Climate Warming
to The St. Lawrence Fluvial Lakes
to Quality of Fresh Water in Canada: Preliminary Findings

Water Quality Monitoring in the Fluvial Section: Toxic Substances


Monitoring the Water Quality in the Fluvial Section: Physico-chemical and Bacteriological Parameters

to Pesticides are Entering the St. Lawrence River through Its Tributaries
to Tracking Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs): New Chemical Contaminants in the Environment
to Are Urban Effluents Responsible for Metal Contamination of the St. Lawrence River?
to Effect of Water Level on Contaminant Transport
to Using Bioassays to Study the Chemical Contamination of the St. Lawrence
to The Freshwater Hydra (Hydra attenuata): Useful in Ecotoxicology

to Sediment Dynamics in the St. Lawrence River

Surface Sediments in Lake Saint-François: Contamination on the Decline

to The Sedimentary History of Lake Saint-Pierre
to Mercury Concentrations in Sediments in the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River
to The Use of Algae for Assessment of Sediment Quality
to The GISE Database: Geoinformation on Sediment

Biological Resources


Non-native Species in the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Basin

to Managing Ballast Water to Reduce the Risk of Invasion by Nonindigenous Species

Pathological Problems in Lake Whitefish in the St. Lawrence River

to Effects of Water Levels on Fish and Their Habitats
to The Decline of the American Eel in the St. Lawrence River
to Results of a Fish Monitoring Project at a Reference Site in the St. Lawrence River
to Is Contamination Declining in St. Lawrence River Fish?
to Chemical Contaminants Disrupt Reproductive Function in Male Fish in the St. Lawrence River
to Parasites

Natural Indicators of the Food Web and Biodiversity


Eye flukes: Infectious Fish Parasites


What Influences the Rate of Parasitism in Fish?

to Interactions between Pollution and Parasitism in Fish
to Hormonal Disruptions in the Freshwater Mussels
to The Influence of Water Levels on Zebra Mussel Colonization of the St. Lawrence River
to Could Zebra Mussels Help to Monitor the Contamination of the St. Lawrence River?
to Mussel Health At Risk from Medications
to Wastewater as a Food Source in the Ecosystem
to Benthic Invertebrates: New Indicators for Monitoring the State of Lake Saint-Pierre

to Wetlands of the St. Lawrence River: Habitats between Land and Water

Changing Surface Area of Wetlands

to Interactive Mapping of St. Lawrence Valley Wetlands
to Monitoring Vegetation and Biodiversity in St. Lawrence Wetlands: Development of Integrated Indicators
to Loss and Fragmentation of Wetlands along the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Shoreline
to Impact of Water-Level Fluctuations on Aquatic Plants
to Invasive Plants

Flowering Rush, Butomus umbellatus


Purple Loosestrife, Lythrum salicaria


Reed Canarygrass, Phalaris arundinacea


European Frog-bit, Hydrocharis morsus-ranae


Eurasian Watermilfoil, Myriophyllum spicatum


Common Reed, Phragmites australis


Phragmites Invasion of the Boucherville Islands


to Two-thirds of the banks between Montreal and the Berthier–Sorel archipelago are eroding



Potential Swimming Sites in the St. Lawrence River

to Lake Saint-Louis at Risk?

Water-level Fluctuations and Recreational Boating: Impacts and Adaptions


Water Levels and Drinking Water

to Municipalities with Drinking Water Intakes in the St. Lawrence River and the des Prairies and des Mille Îles Rivers
to VertigO – L'accessibilité au fleuve Saint-Laurent, enjeux et perspectives pour une approche intégrée. [ abstract ] [ html ] [ pdf ]


to The Commercial Fisheries in the St. Lawrence River
to Sportfishing in the St. Lawrence River
to Harvesting Shellfish from the St. Lawrence River

Pleasure Boating
to Pleasure Boating on the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence
to Pleasure Boating Infrastructure on the St. Lawrence River
to St. Lawrence Cruises
to Ferry Boats on the St. Lawrence
to Environmental Issues Related to Pleasure Boating on the St. Lawrence

Commercial Navigation
to The St. Lawrence River: Gateway to North America
to Commercial Shipping Infrastructures on the River and Gulf of St. Lawrence
to The Environment and Commercial Navigation on the St. Lawrence


Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) – Multi-barrier Approach


Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME) – Water Quality


Environment Canada – CABIN


Environment Canada – Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators 2005: Highlights


Environment Canada – Canadian Water Quality Guidelines

to Environment Canada – Freshwater Website

Environment Canada – From Source to Tap: Protecting the Quality of Our Drinking Water

to Environment Canada – Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
to Environment Canada – LEVEL news, Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Water Levels

Environment Canada – Our Great Lakes


Environment Canada – State of the Environment (SOE) Infobase

to Envirozine – Getting to Know Your Watershed

Geoconnections – Envirodat Water Quality Geospatial Catalogue 


Government of Canada – Canadian Information System for the Environment (CISE)


Government of Canada – Know your Watershed


Government of Canada – RésEau


Health Canada – The Multi-Barrier Approach to Safe Drinking Water


Indian and Northern Affairs Canada – Backgrounder: Water Quality and First Nation Communities

vers Ministère de l’Environnement, du Développement durable et des Parcs du Québec – Critères de qualité de l’eau de surface au Québec (French only)

Ministère de l’Environnement, du Développement durable et des Parcs du Québec – La gestion intégrée de l’eau par bassin versant (French only)

vers Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs du Québec – L’eau au Québec (French only)
vers Ministère du Développement durable, de l’Environnement et des Parcs du Québec – Portrait global de la qualité de l'eau des principales rivières du Québec (French only)