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The Currency of Space Flight

Conservation of Energy

As bodies move through space they have both kinetic energy and potential energy. Although these forms of energy may be interchanged, the total amount of energy remains constant. This is a manifestation of the Law of Conservation of Energy.

Kinetic Energy

Ke = ½ mv2

The kinetic energy of a body in orbit depends entirely upon its speed and its mass.

In order to reach a low altitude circular orbit a spacecraft must be given energy in the form of kinetic energy.

A rocket, sitting on a launch pad, is nothing more (from a physics point of view) than a stored energy source.

The total amount of energy available is determined by the amount of fuel in the rocket. The job of the rocket designer and the rocket engineer is to create a rocket that transfers the maximum possible amount of the chemical potential energy stored in the rocket fuel into the kinetic energy of the payload.

Gravitational Binding Energy

Pe = -GMm/r

The gravitational potential energy of a body (with respect to a mass M) is determined entirely by the mass of the object M and the body's distance from the object having mass M.

Energy Required for Elliptical (and Circular) Orbits

If the amount of kinetic energy transferred to a satellite or space vehicle during its launch provides it with less kinetic energy than is needed to reach escape velocity, then the satellite will either fall back to Earth or attain a closed elliptical (or circular) orbit.

In this case the total energy is less than zero.

Ke + Pe
< 0

Energy Required for Parabolic Orbits

Larger and more energetic rocket engines can transfer more energy to the spacecraft. If the energy transferred to the spacecraft exactly equals the gravitational potential energy of the spacecraft, then it will be launched on a parabolic trajectory which will cause it to escape the Earth's gravitational field..which extends to infinity.

Note that having enough energy to escape from the Earth's gravity does not mean that the spacecraft can escape from the Sun's gravitational influence.

In this case the total energy is exactly zero.

Ec + Ep = 0

Energy Required for Hyperbolic Orbits

Gigantic multi-stage rockets can launch payloads with sufficient energy that the energy they acquire exceeds the gravitational binding energy of the Earth. In this case the payload will be launched on an hyperbolic orbit.

In this case the total energy is greater than zero.

Ke + Pe > 0

Transparency Master

Conic Sections

Total Energy Conic Section eccentricity

Total Energy is negative, i.e. E < 0

circles and ellipses

e < 1

Total Energy is zero, i.e. E = 0


e = 1

Total Energy is positive, i.e. E > 0


e > 1

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Updated: 2003/07/10 Important Notices