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Mars, the Fascinating Red Planet

The eastern plains that stretch beyond the small crater where NASA's rover Opportunity landed. In the distance, the rim of a larger crater, dubbed Endurance, can be seen. The dark horizontal feature in the centre foreground of the picture is a small, five-metre crater. (Photo: NASA/JPL/Cornell//Malin Space Science Systems)
The eastern plains that stretch beyond the small crater where NASA's rover Opportunity
landed. In the distance, the rim of a larger crater, dubbed Endurance, can be seen.
The dark horizontal feature in the centre foreground of the picture is a small, five-metre crater. 
(Photo: NASA/JPL/Cornell//Malin Space Science Systems)


Why go to Mars?

Going to Mars: A mission fraught with risk

From dream to reality

Rewarding innovation: Surprising space technologies

Canada and Mars

The race to Mars: international current missions

Understanding Mars: Science has a few tricks up its sleeve

Future missions

Simulating Mars on Earth
Devon Island Journal, Summer 2006
Mars in a nutshell

Two missions to Mars


Updated: 2006/08/08 Important Notices