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> > Home > Your Opinion - Poll
Saturday, December 09, 2006


1. Which of these astronomical phenomena would you most like to see?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Northern lights Votes: 52% 52.11%
Meteor shower Votes: 27% 26.76%
Comet Votes: 15% 15.49%
Lunar Eclipse Votes: 3% 2.81%
Solar Eclipse Votes: 3% 2.81%
Votes: 71

2. Which “science fiction” do you think will next become a scientific reality?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Invisibility cloak Votes: 15% 14.66%
Space elevator Votes: 8% 8%
Cold fusion Votes: 11% 10.66%
Intelligent robots Votes: 56% 56.00%
Teleportation Votes: 11% 10.66%
Votes: 75

3. Is chocolate good for you?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Yes Votes: 74% 74.11%
No Votes: 26% 25.88%
Votes: 85

4. How often to you purchase organic foods?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
always Votes: 12% 11.59%
often Votes: 17% 17.39%
sometimes Votes: 30% 30.43%
rarely Votes: 23% 23.18%
never Votes: 17% 17.39%
Votes: 69

5. Which alternative energy technology do you think has the most potential?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
solar energy Votes: 37% 37.14%
wind energy Votes: 34% 34.28%
bioenergy Votes: 9% 8.57%
earth energy Votes: 7% 7.14%
ocean energy Votes: 13% 12.85%
Votes: 70

6. Do you compost?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Yes Votes: 54% 54.16%
No Votes: 46% 45.83%
Votes: 48

7. What do you think is the most versatile material?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
plastic Votes: 54% 53.91%
concrete Votes: 9% 8.69%
ceramic Votes: 7% 6.95%
glass Votes: 11% 11.30%
metal Votes: 19% 19.13%
Votes: 115

8. Which type of forensic science do you think is most reliable?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
DNA analysis Votes: 68% 68.35%
ballistics Votes: 3% 2.53%
toxicology Votes: 9% 8.86%
hair analysis Votes: 3% 2.53%
fingerprinting Votes: 18% 17.72%
Votes: 79

9. How many hours of sleep do you get each night?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
less than 5 Votes: 5% 4.84%
5-6 Votes: 30% 29.69%
7-8 Votes: 47% 47.27%
more than 8 Votes: 18% 18.18%
Votes: 165

10. What do you think is the most effective treatment for a common cold? Check all that apply.

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
hot soup Votes: 20% votes: 31
herbal remedies Votes: 9% votes: 15
medication Votes: 9% votes: 15
rest Votes: 43% votes: 68
vitamins Votes: 15% votes: 23
other Votes: 4% votes: 6
Votes: 158

11. Do you think science today is more or less reliable than it was 50 years ago?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
More Votes: 92% 92.30%
Less Votes: 0% 0%
Undecided Votes: 8% 7.69%
Votes: 52

12. If you could have only one of the communications tools below, which would you choose?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Land line Votes: 33% 32.5%
Cell phone Votes: 40% 40%
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) Votes: 28% 27.50%
Votes: 80

13. What was the greatest Canadian invention or innovation since 1950?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Pacemaker Votes: 32% 31.94%
Avro Arrow Votes: 29% 29.16%
Satellite ANIK A-1 Votes: 6% 5.55%
Canadarm Votes: 26% 26.38%
Shepody potato Votes: 3% 2.77%
RADARSAT-1 Votes: 4% 4.16%
Other Votes: 0% 0%
Votes: 72

14. What was the greatest Canadian invention or innovation prior to 1950?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Marquis wheat Votes: 6% 6.18%
Insulin Votes: 81% 81.44%
Spartan Apples Votes: 0% 0%
Avro Jetliner Votes: 8% 8.24%
Fish freezing Votes: 2% 2.06%
Other Votes: 2% 2.06%
Votes: 97

15. Is there enough science covered in the media?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Yes Votes: 11% 11.11%
No Votes: 89% 88.88%
Votes: 63

16. How important is it to you to know how your food is produced?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Very Votes: 80% 80%
Somewhat Votes: 19% 19.04%
Not at all Votes: 1% 0.95%
Votes: 105

17. What is/was your favourite science or science-related subject in school?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Biology Votes: 34% 33.98%
Chemistry Votes: 15% 15.03%
Geography Votes: 24% 23.52%
Physics Votes: 22% 22.22%
Other Votes: 5% 5.22%
Votes: 153

18. Do you believe there is intelligent life anywhere other than on Earth?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Yes Votes: 78% 77.94%
No Votes: 13% 13.23%
Undecided Votes: 9% 8.82%
Votes: 136

19. Do you think that your local weather is more severe than it used to be?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Yes Votes: 47% 46.51%
No Votes: 33% 32.55%
About the same Votes: 21% 20.93%
Votes: 43

20. Which science hobby is the most fun?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Astronomy Votes: 36% 35.78%
Bird Watching Votes: 20% 20%
Building robots Votes: 24% 24.21%
Collecting fossils Votes: 9% 9.47%
Other Votes: 11% 10.52%
Votes: 95

21. Which kind of scientist would you most like to be?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Astronomer Votes: 10% 10.48%
Biologist Votes: 29% 29.37%
Chemist Votes: 17% 16.78%
Geologist Votes: 12% 11.88%
Oceanographer Votes: 19% 18.88%
Physicist Votes: 13% 12.58%
Votes: 143

22. Where do you get most of your science information?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Books Votes: 22% 22.22%
Internet Votes: 43% 42.85%
Magazines Votes: 10% 9.52%
Newspapers Votes: 6% 6.34%
Science centre Votes: 11% 11.11%
Television Votes: 8% 7.93%
Votes: 63

23. Who is your "Canadian science idol"?

Poll Option Result Bar Measure Result Count
Frederick Banting Votes: 27% 26.89%
Alexander G. Bell Votes: 19% 18.56%
Pierre Dansereau Votes: 6% 6.06%
Julie Payette Votes: 11% 10.98%
David Suzuki Votes: 38% 37.5%
Votes: 264

Creation date: 2004-11-19
Last updated : 2006-11-01
Top of pageImportant Notices
Last reviewed: 2006-11-01See resource details
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