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Capital Markets and Sustainability

David Myers
Policy Advisor, NRTEE

David Myers serves as a Policy Advisor to the National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy (NRTEE) as well as to its Task Force on Capital Markets and Sustainability. He came to the NRTEE from PIRC, a leading consultancy dealing with corporate governance and social responsibility in the United Kingdom.

Mr. Myers has a background in finance and energy, having worked as a private equity merchant banker in London and the Americas for HSBC Investment Bank and Samuel Montagu & Co., and holds an Oxford University doctorate related to the oil business.

Mr. Myers is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors in Canada, a graduate of the Directors Education Program of the ICD’s Corporate Governance College, and an Expert Advisor to the UN Secretary General’s initiative on Global Principles for Responsible Investment being implemented through the UN Environment Program Finance Initiative Unit. He has represented the Peru Privatization and Development Fund Ltd., on the boards of diverse energy companies in Latin America and is a past governor of Trent University, in Peterborough, Ontario.

As well, Mr. Myers is a director and the non-executive Chairman of RedR Canada, a humanitarian NGO. Mr. Myers is married with two children.

Task Force Members