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Environment, Energy and Forestry


Environmental Impact Assessments

The Province of PEI has established an environmental impact assessment process for projects that could have an impact on the environment. The Province and the Federal Government cooperate in the implementation of the process to ensure a thorough assessment is conducted of any submitted project.

Any manufacturing undertaking which could have a significant effect on the environment must be submitted in proposal form to the PEI Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry. At this point, the department will decide whether an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is warranted. The purpose of this process is to predict the impact of the project early in the planning stage. The process is described in the document entitled “Environmental Impact Assessment Guidelines”, which is available for download as a PDF document.

The Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry uses a Technical Review Committee to examine the study for completeness, and determine whether more information is required. When the department is satisfied that the potential environmental impacts of the undertaking are addressed, it advises the proponent that they must provide the public with an opportunity to review the project and offer comments or raise any concerns that they may have. These concerns are forwarded to the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry to consider prior to making a final decision on the undertaking. Should legitimate concerns be identified through the public consultation process, which were not adequately addressed in the document, additional study may be required.

Once the assessment process has been completed, the Minister of Environment, Energy and Forestry decides whether to issue or deny approval of the undertaking.

The Environmental Protection Act is online as a PDF document. Section 9 of the act relates to the Environmental Impact Assessment requirements.


Environmental Impact Assessment Project Information Form

*Printable version of this form [78 KB PDF File]

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