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Environment, Energy and Forestry


Forest Enhancement Program

Providing Alternatives to Island Woodlot Owners

The forests of Prince Edward Island are considered to be among the most productive in Canada. Most Islanders care deeply for their forest lands; and with proper attention and care, the forest can provide the owner with a wide variety of economic, social and environmental benefits.

In order to help landowners make informed decisions which are right for them and their woodlands, the Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry has developed the Forest Enhancement Program. This program provides incentives for the preparation of forest management plans and selected nonclearcut silvicultural treatments. All activities under the Forest Enhancement Program are cost shared between the Provincial Government and the landowner.

What are the goals of the Forest Enhancement Program?

The Forest Enhancement Program seeks to:

  1. Make landowners aware of the potential of their forest land through the development of a forest management plan. This plan is a guide to the various forest management treatments which can benefit each component of the woodlot.
  2. Enhance wildlife, recreation, biodiversity and other non-timber values of private woodlots.
  3. Improve the timber quality of private woodlots.
  4. Ensure that healthy productive woodlots continue to contribute to the Island’s social, economic and environmental well being.
Who is eligible to participate in this program?

Anyone who owns at least one hectare (2.5 acres) of woodland on Prince Edward Island.

What types of incentives are available and how do I qualify?

In order to access Forest Enhancement Program funding, you must have a forest management plan registered with the department. The department will provide you with a list of registered foresters, forest technicians and wildlife biologists who are qualified to prepare forest management plans. Funding is available to help cover the cost of plan preparation.

Once the plan has been prepared and approved, you may begin to implement applicable treatments such as:

  • Crop Tree Release
  • Patch Cutting
  • Strip Cutting
  • Regeneration Cutting
  • Commercial Thinning
  • Pre-commercial Thinning
As well, there are special provisions for stream management zones, and for the marking and layout of treatments.

Do I have to do the work myself?

If you wish, you can do your own forest management work. However, in order to qualify for the incentive, the work must be done to the minimum standards.

If you want someone else to do the work, the department has lists of contractors who can do this type of work. Meeting Program standards is the responsibility of the landowner. These standards should be incorporated into any contract with a contractor.

How is the program funded?

Provincial Government covers two-thirds of anticipated cost of this program. Incentive rates are capped at a fixed rate for each treatment. The landowner is responsible for any additional costs. Arrangements for the payment of the landowner’s contribution must be made between the landowner and the contractor.

Is there a retention period for work completed under this program?

No. There is no retention period for completed work but in order to qualify for the incentive all work must be done to the required standard. Incentives will not be released for substandard work.

Where can I get more information on the Forest Enhancement Program and other programs offered to Island woodlot owners?

Eastern Forest District Office Central Forest District Office
Southampton Beach Grove Road
Box 29 Box 2000
St. Peters Bay PE Charlottetown PE
C0A 2A0 C1A 7N8
Tel: 902-961-7297 Tel: 902-368-4800
Fax: 902-961-7298 Fax: 902-368-4806
Western Forest District Office J. Frank Gaudet Tree Nursery Facility
Wellington Upton Road
Box 144 Box 2000
Wellington Stn RR1 PE Charlottetown PE
C0B 2E0 C1A 7N8
Tel: 902-854-7260 Tel: 902-368-4700
Fax: 902-854-7448 Fax: 902-368-4713

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