Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture


Agricultural Crop Rotation Act

The Agricultural Crop Rotation Act has been developed in response to the Round Table on Resource Land Use and Stewardship, which tabled their findings in 1997. The Report recommended that the industry adopt a mandatory crop rotation standard for potatoes, and recommended that row crops not be allowed to be produced on land with a slope greater than 9%.

The purpose of the Agricultural Crop Rotation Act is to maintain and improve ground and surface water quality, maintain and improve soil quality, and to preserve soil productivity.

The basic concepts of the Act are that regulated crops can be grown in a field no more frequently than once in three years, and that regulated crops may not be grown on land with a slope of greater than 9 %, unless the crop is grown under an approved Management Plan.

A Management Plan is a plan implemented by a grower and approved by the Department that provides a level of protection to soil and water that would be expected from a three year rotation featuring a regulated crop followed by a grain crop and a forage crop.

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