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temp2.gif Shellfish Closures
an indicator of contamination in marine
ecosystems in BC
Photostrip of shellfish closures


Shellfish Closure Areas in the Georgia Basin 

Map of shellfish closure areas in the Georgia Basin










Graph Trends in BC Shellfish Closures (Sanitary)


Yearly Cumulative Total Closure Area (hectares)

Pre 1976 58,107
Pre 1989 75,945
1989 79,176
1990 81,012
1991 81,631
1992 82,079
1993 103,576
1994 105,255
1995 105,939
1996 110,287
1997 112,519
1998 111,463
1999 101,855
2000 103,201
2001 159,030
2002 123,727
2003 124,277
2004 123,832

Source: Shellfish Section, Environmental Protection Branch, Environment Canada, Pacific and Yukon Region, 2005.




Graph data on the production and value (landed value) of the aquaculture shellfish (bivalves only) industry in British Colombia




Production (tonnes)

Value ($'000)

Data from DFO 1986 2,877 2,545


1987 3,524 2,636


1988 3,736 2,799


1989 3,762 3,059


1990 4,123 3,330
Data from Stats Can 1991 4,651 4,021


1992 4,798 4,599


1993 5,122 5,259


1994 5,559 6,615


1995 6,173 9,406


1996 6,601 10,944


1997 4,331 7,011


1998 6,244 8,819


1999 6,130 9,900


2000 6,550 13,500
2001 8,910 17,100
2002 8,790 14,800
2003 8,630 15,900




Classification of Shellfish Growing Areas



  1. The area is not contaminated with fecal material, poisonous or deleterious substance or marine biotoxins to the extent that consumption of the shellfish might be hazardous.
  2. The median or geometric mean fecal coliform Most Probable Number (MPN) of the water does not exceed 14/100 mL, for a five-tube decimal as an approved area with the following exception.
Conditionally Approved
  1. During those time when harvesting is permitted, the area meets all of the requirements of an "Approved" area.
  2. Conditions which preclude harvesting in areas designated "Conditionally Approved" must be:
  • easily identified by routine measurement and reporting; and 
  • predictable and/or controllable.
  1. The area is contaminated with fecal material, poisonous or deleterious substances to the extent that consumption of the shellfish might be hazardous.
  2. The median fecal coliform Most Probable Number (MPN) of the water exceeds 14/100 mL, for five tube decimal dilution test.




References used in the Shellfish Closure Indicator:

  • BC Ministry of  Agriculture, Food & Fisheries. 2004. The 2003 British Columbia Seafood Industry Year in Review. Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, Victoria, BC. (Also available online at BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries).

  • Coopers and Lybrand Report. 1997. Economic potential of the British Columbia marine aquaculture industry, Phase 1 - Shellfish.


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