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Transportation and Public Works


Capital Projects FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's);

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Where can I find out the number of vehicles (traffic counts) on a particular road/highway?
This information is maintained by Traffic Data Collection and Analysis and contact Doug Gaudet.
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Where do I find out about Highway/Bridge Construction Tenders?
See Tenders online.
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Where do I report a traffic/road name sign missing?
Traffic Operations for your region for public roads or 911 Administration for private roads.

Use the Report Transportation Problems tool to submit your comments electronically via our website feedback venue.
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Who do I contact regarding naming of a street or road?
Traffic Operations for your region for public roads or 911 Administration for private roads.

Use the Report Transportation Problems tool to submit your comments electronically via our website feedback venue.
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How do I get a school bus stop warning sign?
Contact the transportation superintendent for your respective school board.
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Where do I get a children at play warning sign?
TPW does not post children playing signs. If there is a problem with traffic in your region, contact the manger of traffic operations for your region, the problem will be assed and if a problem exists corrective action will be taken.
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Where do I report a LPS (overhead amber light) not working?
Traffic Operations for your region.

Use the Report Transportation Problems tool to submit your comments electronically via our website feedback venue.
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Where do I report traffic signals not functioning properly?
Traffic Operations for your region.

Use the Report Transportation Problems tool to submit your comments electronically via our website feedback venue.
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How do I get a new access/culvert (Entrance Way) for a new home or agricultural filed or woodlot?
If you are building a new house in a community other than Summerside, Kensington, Charlottetown or Stratford, that issues its own building permits, then contact your regional Traffic Operations Section. You may obtain a driveway culvert with your building permit in all areas of the Province which fall under the Community and Cultural Affairs issuance of building permits.
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Where do I call to have my driveway repaired due to frost heaving or whatever?
Highway Maintenance for your local area.

Use the Report Transportation Problems tool to submit your comments electronically via our website feedback venue.
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Where do I get information on sub-division development?
Capital Projects Regional Office for the area you wish to develop the sub-division.
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Where can I obtain a road map of PEI showing electoral districts, etc.?
GIS-T Section of Engineering Services.
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Who do I call to ask about getting my road paved?
Contact your Capital Projects Regional Engineer.

Use the Report Transportation Problems tool to submit your comments electronically via our website feedback venue.
* Last updated August 23, 2004

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