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Transport Canada Civil Aviation

• CARs

 • Part I

 • Part II

 • Part III

 • Part IV

 • Part V


 • Chapter 500


 • Standard 501


 • Chapter 505


 • Standard 507


 • Standard 509


 • Chapter 511


 • Chapter 513


 • Chapter 516


 • Chapter 522


 • Chapter 523 (VLA)


 • Chapter 523


 • Chapter 525


 • Chapter 527


 • Chapter 529


 • Chapter 531


 • Chapter 533


 • Chapter 535


 • Chapter 537


 • Chapter 541


 • Chapter 549


 • Chapter 551


 • Chapter 561


 • Chapter 563


 • Chapter 566


 • Standard 571


 • Standard 573


 • Standard 591


 • Standard 593

 • Part VI

 • Part VII

 • Part VIII

 • Part IX

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Canadian Aviation Regulations 2005-2

Content last revised: 2001/06/01


First Edition: Effective: October 10, 1996

This is a new Chapter developed in line with the Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs). It replaces Subchapter 507B and AMA 507B1/A. It sets out the standards and procedures for obtaining an Export Airworthiness Certificate for a complete aircraft that is exported from Canada pursuant to Subpart 509 of the CARs.

These standards and procedures apply to the exportation of complete aircraft only. Aeronautical products, other than a complete aircraft, are not eligible for export under a certificate issued by the Minister or their representative

Information Note:

The issue of an Export Airworthiness Certificate does not constitute an authority to fly the aircraft. Procedures for obtaining a flight authority for delivery of the aircraft are contained in CAR 507.


509.01 Application

(1) This chapter prescribes the requirements for obtaining Export Airworthiness Certificates for aircraft that are exported from Canada, pursuant the provisions of CAR 509.

Information Note:

Aeronautical products, other than a complete aircraft, are not eligible for export under a certificate issued by the Minister.

(2) For the purposes of these standards the following definitions apply:

(a) "state of design" - is the state whose aviation authority issued the first type design approval for the aeronautical product. Where the responsibility for the type design has been relinquished to a holder in another state (the aviation authority of which has approved the type design and authorised the manufacture of the product), this other state becomes the state of design.

(b) "state of manufacture" - is the state in which the manufacturer's facility is located and whose civil aviation authority certifies the aeronautical product airworthy.

509.02 Application Procedures

(1) An application for an Export Airworthiness Certificate shall be submitted as soon as possible prior to the date on which the aircraft is to undergo the exportation flight.

(2) Export certification of a used aircraft will be made only where the aircraft is, within 30 days prior to the date of the application, certified by a person meeting the requirements of CAR 509.04, as conforming to the type design requirements specified in the application. Following this certification, the aircraft must be maintained in the certified condition throughout the Export Airworthiness Certificate issuance process.

(3) An application for an Export Airworthiness Certificate shall be made using form 24-0050, which can be obtained from any Transport Canada regional or district office. Details for the completion of this form are contained in Appendix A of this chapter.
(amended 1998/06/01; previous version)

(4) An application for an Export Airworthiness Certificate shall include, in addition to the information required in the application form 24-0050, the additional documents listed below:
(amended 1998/06/01; previous version)

(a) in the case of a new aircraft, that is, an aeroplane or helicopter that has never been operated pursuant to CAR Part IV, or an aircraft that has never been operated pursuant to Part VII, and that has, since its date of manufacture, been under the sole ownership of the manufacturer or a dealer authorised by the manufacturer, a statement of conformity which includes the total number of operating hours accumulated;

(b) a weight and balance report, together with an equipment list which includes the weight and moment arm of each item of equipment not forming part of the type design;

(c) current details of any temporary installations incorporated in the aircraft for delivery purposes;

(d) in the case of a used aircraft, a list of any Canadian Airworthiness Directives which have been complied with, and a list of all major modifications and major repairs which have been incorporated;

(e) in the case of an aircraft being exported to a state with which Canada has entered into an agreement that provides for export certification, a statement indicating the status of the aircraft in respect of the special requirements set out in Standard 509.03 and the pertinent documentation obtained from the importing state, except that where this documentation is part of the Type Design Data package, the statement shall provide detailed information as to the location of the relevant data; and
(amended 2001/06/01; previous version)

(f) where the importing state has not specified any special requirements, a statement by the applicant to that effect.
(amended 2001/06/01; no previous version)

(5) The completed application form, and any required attachments, should be forwarded to the Transport Canada regional or district office assigned to the geographical area in which the owner of an aircraft resides or manages his business.

(6) An aircraft is considered to be in conformity to the type design shown in a type certificate issued pursuant to CAR 511 where, in respect of that aircraft:

(a) the aircraft conforms to the type design for which the application is being made, including its status in regard to any Airworthiness Limitations specified in that type design;

(b) the aircraft, its engines, and any installed components are in compliance with all applicable Airworthiness Directives;

(c) there are no unapproved modifications and repairs incorporated on the aircraft, its engines, or any installed components, that are subject to the approval requirements of CAR 571; and

(d) except as provided in (7), there is in force a Certificate of Airworthiness, or a Special Certificate of Airworthiness issued under the provisions of CAR 507.

(7) No flight authority issued pursuant to CAR 507 is required where the aircraft has been inspected and certified as meeting the requirements for the issue of a Certificate of Airworthiness or a Special Certificate of Airworthiness pursuant to CAR 507 requirements.

(8) Notwithstanding the design requirement for a new aircraft to undergo a flight test, an aircraft that has not been completely assembled and flight tested is considered to be in conformity to the applicable type design where that aircraft is newly manufactured in Canada.

509.03 Authority for Export

(1) Where the Minister agrees to issue an Export Airworthiness Certificate in respect of an aircraft being exported as conforming to a foreign airworthiness standard, the Minister is obligated to verify compliance with any special requirements contained in that foreign standard. This includes those requirements listed in Appendix B, and any additional requirements specified by the importing state as a condition of shipment at the time of export. Such additional requirements can involve, for example, markings and registration, additional copies of the export airworthiness certificate, copies of maintenance records and flight manuals, when these exist.. It is the applicant’s responsibility to provide the Minister with details in respect of any special requirements of the importing state.
(amended 2001/06/01; previous version)

(2) When a product does not meet the special requirements of the civil aviation authority of the importing state, a written statement will be obtained by the exporter from the civil aviation authority of the importing state indicating acceptance of the deviation. The importing state's written statement will, when applicable, accompany the application for the Export Airworthiness Certificate.

Information Note:

While the Minister will usually notify the applicable foreign civil aviation authority of the issuance of an Export Airworthiness Certificate for an aircraft, it is the responsibility of the exporter to ensure that a copy of the certificate is included for shipment with the product.

(3) Where an employee of an approved manufacturer has been granted Airworthiness Inspection Representative (AIR) delegation of authority as provided for in Chapter 505 of this manual, that delegate shall comply with the procedures for export airworthiness certification contained in this chapter.

509.04 Reserved

509.05 Export Airworthiness Certificate Holder Responsibilities

(1) Pursuant to CAR 509 requirements, the owner of an aircraft for which an Export Airworthiness Certificate has been issued is responsible to forward to the importer all documents and information necessary for the proper operation of the product being exported. These documents include, as applicable:

(a) flight manuals;

(b) maintenance manuals;

(c) service bulletins and assembly instructions required by the type certificate; and,

(d) any material stipulated by the civil aviation authority of the importing state.

The documents, information, and material can be forwarded by any means consistent with the special requirements of the civil aviation authority of the importing state.

(2) Where an aircraft is being exported as a disassembled aircraft under the provisions of subsection 509.02(8) of this chapter, the holder of the Export Airworthiness Certificate shall forward the manufacturer's assembly instructions to the new owner. These instructions shall include the manufacturer's approved production flight test check form, along with additional instructions that provide sufficient detail to permit whatever rigging, alignment, and ground testing as necessary to ensure that the aircraft will conform to the approved configuration and type design when re-assembled.

Last updated: 2005-06-23 Top of Page Important Notices