WMO Colour Code


Experts have long considered including colour coding for sea-ice charts in the WMO's (World Meteorological Organization) "Sea Ice Nomenclature", but until recently this was considered optional.

However, the widespread use of electronic navigational information systems has brought about a definite need for colour coding on sea-ice charts. As a result, during the 2000-2001 period the International Ice Charting Working Group (IICWG) prepared a draft colour standard consisting of two mutually exclusive colour codes based on:

These proposed codes complement the existing WMO black and white ice symbols and are designed to be flexible.

In 2002, IICWG-participating ice services produced charts according to the proposed standard, to determine whether any difficulties remained. This, as well suggestions from a number of countries, resulted in minor adjustments to the proposed colour codes. The resulting standard was submitted for final adoption and publication by the WMO Secretariat.

Keys to Using and Understanding the WMO Colour Codes