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News Release

For immediate release
December 5, 2003

Revitalization of Downtown Sydney Receives Government of
Canada Support

Sydney, N.S.
-- The Honourable Gerry Byrne, Minister of State responsible for Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation (ECBC) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA), announced funding today, under the Strategic Community Investment Fund (SCIF) in the Sydney-Victoria riding of MP
Mark Eyking.

The Sydney Downtown Development Association (SDDA) will undertake a major revitalization project aimed at enhancing and reviving the downtown core. Work will include facade and parking lot improvements, improving links to and along the waterfront, streetscape improvements, landscaping, lighting, increased signage and marketing. The SDDA has a mandate to beautify, improve, maintain and promote the downtown Sydney business district. The focus of this project will be the area bordered by Dorchester and Townsend Streets between George Street and the Esplanade.

“A revitalized, attractive downtown core will bring people back to the area and encourage tourism,” says Mark Eyking, MP for Sydney-Victoria, speaking on behalf of Minister Byrne. “An attractive and vibrant downtown is an important component of economic development infrastructure. It leads to additional investment and job creation while contributing to an improved community spirit.”

“Since April of 2001, the Sydney Downtown Revitalization Working Committee and, more recently, the SDDA have been striving to see their completed plans for the downtown core, through to fruition,” says Bruce Meloney, president of the SDDA. “We are pleased that improvements are being made to reposition downtown Sydney as a key cultural, retail, tourist and entertainment district for the area.”

The total estimated cost of the project is $2,000,000. Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation will provide a grant of $500,000 and an additional non-repayable contribution of $1,000,000 through ACOA’s Strategic Community Investment Fund (SCIF).

The SDDA was established in 1989 representing the business improvement district of Sydney and, today, is made up of over 200 businesses in the downtown area. It has a working executive of six members, all of whom operate businesses in the downtown core.

The Strategic Community Investment Fund provides $135 million over five years to help communities in Atlantic Canada create an environment that encourages and enhances economic development.

Enterprise Cape Breton Corporation offers programs in support of economic development initiatives and is responsible for delivering ACOA's programs on Cape Breton Island and in the Mulgrave area.


Ralph Meechan
Office of the Honourable Gerry Byrne
Minister of State
Tel: (613) 941-7241

John Coady
Office of Mark Eyking, MP
Sydney - Victoria
Tel: (902) 567-6275

D.A. Landry
ECBC Communications
Tel: (902) 564-3617

Bruce Meloney
President, Sydney Downtown Development Association
Tel: (902) 562-3807


Last Update: 2003-12-05

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