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Acadian Flycatcher, Bill Raymer and Ron Kingswood / Hooded Warbler, Mark Peck / Least Bittern, Mark Peck / Piping Plover, Mark Peck / Prothonotary Warbler, Mark Peck / Henslow's Sparrow, / Kirtland's Warbler, / Eastern Loggerhead Shrike, Robert McCaw / King Rail, Jim Rathert/USFWS

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Recovery in Action

Steps to Recovery

Canada's National Strategy
Regional Species at Risk programs
Recovery strategies and action plans
Local partners in action
Diagram of Steps to Recovery

Canada’s national strategy

  • national cooperation among government bodies (National Accord for the Protection of Species at Risk in Canada);
  • legislation (Species at Risk Act);
  • funding for stewardship actions in priority ecosystems (Habitat Stewardship Fund);
  • incentives for donating ecologically sensitive lands (Ecological Gifts Program).

Regional Species at Risk programs

Learn more
> Habitat Stewardship Program
> Ecological Gifts Program

Working with a range of partners, Environment Canada provides leadership, expertise, support and coordination for recovery work, including:

  • recovery teams and planning;
  • stewardship funding and activities;
  • development of a shared data repository;
  • recovery activities for migratory birds and Species at Risk found on federal lands;
  • species inventories for National Wildlife Areas and First Nations lands;
  • research on Species at Risk in forest and wetland ecosystems.

Habitat Stewardship Program

On average, projects funded under this program benefit 75 wild species each year. The federal program supports projects that contribute to species recovery as identified in recovery strategies or recovery action plans that are in place for a species. Activities may include habitat improvement, habitat restoration, outreach and communication, and land securement. Current regional priorities for protection are grasslands, Carolinian forest, wetlands and aquatic ecosystems.

Ecological Gifts Program

Private and corporate landowners who donate ecologically sensitive lands, or interests in such lands, can receive significant tax benefits through Environment Canada's Ecological Gifts Program, also known as ecogifts.

Recovery Strategies and Action Plans

Learn more
> Recovery strategies
> Recovery plans
> SARA Public Registry

The federal Species at Risk Act (SARA) requires the development of recovery strategies to outline the steps necessary to recover extirpated, endangered and threatened Species at Risk. The strategies must include recovery action plans with identified timelines. Management plans are required for species of special concern. All required documents are made available to the public on-line via the SARA Public Registry.

Recovery teams

Photo of Walpole Island volunteers / Walpole Island Heritage Centre

Walpole Island volunteers / Walpole Island Heritage Centre

Recovery teams are formed through partnerships among government bodies, First Nations, Conservation Authorities, private volunteers, and non-government organizations of all sizes and capacities. Teams usually include expert representatives from a variety of wildlife organizations.

Increasingly, recovery teams focus on a priority ecosystem rather than a single species. In Ontario, eight recovery teams cover all Species at Risk found in these priority ecosystems: Ausable River, Grand River, Sydenham River, Thames River, tallgrass prairie communities, Lake Erie sand spits, Lake Huron coastal dune grasslands, and Walpole Island.

Nearly two-thirds of the Species at Risk in Ontario can be found on federal lands, including First Nations lands, although a large majority of the species are more abundant on privately owned lands.

Many Species at Risk are concentrated in relatively small areas:

Location Species at Risk present Ecosystems present
Walpole Island First Nation 51 Tallgrass prairie, oak savanna, Carolinian forest, streams, coastal waters, wetlands
Point Pelee National Park 50 Savanna, dune, Carolinian forest, coastal waters, wetlands
Long Point 29 Dune, coastal waters, marsh, swamp, cottonwood-red cedar savanna, hardwood forest
St. Clair National Wildlife Area 21 Marsh, aquatic, tallgrass prairie
Note: Scientists continue to conduct species inventories on federal lands in Ontario. On completion of these inventories, the above chart will be updated (2003).
Photo: Long Point National Wildlife Area sand dune / Canadian Wildlife Service

Local Partners in Action

Local partners including volunteer organizations, individuals and community groups are essential in carrying out recovery projects that benefit species at risk. See our Partners at Work and learn more about on-going recovery projects across Ontario.

What is critical habitat?
The term critical habitat is a central concept to the recovery of Species at Risk, and is integrated into the Species at Risk Act. Critical habitat is generally defined as “that portion of the habitat that is essential for the survival or recovery of a species listed under the Species at Risk Act.”

Critical habitat is identified using the best available scientific information about the physical, biological and geospatial needs of a species, including:
  • space for individual and population growth, and for normal behaviour;
  • food, water, light, air, minerals or other nutritional or physiological needs;
  • cover or shelter;
  • sites for breeding, reproduction, and rearing of offspring, and;
  • habitat that is protected from disturbance or is representative of the historical geographic and ecological distribution of a species.


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