FICN19 CWIS 081651 Ice hazard bulletin for the Great Lakes issued by Environment Canada at 1700 UTC Friday 8 December 2006 for today and Saturday. The next scheduled bulletin will be issued at 1700 UTC Saturday. No warnings in effect unless noted. Light to moderate ice pressure may occur in any ice conditions. Lake Superior. Ice free in Thunder Bay except 1 tenth new ice near the shore. 9 tenths grey ice in Black Bay. 6 tenths grey ice in Nipigon Bay. 2 tenths new ice near the Apostle Islands and along the southwestern shore. Elsewhere ice free. Lake Huron. 5 tenths new ice including 2 tenths grey ice along parts of the shore in Saginaw Bay. 2 tenths new ice in St Marys River. Whitefish Bay North Channel Georgian Bay Lake St Clair Lake Erie Lake Ontario. Ice free. Northern Lake Michigan. From US National Ice Center...Ice free. Southern Lake Michigan. From US National Ice Center...Ice free. Green Bay. From US National Ice Center...4 tenths of grey ice and 4 tenths of new ice in the northern portion of the Bays de Noc. 6 tenths grey and new ice along the shore extending south from Brussels to Green Bay. END/LH