About On-line Archive Data

Daily Ice Charts

  1. Daily Ice Charts (General)
  2. Daily Ice Charts in GIF Format

Regional Ice Charts

  1. Regional Ice Charts (General)
  2. Regional Ice Charts in GIF Format
  3. Regional Ice Charts in EOO (GIS) Format
    1. Projection Information (Lambert Conformal Conic)
    2. Attribute Information

More information on the Egg Code.

Daily Ice Charts

  1. Daily Ice Charts (General)
    The Canadian Ice Service produces ice charts on a daily basis for Canadian coastal waters during "active" shipping seasons.
  2. Daily Ice Charts in GIF Format
    Daily ice charts are available in GIF image format for use with image viewing software.

Daily Ice Chart Extents

Regional Ice Charts

  1. Regional Ice Charts (General)
    The Canadian Ice Service produces ice charts on a weekly basis on a regional scale for Canadian coastal waters.
  2. Regional Ice Charts in GIF Format
    Regional ice charts are available in GIF image format for use with image viewing software.
  3. Regional Ice Charts in EOO (GIS) Format
    Regional ice charts are available in Arc/Info E00 data format for use with GIS software. Each coverage contains all of the information contained within the 'egg code' which has been split into individual fields for each egg attribute.
    1. Projection Information (Lambert Conformal Conic)
      SpheroidCLARKE 1866
      Parameters 1st Standard Parallel: 49 0 0.000
      2nd Standard Parallel: 77 0 0.000
      Central Meridian: -100 0 0.000
      Latitude of Projections Origin: 40 0 0.000
      False Easting: 0.000
      False Northing: 0.00

      Information regarding the coverage's projection may be found in the *.prj file contained within the coverage directory and may be read using any kind of text editor.

      Regional Ice Chart Example

    2. Attribute Information
      Field Name Fast Ice Polygon Ice Egg Polygon Land Polygon Description
      AREA 802496.00 5.82 e^10 10.89 e^10 area of polygon
      PERIMETER 3085864.25 2254366.00 8640489.00 perim. of polygon
      N_980126# 3 8 58 internal arc code
      N_980126-ID 3 8 58 internal arc code
      A_LEGEND Fast ice Remote egg Land legend name
      REGION CE CE CE name of region:
              BH = Baie d'hudson (Hudson bay)
              AE = Arctique de l'est(East Arctic)
              AO = Arctique de l'ouest(West Arctic)
              CE = Côte est(East Coast)
      DATE_CARTE 19981201 19981201 19981201 ice chart date (YYYYMMDD)
      SOURCE   EGG   egg or ratio
      MOD       data modified ("X" = modified)
      EGG_ID 0 0 0 internal egg id
      PNT_TYPE 106 118 900 unique label id for polygon features
      EGG_NAME   Q   name of egg
      EGG_SCALE 0 0 0 internal code
      EGG_ATTR   9+_3_4_3_   string value for egg
          @_7._1._7_   attributes
      USER_ATTR   9+_3_4_3_   string value for egg
          @_7_1._7_   attributes
      ROTATION 0 0 0 internal code
      E_CT   9+   total concentration
      E_CA   3   partial concentration of column a
      E_CB   4   partial concentration of column b
      E_CC   3   partial concentration of column c
      E_CD       partial concentration of column d
      E_SO   7   stage of development of ice found in traces
      E_SA   1   stage of development of column a
      E_SB   7   stage of development of column b
      E_SC   5   stage of development of column c
      E_SD       stage of development of column d
      E_SE       stage of development of column e
      E_FA   3   floe size of column a
      E_FB   3   floe size of column b
      E_FC   3   floe size of column c
      E_FD       floe size of column d
      E_FE       floe size of column e
      E_CS       concentration of ice in strips and patches
      R_CT       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_CMY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_CSY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_CFY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_CGW       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_CG       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_CN       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_PMY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_PSY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_PFY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_PGW       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_PG       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_PN       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_CS       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_SMY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_SSY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_SFY       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_SGW       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_SG       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      R_SN       ratio code (prior to 1983)
      N_CT 10.0 10.0 0.0 numeric value for total concentration
      N_COI 0.0 0.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of old ice
      N_CMY 0.0 0.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of multi year ice
      N_CSY 0.0 0.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of second year ice
      N_CFY 10.0 7.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of first year ice
      N_CFY_TK 0.0 0.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of first year thick ice
      N_CFY_M 0.0 3.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of first year medium ice
      N_CFY_TN 0.0 4.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of first year thin ice
      N_CYI 0.0 3.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of young ice
      N_CGW 0.0 3.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of grey white ice
      N_CG 0.0 0.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of grey ice
      N_CN 0.0 0.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of new ice
      N_CB 0.0 0.0 0.0 numeric value for concentration of icebergs