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Manuscript Sources

Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR), Toronto, Williams Treaty File, R.V. Sinclair to E.L. Newcombe, November 23, 1916

National Archives of Canada (NAC), Manuscript Group (MG) 19 (Claus Papers).

NAC, RG 10, Record Group (RG) 8, Military Records C Series).

NAC, RG 10, Records Relating to Indian Affairs.

Ontario Archives (OA), Report by Mr. Bernard Price re. Jesuit Mission Records at WikwemiKong, Manitoulin Island, Miscellaneous, 1961. WikwemiKong Diary.

OA, Copies or Extracts of Recent Correspondence Respecting Alterations in the Organization of the Indian Department in Canada, Colonial Office, May 1856. P. 12.

OA, J.C. Robinson Papers, 1850, Diary of W.B. Robinson, April 19, 1850 to September 24, 1850.

OA, Irving Papers, MU1464, 26/31/04. Report of Commissioners G. Vidal and T.G. Anderson, 1849.

Public Record Office (PRO), London, Treasury Papers.

PRO, London, Colonial Office Papers, Series 42, Original Correspondence to the Secretary of State. This series is also available at NAC, on microfilm and also as MG 11 (Q Series).

Toronto Public Library, Baldwin Room, T.G. Anderson Papers, Box One. "Diary of Thomas Gummersol Anderson, a visiting Superintendent of Indian Affairs at this time, 1849, at Cobourg".

Published Reports and Contemporary Works

British Parliamentary Papers, vol. 12, Correspondence, Returns and other Papers relating to Canada and to the Indian Problem Therein, 1839. Shannon: Irish University Press, 1969.

Bond Head, Sir Francis. The Emigrant. London: 1846.

Canada. Report of the Special Commissioners appointed on the 8 September 1856, to investigate Indian Affairs in Canada . Sessional Papers, 1858, Appendix 21, Ottawa.

Legislative Assembly. Report on the Affairs of the Indians in Canada. Sections I and II, Journals, Legislative Assembly, Canada , (1844-45), Appendix E.E.E. Section III, Journals, Legislative Assembly, Canada, (1847), Appendix T.

Enemikeese (C. Van Dusen) The Indian Chief: An Account of the Labours, Losses, Sufferings and Oppression of Ke-zig-ko-e-ne-ne (David Sawyer) A Chief of the Ojibway Indians in Canada West . London: 1867.

Long, John. Voyages and Travels of an Indian Interpreter and Trader . London, 1791.

Printed Collections of Documents

Canada. Indians Treaties and Surrenders from 1680 to 1890 , 2 vols. Ottawa: 1891; Reprinted, 3 vols. Toronto: Coles Publishing Company, 1971.

Cruikshank, E.A. ed. The Correspondence of Lieut. Governor John Graves Simcoe, with allied Documents relating to his Administration of the Government of Canada , 5 vols. Toronto: 1923-1930.

Cruikshank, E.A. and Hunter, A.F., eds. Correspondence of the Honourable Peter Russell, 3 vols. Toronto, 1932-1936.

Doughty, A.G. ed. The Elgin-Grey Papers 1846-1852 , 4 vols. Ottawa: 1937.

Johnston, C.M. ed., The Valley of the Six Nations . Toronto: 1965.

Morris, A. The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories . Toronto: 1880; reprinted Toronto: Coles Publishing Company, 1971.

Murray, Florence B. ed. Muskoka and Haliburton 1615-1875 . Toronto: 1963.

Ontario. Third Report of the Bureau of Archives for the Province of Ontario, 1905 . Toronto: 1906.

Later Works

(A) Books

Atlas of Indian Reserves in Canada , 1971, Ottawa: 1971; Reprinted 1976.

Arthur, E. Thunder Bay District 1821-1892 . Toronto: 1973.

Canada. Handbook of Indians of Canada . Ottawa: Geographic Board 1913.

Clifton, J.A. A Place of Refuge for All Time: Migration of the American Potawatomi into Upper Canada 1780-1850 . Ottawa: 1975.

Cumming, P.A. and Mickenbury, N.H., eds. Native Rights in Canada , 2nd ed. Toronto: 1972.

Gates, L.F. Land Policies of Upper Canada . Toronto: 1968.

Gray, E.E. and L.R. Wilderness Christians: The Moravian Mission to the Delaware Indians . Toronto: 1956.

Hodgetts, J.E. Pioneer Public Service: An Administrative History of the United Canadas, 1841-1867 . Toronto: 1965.

Johnson, Leo. History of the County of Ontario . Whitby, Ontario: 1973.

Leslie, J. and Maguire, eds. The Historical Development of the Indian Act , 2nd ed. Ottawa: 1978.

Morris, J.L. Indians of Ontario . Toronto: 1943.

Nelles, H.V. The Politics of Development: Forests, Mines and Hydro-Electric Power in Ontario , 1849-1914. Toronto: 1974.

Robinson, Percy. Toronto During the French Regime . Toronto: 1965.

Stagg, Jack. Anglo-Indian Relations in North America to 1763 and An Analysis of the Royal Proclamation of October 1763 . Ottawa: 1981.

Surtees, Robert J. Indian Land Surrenders in Ontario 1763-1867 .

Surtees, Robert J. The Original People , Toronto: 1971.

Tanner, H.H., Hast. A., Peterson, J., and Surtees, R.J. The Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History . Norman, Oklahoma and Newberry Library, Chicago: 1986.

Trigger, B.C. ed. The Northeast. Vol. 15., Handbook of the North American Indians . Washington: 1978.

Wallace, W.S. The Macmillan Dictionary of Canadian Biography , 3rd ed. Toronto: 1963.

Washburn, W. The Indian in American New York: 1975.

(B) Articles

Bleasdale, R. "Manitowaning: An Experiment in Indian Settlement", Ontario History , LXVI, 3 (September 1974): 147-157.

Jarvis, J. "William Benjamin Robinson", Dictionary of Canadian Biography , vol. X, Toronto, 1972, pp. 622-623.

Leighton, D. "Assigninack", Dictionary of Canadian Biography , vol. IX, Toronto, 1976, pp. 9-10.

Leighton, D. "The Historical Significance of the Robinson Treaties of 1850", Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Historical Association, Ottawa, June 9, 1982.

Leighton, D. "The Manitoulin Incident of 1863: An Indian-White Confrontation in the Province of Canada", Ontario History , LXIX, 2 (June 1977): 113-124.

Martin, G. "Sir Francis Bond Head: The Private Side of a Lieutenant Governor", Ontario History , LXXIII, 3 (September 1981): 145-170.

Mealing, S.R. "The Enthusiasms of John Graves Simcoe", Canadian Historical Association, Report (1958): 50-62.

Robinson, Percy J. "The Chevalier De Rocheblave and the Toronto Purchase", Royal Society of Canada, Transactions , XXXI, 3rd Series (1937) Section II, pp. 131-152.

Scott, D.C. "Indian Affairs, 1763-1841", in Ashortt and A.G. Doughty, eds., Canada and Its Provinces , vol. 4. Toronto: 1914, pp. 695-725.

Vidal, Alexander. "A Journal of Proceedings on my mission to the Indians of Lake Superior and Huron, 1849".

Weaver, S. "Six Nations of the Grand River, Ontario", in B.G. Trigger, ed., Northeast, vol. 15 of Handbook of North American Indians . Washington, 1978. Pp. 525-536.

(C) Theses

Ellwood, E.M. "The Robinson Treaties of 1850", B.A. Thesis, Wilfrid Laurier University, 1977.

Handy, J.R. "The Ojibway: 1640-1840. Two Centuries of Change from Sault Ste. Marie to Coldwater/Narrows", M.A. Thesis, University of Waterloo, 1978.

Koennecke, Franz M. "The History of Parry Island an Anishnawbe Community in the Georgian Bay 1850-1920, M.A. Thesis, University of Waterloo 1984.

Leighton, Douglas. "The Development of Federal Indian Policy in Canada, 1840-1890", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Western Ontario, 1975.

McNabb, D.J. "Herman Merivale and the British Empire, 1806-1874, with Special Reference to British North America, South Africa and India". Ph.D. Thesis, University of Lancaster, 1978.

Milloy, J.S. The Era of Civilization: British Policy for the Indians of Canada, 1830-1860", D. Phil. Thesis, Oxford, 1978.

Quealey, F.M. "The Administration of Sir Peregrine Maitland, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada 1818-1828", Ph.D. Thesis, York University, 1968.

Schmalz, P.S., "The Ojibway of Southern Ontario", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Waterloo, 1985.

Slattery, B.J. "The Legal Status and Land Rights of Indigenous Canadian Peoples as Affected by the Crown's Acquisition of Their Territories", D. Phil. Thesis, Oxford University, 1979.

Smith, D.B. "The Mississaugas, Peter Jones and the White Man", Ph.D. Thesis, University of Toronto, 1975.

Surtees, R.J. "Indian Reserve Policy in Upper Canada, 1830-1845", M.A. Thesis, Carleton University, 1966.

Surtees, R.J. "Indian Land Cessions in Ontario, 1763-1862: The Evolution of a System", Ph.D. Thesis, Carleton University, 1982.

Watson, D.M. "Frontier Movement and Economic Development in Northeastern Ontario, 1850-1914", M.A. Thesis, University of British Columbia, 1971.

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