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Manitoba Labour and Immigration

Employment Standards

What's New

Comprehensive changes to Employment Standards Code passed by Manitoba Legislature

News Release: Legislation to Include Three New, Unpaid Family Responsibility/Sick Days, New Protection for Children

News Release and Backgrounder, November 17, 2006

Labour Management Review Committee Report - November 9, 2006
Labour Management Review Committee Report - May 18, 2006

The Employment Standards Code Amendment Act

2006 Christmas and New Years' holidays

December 24, Christmas Eve falls on a Sunday this year. There are restrictions on when retail operations can be open on Sundays. For more information on when business can be open and how an employee is to be paid for Christmas and New Year's Day please see the following fact sheets:

Construction Industry Wages Act - Wage Schedules



Manitoba’s construction wage rates will be increasing on June 1, 2006.  The wage rates for the heavy sector of the construction industry will continue to be applicable to the entire province. The wage rates for the Industrial, Commercial and Institutional sector (ICI) of the construction industry will be divided into the following two wage schedules replacing the four schedules that currently exist:

  1. Winnipeg / Major
  2. Rural

An overview of these and other changes to the Regulations is provided on the news release link provided above. More specific information on these and other changes to the construction Regulations will be available shortly.

Employment Standards Code Review

The October 2005 speech from the Throne announced that the Manitoba Government would introduce amendments to the Province's Employment Standards Code in the 2005/06 session of the Legislature.

In a November 10, 2005 Press Release, Minister Nancy Allan invited stakeholders and the public to share their views on the Code and suggestions on improving the Code to:

  • reflect the realities of today's economy by increasing flexibility and modernizing coverage, compliance and protection
  • reflect the changing face of today's labour force and the demands on today's families

The specific areas addressed in the review are outlined in the Discussion Guide, "Employment Standards for Modern Workplaces and Modern Families".

A public consultation process generated 38 oral presentations at 5 public meetings held throughout the province and 70 written submissions.

Written submissions can be viewed here.  


A summary report by the Chairperson of the Employment Standards Code Review based on the input received at the public meetings can be accessed here.

Option for legislative change currently under review.

Manitoba Minimum Wage

News Release:  Manitoba to Raise Minimum Wage

Manitoba’s minimum wage rate will increase to $7.60 per hour on April 1, 2006, and to $8.00 per hour on April 1, 2007. (Note that different rates apply in certain construction situations.) For more information on the minimum wage in Manitoba and in other jurisdictions, go to

The Minister of Labour and Immigration has released the 2005 Report of the Manitoba Minimum Wage Board.  Click here to view this report.

About Employment Standards

The Employment Standards Branch is a neutral party that administers laws on minimum wages, hours of work, holidays and other workplace benefits. We are also responsible for investigating complaints of violations of these laws.

Our aim is not only to enforce the legislation, but to ensure employees and employers are aware of their rights and responsibilities under these laws. We believe that fair employment practices benefit all Manitobans. We provide a comprehensive program of client initiated services, pro active services and labour adjustment services designed to promote stable and harmonious employment relationships.


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