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Horizontal Initiative - March 2005

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Horizontal Initiative

Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Funding Allocated:

The Aboriginal Human Resources Development Strategy (AHRDS) was originally approved in 1999 for a five-year period with $1.6B committed for labour market and skills development. In the Fall of 2003, Cabinet approved the AHRDS for another five years (2004-09). The AHRDS is a pan-Aboriginal human resources and skills development strategy that provides support to Aboriginal organizations (79 Human Resources Development Agreement holders to date), to design and deliver: (i) labour market development programs to assist Aboriginal people, including Aboriginal persons with disabilities, prepare for, obtain, and maintain meaningful and sustainable employment; (ii) special programs to assist Aboriginal youth make successful transitions from school to work or to support their return to school; and (iii) child care programs.

As part of the government's broader Aboriginal agenda, the AHRDS will assist to meet the Government of Canada's commitments of improving Aboriginal people's skills, facilitate their participation in the labour market, and, thus, close the gap in employment outcomes between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people.

Shared Outcome(s):
  • Assist Aboriginal clients to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment, thereby resulting in Employment Insurance and Social Assistance unpaid benefits.
  • Assist Aboriginal youth to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment and to make a successful transition into the labour market, thereby resulting in increased employment.
  • Assist Aboriginal persons with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and maintain employment.
  • Increase the supply of quality child care services in First Nations and Inuit communities, thereby raising the availability of distinct and diverse services in these communities to a level comparable to that of the general population.
Governance Structure(s):
  • The governance structure is being reviewed as part of the renewal process and will be reported in the Departmental Performance Report.
  • Another component of the AHRDS is the Aboriginal Human Resources Development Council, launched in January 1998, to enable Aboriginal organizations to build a broad network with leaders of the federal and provincial government and the private sector. Private-sector leadership is at the core of the Council and leaders from key economic sectors work in partnership as champions of the Council and its issues.
Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-06 Expected Results for 2005-2006
  1. Labour Market Programming
  2. Youth Strategy
  3. First Nations and Inuit Child Care Initiative
  4. Urban
  5. Persons with Disabilities
  6. Capacity Building
$335.8M a
  • Number of Aboriginal clients served: 50,000
  • Total interventions: 85,000
  • Number of Aboriginal clients employed following intervention: 22,000
  • Employment Insurance unpaid benefits: $17M
  • Social assistance unpaid benefits: $7M
  • Number of Aboriginal Youth employed following an intervention: 7,000
  • Number of Aboriginal Youth who returned to school following an intervention: 2,000
  • Child care spaces created and supported: 7,500
  • Urban Aboriginal clients served: 7,000
  • Number of Urban Aboriginal clients who returned to work following an intervention: 2,000
  • Number of Urban Aboriginal clients who returned to school following an intervention: 800
  • Number of Aboriginal clients with disabilities served: 1,300
  • Number of Aboriginal clients with disabilities employed following an intervention: 400
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):
There will be 79 Agreements with Aboriginal organizations across Canada. The expected results above are an aggregate total of the results to be achieved by the 79 agreement holders for 2005-2006.
Joanne Lamothe Director
General, Aboriginal and Youth Program Directorate
Employment Programs Operations
Approved by:
Phil Jensen,
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Operations
Date Approved:
March 17 2005
a HRSDC planned spending reflects program resources including those funded from Employment-Insurance Act Part II (2005-2006 Employment-Insurance Plan pending Treasury Board approval). There is an estimated $12.1M in planned spending for operating resources related to AHRDS.


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership Programa
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Funding Allocated:
$85 million

The Aboriginal Skills and Employment Partnership (ASEP) program is a five year initiative with a total funding allocation of $85 million. It is targeted at developing the skills of Canada's Aboriginal workforce, promoting maximum employment for Aboriginal people on major economic developments across Canada and providing lasting benefits for Aboriginal communities, families and individuals. The entire initiative is geared to providing Aboriginal people with the skills needed to participate in economic opportunities such as northern mining, oil and gas, and hydro development projects across Canada.

A key feature of the ASEP program is that a partnership must be established that includes significant funding contribution from the private sector, the provincial or territorial government as well as a commitment from all of the local Aboriginal communities. The partnership must also develop a comprehensive Aboriginal human resources training-to-employment plan for the large scale economic development project that will cover a broad continuum ranging from basic skills, literacy and academic upgrading, through job-specific training and apprenticeships to retention counseling and other on-the-job supports. The plan must have a commitment from the major employer to provide at least 50 long-term, sustainable jobs for Aboriginal people.

There will be a number of major projects under development over the next decade as oil and gas, mining, forestry and hydro-electric projects are launched or expanded across Canada. There will be a wide range of employment opportunities, including the skilled trades and opportunities in secondary and service industries which offer good potential for sustainable employment. Training needs will be high, as many jobs now require higher education and computer skills. Within its currently funding capacity, ASEP is supporting nine such projects.

Shared Outcome(s):
  • Long term sustainable employment for Aboriginal people on major economic developments, thereby resulting in increased employment and savings to income support programs.
Governance Structure(s):
  • ASEP is a national, centrally managed project with regional co-delivery. It promotes the maximum employment of Aboriginal through a collaborative approach.
  • The implementation of the ASEP projects involve close collaboration with regional HRSDC officials and requires involvement of other federal departments, provincial governments, Aboriginal groups and the private sector.
  • ASEP proponents receive direct support through a contribution agreement and HRSDC negotiates a multi-year contribution agreement based on a human resources development plan. ASEP proponents are responsible for interim and final financial and performance reports.
Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-2006 Expected Results for 2005-2006
HRSDC ASEP $85,000,000 (program and operating resources) $32,250,000 (program and operating resources)
  • 1,750 Aboriginal clients served
  • 1,000 interventions completed
  • 340 clients returned to employment following ASEP intervention
  • $5,000,000 in savings to Social Assistance
    Total $85,000,000 Total $32,250,000  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):
The expected results above are an aggregate total of the results to be achieved by the ASEP proponents for 2005-2006. The ASEP projects include contributions from Provincial/Territorial governments; Aboriginal groups and the major employer involved in the project.
Gina Wilson
Dorector General
Aboriginal Affairs Directorate
Employment Programs Policy & Design
Approved by:
Diane Caroll
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Policy & Design
Date Approved:
March 18, 2005
a Excludes Voisey's Bay project.


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Canada Student Loans Program
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Funding Allocated:

The 2004 Speech from the Throne and the 2004 Federal Budget outlined the Government of Canada's commitment to ensuring access to post-secondary education by modernizing the Canada Student Loans Program (CSLP). The Government set out a balanced package of improvements to loans and grants, ensuring that student financial assistance evolves to meet the changing needs of learners and society.

The purpose of the CSLP is to promote accessibility to post-secondary education for individuals with demonstrated financial need by lowering financial barriers through the provision of loans and grants; and to ensure Canadians have an opportunity to develop the knowledge and skills to participate in the workplace and community. Since 1964, the CSLP has assisted millions of students in pursuing post-secondary education.

In August of 2000, CSLP shifted from the risk-shared financing arrangements that had been in place with financial institutions between 1995 and 2000 to a direct student loan financing regime. This meant that the Program had to redesign the delivery mechanism in order to directly finance student loans. In the new arrangement, the Government of Canada provides the necessary funding to students and currently two service providers have contracts to administer the loans.

In the 2005-2006 academic year it is estimated that approximately 475,000 full-time and part-time students will be assisted in accessing learning opportunities through student loans, study grants and non-repayable in-study interest subsidies. The amount of total financial support is expected to reach an unprecedented $2.1 billion. Of that amount, more than $1.7 billion will be disbursed as Canada Student Loans to approximately 370,000 students and approximately $128 million will be granted in non repayable Canada Study Grants (CSG) and Canada Access Grants (CAG) to over 60,000 of those students. The remaining amount (about $187 million) will be spent on in-study interest subsidies for all of the above plus approximately 105,000 previous borrowers remaining in study.

Information for CSLP clients (including information on learning opportunity selection, financial planning, and how to apply for, maintain and repay student loans) can be accessed at: www.canlearn.ca .

Shared Outcome(s):

The shared outcomes for the Canada Student Loans Program are to:

  • Lower financial barriers through the provision of loans and grants;
  • Provide financial assistance to eligible Canadians to pursue post-secondary educational opportunities;
  • Ensure students have the opportunity to study in the province or country of their choice; and
  • Maintain the Government's commitment to accessibility.
Governance Structure(s):

Through the Canada Student Loans Program, the Government of Canada develops policies concerning eligibility criteria, in-study account management and loan repayment, provides information on post-secondary education, and lends money to post-secondary students to finance their studies. In addition, it coordinates the delivery of the Direct Loan Program while managing both the Risk-Shared and Guaranteed Loan portfolios.

The Government of Canada has entered into Integration Agreements with three provinces, and is currently negotiating with a fourth, in order to create a "one-student-one-loan" service approach.

The administration of the current Program is the product of a co-operative effort between HRSDC (CSLP Directorate, Learning, Communications, Employment Insurance, and Strategic Policy and Planning), Social Development Canada (SDC) (Accounting Operations, Collections, Legal Services, and Systems), participating provinces and the Yukon Territory, two Service Providers and Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). These agents are responsible for conducting one or more activities during the loan lifecycle. The relevant documents and communications tools are prepared with the input and approval of both levels of government.

Effective management of relations with third-party agents is the primary responsibility of the CSLP. The CSLP is also responsible for the development and adoption of various policies regarding needs assessment, eligibility criteria and debt management. Other Program activities include client relations, comptrollership and certification of post-secondary educational institutions.

The front end of the Program is delivered by provincial student assistance offices, which also administer provincial aid.

The participating provinces and the Yukon Territory:

  • determine individual eligibility based on federal criteria;
  • assess students' financial needs based on federal criteria;
  • issue loan certificates; and
  • designate educational institutions that students may attend with CSLP assistance.

A Service Provider assumes responsibility when the loan agreement is signed. Service Provider responsibilities include:

  • verifying loan agreements;
  • managing the in-study interest-free period;
  • negotiating and handling loan repayment; and
  • debt management.

PWGSC is responsible for disbursing loans. If required, SDC-Collection Services is the agent responsible for debt collection. Delinquent guaranteed and risk-shared loans become debts to the Crown when the Government of Canada buys back the debt from financial institutions. SDC-Collection Services becomes responsible for directly financed loans when all attempts to locate the borrower have been exhausted or the borrower is unwilling to repay. These activities may also be conducted by private collection agencies under contract to SDC.

Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-06 Expected Results for 2005-2006
N/A Final Operating Results $666.3M

Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act $1.7B

Loans disbursed under the Canada Student Financial Assistance Act $1.7B
  • Estimated number of Canadians to benefit from the Canada Student Loans Program (includes loans, grants and non-repayable in-study interest subsidies): 475,000a
  • Estimated number of Canadians to benefit from Canada Study Grants and Canada Access Grants: 60,000b
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):
Not Applicable

Raynald Landry
Manager, Business Planning
Business Planning and Project Management
Canada Student Loans Program
(819) 956-6672

Approved by:
Marie-Josée Thivierge
Assistant Deputy Minister
Date Approved:
March 22, 2005

a Please note that the number is estimated as loans are awarded based on client eligibility and demonstrated need.
b Please note that the number is estimated as grants are awarded based on client eligibility and demonstrated need.


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Foreign Credential Recognition Program
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
2008-2009 and ongoing
Total Funding Allocated:
$59.8 million and $6.9 million ongoing

The Foreign Credential Recognition (FCR) Program provides financial and strategic support to partners, including Sector Councils, industries, regulatory bodies, provinces/territories, immigrant serving organizations and educational institutions, to develop a pan-Canadian approach to assessing and recognizing the foreign credentials of individuals within targeted occupations and sectors of the economy to facilitate entry into, and mobility within, the Canadian labour market.

The FCR Program supports the research and project-based activities of partners to develop tools and processes to assess and recognize foreign credentials in targeted occupations and sectors. The goal of the Program is to deliver on its mandate of improving the labour market outcomes of foreign trained individuals in targeted occupations and sectors.

Shared Outcome(s):

As the actual implementation of FCR rests with partners, the Program primarily plays a support role in the development of tools and processes to assess and recognize foreign credentials. Efforts focus on achieving the following short, medium and long-term outcomes in support of the Program's overarching ultimate objective.

In the short-term, the Program will work in partnership to:

  • increase the understanding, consensus and commitment on issues and potential solutions related to foreign credential recognition;
  • increase the knowledge of what works in developing a pan-Canadian process for foreign credential recognition;
  • identify sectors and occupations facing current and emerging critical shortages that could be addressed by interventions from the Program; and
  • enhance national coordination of partnership activities with regards to foreign credential recognition.

In the medium and long-term, the Program will work in partnership to:

  • increase the awareness, availability and use of tools and processes for employers and regulators to assess and recognize foreign credentials;
  • standardize pan-Canadian FCR processes in targeted occupations and sectors;
  • improve the ability of sectors, employers and regulators to assess and recognize foreign-trained individuals; and
  • reduce the barriers to entering the labour market for foreign trained individuals.

The Program will work with partners to achieve these short, medium and long-term outcomes in order to meet its ultimate objective of improving labour market outcomes in targeted occupations and sectors of foreign trained individuals.

Governance Structure(s):

Foreign credential recognition is an area of shared jurisdiction with provinces and territories. In turn, provinces and territories have delegated this responsibility to over 400 regulatory bodies. This means some FCR Program outcomes are directly linked to the operations of its partners and why the accountability for achieving these outcomes is a shared responsibility.

Federally, a committee of senior officials from 14 departments meet regularly to ensure policy and program coherence to improve the labour market outcomes of foreign trained individuals. This committee is co-chaired by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.

Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-06 Expected Results for 2005-2006
HRSDC Foreign Credential Recognition $59.8 million over six years $16.3 million
  • Development and maintenance of a foreign credential recognition roadmap
  • Completion of a literature review of international foreign credential recognition processes
  • Completion of a summary report which includes best-practices for developing pan-Canadian foreign credential recognition process
    Total $59.8M Total $16.3M  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):

  • Increased understanding of FCR issues as demonstrated by the number of completed and ongoing situational analysis, research projects, reports and other initiatives for regulated and non-regulated occupations and sectors; and
  • Increased ability to address FCR issues through processes and tools developed for regulated and non-regulated sectors and occupations.

Corinne Prince-St. Amand
Foreign Credential Recognition
(819) 997-9217

Approved by:

Karen Jackson
Assistant Deputy Minister
Workplace Skills Branch

Date Approved:

March 18, 2005


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Labour Market Development Agreements
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
First provincial agreement was signed in December 1996
End Date:
Total Funding Allocated:
$1.95 billion per year

In keeping with commitments from the 1996 Speech from the Throne, the Government of Canada withdrew from labour market training and created new partnerships with the provinces and territories in the form of Labour Market Development Agreements (LMDAs). These agreements sought to improve labour market program objectives such as servicing clients, ensuring better coordination of federal/provincial programs to reduce duplication, and to more effectively meet the needs of regional and local labour markets. Pursuant to Section 57 and 63 of the Employment Insurance (EI) Act, LMDAs have been signed with all of the provinces/territories with the exception of the Province of Ontario, in the form of either a co-managed or transfer type agreement. LMDAs are indeterminate agreements and are not subject to renewal, however, each agreement contains certain provisions for either party to give notice of termination. Part II of the EI Act requires the federal government to "act in concert" with provinces and territories in designing, implementing and evaluating Employment Benefits and Support Measures (EBSMs), and similar provincial/territorial programs delivered through the LMDAs. EBSMs reduce dependency on insurance benefits and social assistance by helping individuals obtain and maintain employment. For further information on EBSM spending, please refer to the Monitoring and Assessment Report (MAR) at the following URL: http://www.hrsdc.gc.ca/en/ei/reports/eimar_2003.shtml

The Employment Benefits delivered under the LMDAs help unemployed EI insured Canadians gain work experience, improve job skills or start new businesses, as well as encourage employers to provide opportunities for work experience. The first of four employment benefits is the Skills Development (SD) benefit which provides financial assistance to help eligible individuals pay for the cost of skills training and related expenses, while they are enrolled in an approved training program. The second is the Self-Employment (SE) benefit which provides eligible individuals with financial support and assistance in business planning while they begin to establish their businesses. Thirdly, the Job Creation Partnerships (JCP) benefit provides eligible individuals with opportunities to gain valuable work experience on projects developed in conjunction with industry, other levels of government, and/or community groups. Finally, Targeted Wage Subsidies (TWS) helps eligible individuals who are experiencing difficulty accessing employment due to employment barriers. Employers receive a temporary wage subsidy as an incentive to hire individuals they would not normally hire in the absence of a subsidy.

The Support Measures delivered under the LMDAs, provide funding to organizations, businesses and communities that provide employment assistance services to unemployed Canadians. The funding is also used to address human resource, labour market and labour force issues. The first measure, Employment Assistance Services (EAS) helps unemployed individuals prepare for, obtain and maintain employment by providing them with services such as counselling, job search techniques, action planning, job placement, and labour market information. The second support measure is Labour Market Partnerships (LMP) which provides funding to assist employers, employee and/or employer associations and communities, to improve their capacity to deal with human resource requirements and to implement labour force adjustments. Finally, Research and Innovation (R&I) helps support research activities which identify improved methods of helping Canadians prepare for and maintain employment, as well as be productive participants in the labour force.

Eligible unemployed Canadians may access employment assistance services, whether delivered through Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (formerly HRDC), in co-managed provinces/territories and Ontario, or under similar employment benefits or support measures available in a province/territory with a transfer type LMDA.

Summative evaluations of EBSMs, which are aimed at providing information on the impact of active measures in helping participants prepare for, obtain and maintain employment, are currently underway in several jurisdictions. Preliminary findings from the British Columbia, Quebec and Newfoundland and Labrador summative evaluations were published in the 2003 Monitoring and Assessment Report. Preliminary findings of the Alberta, Ontario and Nunavut summative evaluations as well as final results of the above-noted completed evaluations will be reported in the 2004 Monitoring and Assessment Report. This report will be made available in the Spring of 2005 after it has been tabled in Parliament. See above link to the MAR website. Other summative evaluations are currently underway and where available, findings will be presented in the 2005 Monitoring and Assessment Report.

Shared Outcome(s):

The shared outcomes of partners are to help unemployed EI insured Canadians gain work experience; improve job skills or start new businesses; and to provide funding to organizations, businesses and communities that provide employment services to unemployed Canadians.

Three measurement indicators will be used to assess the performance of these programs:

1. EI Clients Served: Represents active claimants and former Quebec claimants.
2. Returns to Work: Represents those insured participants (active and former Part I claimants) who have been referred to and participated in an EI Act Part II activity and who have subsequently returned to employment.
3. Unpaid Benefits: Measures the difference between the individual's entitlement to regular EI Act Part I benefits and the actual benefits paid out as the result of EI active claimants who have been referred and participated in an EI Act Part II activity and who have returned to employment before exhausting their employment insurance entitlement.
Governance Structure(s):
  • Under the co-managed arrangement, HRSDC and the respective province/territory share responsibility for the design and management of labour market development programs and services, while HRSDC continues to be responsible for the delivery of the EBSMs through its network of local offices. Each provincial/territorial government of co-managed agreements has assumed joint responsibility for the planning and evaluation of active employment measures through a Joint Management Committee, and Joint Evaluation Committee.
  • Under transfer agreements, the delivery of similar benefits and measures is the responsibility of the respective province/territory.
  • A formula based on socio-economic indicators allocates EI funds to co-managed regions and Ontario for EBSMs, and to transfer provinces/territories for similar benefits and measures.
  • Under the agreements with transfer provinces/territories, the Government of Canada also provides an annual contribution towards the administration costs incurred by the province or territory.
  • Joint Management Committees, and/or Joint Implementation Committees are used by various regions and provinces, while all have Joint Evaluation Committees.
  • Provinces/Territories and the Government of Canada agree on the importance of ensuring that the public be notified of their respective roles, and particularly the financial contribution of the Government of Canada and the responsibility of the provinces/territories with regard to active employment measures under these Agreements.
  • HRSDC remains responsible for the implementation of activities under its employment benefits and support measures that are pan-Canadian in scope, such as activities in support of inter-provincial labour mobility and national sectoral partnerships, but will consult with provinces/territories regarding the implementation of these activities that impact the citizens of the provinces/territory.
  • HRSDC may also continue to act unilaterally in response to economic crises using funding that is incremental to funding commitments that have been made within the context of the Labour Market Development Agreement.
  • HRSDC retains responsibility for EI benefits under EI Act Part I (passive support).
Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-2006a Expected Results for 2005-2006a


Co-Managed LMDAs and Ontario

HRSDC and co-managed provinces and territories (NL, PEI, NS, BC, and YK) share responsibility for the design and management of labour market development programs and services. HRSDC continues to be responsible for the delivery of the EBSMs through its network of local offices.

In the case of Ontario where there is no signed agreement, HRSDC is responsible for all aspects (design, management, and delivery).


  • Skills Development
  • Self-Employment
  • Job Creation Partnerships
  • Targeted Wage Subsidies
  • Employment Assistance Services
  • Labour Market Partnerships
  • Research and Innovation
$1,059.4M $1,059.4M

EI Clients Served
It is expected that these investments will assist 212,400 active claimants.

Returns to Work
It is anticipated that 117,850 EI clients (active and former) will become employed or self-employed.

Unpaid EI Act Part I benefits
The return to work of the active claimants before the end of their benefit period will result in $484.0M in unpaid EI Act Part I benefits.

    Total $1,059.4M Total $1,059.4M  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):

Provincial / territorial governments - Transfer LMDA

Under transfer agreements, the delivery of similar EBSM programs is the responsibility of the devolved provinces and territories (NB, QC, MB, SK, AL, NWT, and NU).

  Total Allocation Planned Spending
for 2005-2006
Expected Results
for 2005-2006
Transfer LMDAs $890.6 million $890.6 million

EI Clients Served
It is expected that these investments will assist 210,000 active claimants and former Quebec claimants.

Returns to Work
It is anticipated that 107,925 EI clients (active and former) will become employed or self employed.

Unpaid EI Act Part I benefits
The return to work of the active claimants before the end of their benefit period will result in $429.6M in unpaid EI Act Part I benefits.


Michael J. Saucier
Director General,
Labour Market and Official Language Minority Communities
Employment Programs Operations

Approved by:

Phil Jensen
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Operations

Date Approved:
March 17, 2005
a Above Planned Spending and Expected Results exclude Pan-Canadian activities as these are not delivered through LMDAs.


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
National Homelessness Initiative
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Funding Allocated:
$302 million

In February 2003, the Government of Canada extended the National Homelessness Initiative (NHI) for an additional three years (2003-2006) with a budget allocation of $405 million. The NHI is designed to provide supports to 61 Canadian designated communities and some small rural communities to develop community-based measures that assist homeless individuals and families move toward self-sufficiency, if possible.

The extension of the NHI will help communities build on their successes and focus on interventions to help prevent and break the cycle of homelessness. The extension will further develop the partnership approach initiated under the first phase of the NHI. Emphasis will be placed on broadening and strengthening partnerships across the federal government, as well as increasing the participation of all levels of government and the private and voluntary sectors. Through increased research efforts, the extension of the NHI will also foster a better understanding of homelessness and collect and disseminate best practices to assist in designing the most effective responses.

In the February 2004 Speech from the Throne, the Government of Canada reaffirmed the importance of addressing housing and the needs of the homeless people in this country. It is recognized that helping individuals and families to overcome housing challenges promotes self-reliance, counters a multitude of social problems, and contributes to the economic well-being of all Canadians.

For more information, please visit the NHI website: http://www.homelessness.gc.ca

Shared Outcome(s):

Enhanced community capacity to contribute to the reduction of homelessness in Canada.
Governance Structure(s):

The NHI's community-based program is delivered via two models:

  • community entity model: under this model, the Community Advisory Board recommends projects to the community entity (an incorporated organization) which is the decision-making body responsible for approving project proposals and determining the eligibility of projects; HRSDC is responsible for managing the contribution agreement and all related activities;
  • shared delivery model: under this model, the Community Advisory Body reviews project proposals and makes recommendations to HRSDC which manages the contribution agreement and all related activities; the Minister responsible for Housing and Homelessness approves the project proposals.

These two models deliver the components of the NHI, specifically the Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI), Urban Aboriginal Homelessness (UAH) and the Regional Homelessness Fund (RHF). In addition, regions are actively involved in setting the agenda of the National Research Program (NRP) and the delivery of Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative (SFRPHI).

SFRPHI is an NHI program co-managed by Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) and Human Resources and Skills Development Canada/National Secretariat on Homelessness (HRSDC/NSH), with advice and support from Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). Together, NSH and PWGSC submitted a Treasury board submission to transform surplus federal property into facilities that serve homeless people or those at risk of homelessness and contributes to building a coordinated response to homelessness and housing challenges.

In coordination with the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs' Urban Aboriginal Strategy (UAS), the NSH will explores new ways for federal departments to work in a complementary fashion to better meet the needs of urban Aboriginal people in eight cities in greatest need (i.e., Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, Saskatoon, Regina, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay and Toronto). Emphasis of this coordination is placed on culturally-appropriate Aboriginal community planning and decision-making processes where priorities have been identified in each 8 pilot cities, to guide investments.

For more information on NHI components, visit the NHI website: www.homelessness.gc.ca

Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-06 Expected Results for 2005-2006
1. Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC) - National Secretariat on Homelessness (NSH) Supporting Communities Partnership Initiative (SCPI) $257.0M $113.4M
  • SCPI communities will be required to demonstrate cost matching with other partners
  • Increased availability and access, for homeless people, to a range of services and facilities along the continuum (i.e., emergency, transitional and supportive housing)
  • Increased community capacity to address homelessness
National Research Program (NRP)
  • Increased knowledge (e.g., best practices, research findings, etc.) exchanged among community service providers, researchers, and all levels of government working on issues of homelessness
  • Improved accessibility of research funding
2.Indian and Northern Affairs Canada (INAC) - Federal Interlocutor Division (FID) Urban Aboriginal Strategy/urban Aboriginal Homelessness (UAS/UAH) $45.0M $18.4M
  • Greater coordination and complementarity among Government of Canada policies and programs to better address Aboriginal homelessness and other related issues
3. Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative (SFRPHI)    
  • To help stabilize the living arrangements of homeless individuals and families and those most at risk of becoming homeless
  • To enhance the capacity of communities to provide facilities to homeless individuals and families
    $302M $131.8M  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):


Joceline Cousineau
Director of Corporate Affairs and Planning
National Secretariat on Homelessness
165 Hotel de Ville, Phase II
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0J2
Telephone: (819) 956-6857

Approved by:

Jane Weldon, Director General
National Secretariat on Homelessness
165 Hotel de Ville, Phase II
Gatineau, Quebec
K1A 0J2
Telephone: (819) 997-5464

Date Approved:

March 11, 2005


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
National Literacy Program
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Funding Allocated:

The National Literacy Secretariat (NLS or the Secretariat) serves as a focal point for sharing information and expertise on literacy issues and acts as a catalyst for literacy action, forging cooperative relationships with public and private sector partners and encouraging them to invest in literacy. The key activities of the Secretariat include partnership development and liaison, project development and consultation, grants and contributions administration, promotion of literacy, research, policy analysis and holding symposia, as well as consultative meetings. The Secretariat's partnerships with the Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO) community, business, labour and professional organizations have proven to be extremely effective at encouraging support for literacy issues within many federal departments and agencies as they relate to, for example, issues of justice, corrections, and health.

The National Literacy Program (NLP) supports work which develops adult learning materials, improves access to literacy programs, increases public awareness of the importance of literacy, supports research, improves coordination and information sharing among the many partners on literacy and advances literacy research.

The objective of the NLP is :

  • With our partners, we support activities to improve literacy skills in Canada.

For more information on NLP please visit

Shared Outcome(s):

The partnership model recognizes that program impacts are the product of events for which no single agency or group of agencies can claim full credit. Like many public sector organizations, the Secretariat has worked to identify those outcomes over which it exercises the greatest degree of control.

The NLP seeks the following immediate outcomes:

  • Enhanced literacy research in identified priority areas;
  • Improved dissemination and sharing of information among literacy stakeholders;
  • Increased availability of adult literacy materials and tools by learners and practitioners;
  • Greater awareness of literacy programs, services and issues among targeted sectors;
  • Improved access to literacy skills by Canadians with low literacy skills; and
  • Improved strategic partnerships on literacy issues.

Expected long-term outcome for the NLP is:

  • Adult literacy programming which is more appropriate and relevant.
Governance Structure(s):

The Secretariat follows a partnership model in order to pursue strategic relationships to fill identified gaps in a supported learning environment for all Canadians. Key partners are literacy organizations, provincial and territorial government agencies and coalitions, as well as, labour, business, and voluntary sector organizations which advocate social and economic opportunities for different elements of the population.

Provincial and territorial governments are key players in the decision making process, and participate in many of the funding decisions based on an informal arrangement with NLS. Provincial/territorial priorities are respected, while adhering to the terms and conditions of the NLP and ensuring national literacy interests. The dedicated NLS budget has supported the engagement of provinces and territories in collaborative discussions on literacy issues; and encouraged them to make their own commitments and substantial investments in literacy, as well as support national priorities including Aboriginal literacy initiatives.

Individual, regional, provincial and territorial relationships are managed at the national level. This ensures that an overall standard for the program can be maintained and that client groups recognize that decisions on funding regional and local projects are made in partnership with the appropriate provincial and territorial government department. Funding dollars go directly to regional and local projects that complement and enhance provincial and territorial efforts.

To help promote literacy as a broad social issue, the Secretariat endeavors to partner with as many literacy and non-literacy organizations as possible. In addition to calls for proposals, prospective partners are identified for their overall economic and social influence and capacity to achieve positive outcomes.

Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-06 Expected Results for 2005-2006
1. HRSDC National Literacy Secretariat Ongoing $33,900,000 Activities to support literacy in Canada, which include:
  • Number of learning tools developed.
  • Increased number of workplace projects.
  • Number and types of literacy projects supported by the NLS.
  • Number of non-literacy organizations with whom a new partnership is created.
2. Privy Council (10 departments) Government's Action Plan on Official Languages Ongoing $1,226,000
  • Trained literacy practitioners.
  • Development and testing of family literacy models and programs.
Total     $35,126,000 Activities to support literacy in Canada
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):
Not Applicable

Donna Kirby
Interim Director, National Literacy Secretariat
Learning and Literacy Directorate
(613) 957-9776
Approved by:

Marie-Josée Thivierge
Assistant Deputy Minister
Date Approved:

March 22, 2005


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Sector Council Program
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
2006-2007 and ongoing
Total Funding Allocated:
$83.9 million over five years and $26.5 million ongoing

The Sector Council Program supports research and project-based activities proposed by Sector Councils, as well as ad-hoc national sector like organizations working on skills and learning issues.

SCP supports sector council activities that include:

  • sector human resources studies that identify current and emerging trends and skill needs;
  • occupational/skills standards that describe skills and knowledge needed to perform competently in the workplace;
  • building strong business-education linkages and relationships that result in core curriculum tailored to industry requirements;
  • projects that assist Councils and other sector groups to ensure that workers can get the skills required for the workplace; and,
  • programs to build the infrastructure and institutional capacity needed to implement human resources strategies.
Shared Outcome(s):

While the specific goals of the Industry-Sponsored Sector Councils may vary, depending on the particular needs of the sector, some interest and objectives are common.

In the short-term, the Program and Sector Councils will continue to work in partnership to:

  • develop new and innovative solutions to human resources and skills issues; by
    • increasing consensus and understanding of skills, occupational needs and labour market issues;
    • increasing availability and use of products and services to help industry address their human resources issues;
    • enhancing labour market transition (facilitating labour market entry and career progression); and
    • enhancing collaboration, action, and investment by industry.
  • address current and emerging skills and human resources issues by:
    • increasing sectoral capacity - by sharing best practices and innovative ideas between councils and across sectors and industries;
    • encouraging learning systems to be more responsive to the labour market - by developing educational curricula that develops and refine skills needed by industries and employers in Canada's labour market ; and,
    • promoting the workplace as a learning place - by encouraging employers and industry to increase training investment in their employees.
Governance Structure(s):

As previously mentioned, SCP works in partnership with the aforementioned organizations in order to deliver on its mandate; and as such, the Program is in a "shared accountability regime". Some of the program outcomes that SCP is mandated to achieve are directly linked to the performance of its partners and therefore, the accountability for achieving these outcomes should be shared.

SCP contributes to HRSDC's commitment under Chapter 7 of the Agreement on Internal Trade by supporting professional bodies in the development of Mutual Recognition Agreements. Once completed, these Mutual Recognition Agreements provide a plan for recognizing the credentials of professionals who move from one province or territory to another.

Note: There are also national organizations with the mandate to address skills issues. While they do not form sector councils, they often work with industrial/occupational sector councils to address issues related to one or more councils.

Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-06 Expected Results for 2005-2006
HRSDC Sector Council Program $83.9M $22.5M Increase Sector Council coverage of labour market from 42% to 48%
    Total $83.9M Total $22.5M  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):

As previously mentioned, Sector Councils conduct a number of project-based activities aimed at developing new and innovative solutions to human resources and skills issues, and addressing current and emerging human resources issues.

Eric Parisien
Sector Council Delivery
(819) 994-4360

Approved by:

Karen Jackson
Assistant Deputy Minister
Workplace Skills Branch

Date Approved:

March 18, 2005


Horizontal Initiative
Horizontal Initiative:
Youth Employment Strategy
Lead Department(s):
Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC)
Start Date:
End Date:
Total Funding Allocated:

The Youth Employment Strategy (YES) is the Government of Canada initiative to support Canadian youth as they move into the world of work. Launched in 1997, YES has played an instrumental role in developing Canada's workforce of the future by providing young Canadians with access to programs and services to help them gain the skills, knowledge, career information and work experience they need to find and maintain employment and in making a successful transition into the labour market. The YES is a key priority for the Government of Canada, affirmed most recently in the September 2002 Speech from the Throne.

In 2003, YES was streamlined based on information and knowledge gained through research and program evaluations which indicated the need to keep pace with the changing labour market and needs of youth. The realigned YES features three key programs for youth aged 15-30 years: Career Focus, Skills Link and Summer Work Experience. For the period 2005-2006, the estimated YES investment is planned to be $392.5 million in operating and program resources.

The Government of Canada's support to young Canadians is a shared responsibility and a partnership effort among many departments and organizations. Through YES, HRSDC along with 13 other federal government departments work cooperatively with other levels of government, Aboriginal organizations, educational institutions, and private sector, not-for-profit and voluntary sectors to deliver YES initiatives.

Shared Outcome(s):

The common key performance indicators for all initiatives receiving funding under YES are:

1. Participants will gain or enhance employability skills from work experience or tailored interventions;
2. A portion of youth participants will return to school to further their education/skills development and/or become employed.

The shared outcomes of partners are for the common key results are:

  • Number of youth served,
  • Enhanced employability / skills acquired
  • Number of youth employed / self-employed
  • Number of youth returning to school
Governance Structure(s):

YES has in place an umbrella Results-based Management and Accountability Framework (RMAF) that represents a commitment amongst the fourteen participating federal departments to undertake ongoing collection of common performance management data to ensure effective overall performance management of the program.

As lead department, HRSDC chairs and is responsible for the coordination and management of an Interdepartmental Operations Committee that is responsible for reporting on the implementation of YES. The Evaluation Steering Committee is another YES interdepartmental committee. There is also a Communications Sub-Committee reporting to the Operations Committee.

YES initiatives are delivered nationally/regionally and locally using a variety of funding instruments such as contribution agreements and some direct delivery methods. Transfer payments are primarily provided by participating departments through contribution agreements and service delivery agreements in support of participant's remuneration and, overhead costs.

Youth Protocols for joint planning mechanisms have been signed with Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick and Manitoba.

Federal Partners Involved in each Program Names of Programs Total Allocation Planned Spending for 2005-2006 Expected Results for 2005-2006
1. Career Focus 1. Human Resources and Skill Development Canadaa On-going $10.4 M
  • Clients Served: 413
  • Employed or Self-Employed: 287
  • Return to School: 41
  • Contribution Agreements: 29
  • Funds Leveraged: $0.5M

Targets are not set by HRSDC for OGD's, but results are reported in the DPR

2. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada $1.1 M
3. Canadian Food Inspection Agency $0.1 M
4. Canadian International Development Agency $6.4 M
5. Canadian Heritage $0.9 M
6. Department of Foreign Affairs/ Department of International Trade $6.4 M
7. Department of Fisheries and Oceansb $0.0M
8. Environment Canada $3.3 M
9. Industry Canada $9.8 M
10. National Research Council $5.4 M
11. Natural Resources Canada $0.6 M
2. Skills Link 1. Human Resources and Skills Development Canadaa On-going $148.5 M
  • Clients Served -5,642
  • Employed or Self-Employed -1,702
  • Return to School -803
  • Contribution Agreements -1,747
  • Funds Leveraged -$92.6M

Targets are not set by HRSDC for OGD's, but results are reported in the DPR

2. Canada Mortgage and Housing Commission $1.0 M
3. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada $14.0 M
3. Summer Work Experience 1. Human Resources and Skills Development Canadaa On-going $ 94.0 M
  • Clients Served -51,962
  • Employed or Self-Employed - N/A
  • Return to School -49,375
  • Contribution Agreements -32,679
  • Funds Leveraged $77.4M

Targets are not set by HRSDC for OGD's, but results are reported in the DPR

2. Canadian Heritage $8.0 M
3. Industry Canada $10.0 M
4. Indian and Northern Affairs Canada $10.0 M
5. Parks Canada $2.0 M
    Total: N/A Total: $331.9 Ma  
Results to be achieved by Non-Federal Partners (if applicable):
Joanne Lamothe
Director General
Aboriginal & Youth Programs Directorate
Employment Programs Operations
Approved by:
Phil Jensen
Assistant Deputy Minister
Employment Programs Operations
Date Approved:
March 17, 2005

a HRSDC planned spending reflects program resources. There is an estimated $60.6M in planned spending for operating resources related to YES.
b As a result of Expenditure Review, Department of Fisheries and Oceans no longer delivers Career Focus programs.

Last modified : 2005-08-26 top Important Notices