News Release

Council on Social Policy Renewal Takes Next Steps on National Children's Agenda - Developing a Shared Vision

Toronto, June 18, 1998 -- The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal met today to discuss developing a shared vision of a National Children's Agenda. The Council is co-chaired by the Honourable Pierre S. Pettigrew, Minister of Human Resources Development Canada and the Honourable Bernhard Wiens, Minister of Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs for Saskatchewan.

The Council initiated discussions on a National Children's Agenda early in 1997. At their December 1997 meeting, First Ministers agreed to fast track this work.

Today Council Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to work together and discussed the need to develop a shared vision on how to enhance the well-being of Canada's children. Ministers affirmed that the vision cannot be one of governments alone, but must be developed through an inclusive approach that allows for the participation of all segments of Canadian society. They agreed that the approach should be integrated and should recognize the importance of families, communities, and the volunteer and private sectors. Ministers noted that it is important to acknowledge existing best practices and to monitor results and outcomes.

* Quebec was represented by an observer.

For more information:

Anna Kapiniari
Office of Minister Pettigrew
Human Resources Development Canada
(819) 953-2353
Rob Cunningham
Saskatchewan Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs
(306) 787-1925

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