National Children's Agenda

Centres of Excellence for Children's Well-Being Web SiteCentres of Excellence for Children's Well-Being Web Site

As agreed by the Federal/Provincial/Territorial (F/P/T)Council on Social Policy Renewal, governments have begun work to develop a National Children's Agenda. On December 12, 1997, First Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to new, cooperative approaches on child development and agreed to fast-track work on the Agenda through the F/P/T Council. An F/P/T working group has begun development of work on the Agenda.

Federal, provincial and territorial governments are continuing in their commitment to enhancing the well-being of Canada's children.

Public Reports and Backgrounders
 Supporting Families and Children: Government of Canada Initiatives
September 20, 2000
 Public Dialogue on the National Children's Agenda
Developing a Shared Vision
June 2000
 Notes for an Address by The Honourable Pierre Pettigrew Minister of Human Resources Development Canada - 
A National Children's Agenda: Developing a Shared Vision Measuring Child Well-being and Monitoring Progress
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
May 7, 1999
News Releases
 Report on Public Consultations on The National Children's Agenda Released Today
Provincial/Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal
June 21, 2000
 What Canadians are Telling Us about the National Children’s Agenda
June 21, 2000
 Federal/Provincial/Territorial Governments Launch Dialogue Process for National Children's Agenda
May 7, 1999
 Council on Social Policy Renewal Takes Next Steps on National Children's Agenda - Developing a Shared Vision
June 18, 1998
Federal Backgrounders - Speech From the Throne - Fall 1997
 National Children's Agenda
 National Child Benefit System
 Centres of Excellence for Children's Well-Being
 Expanding Aboriginal Head Start to On-reserve Children
 Measuring Readiness to Learn



[ National Child Benefit | National Children's Agenda | Early Childhood Development
Early Learning and Child Care | Benefits and Services for Persons with Disabilities |
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