News Release

First Meeting of Federal-Provincial-Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal

TORONTO - November 27, 1996 - The Federal-Provincial-Territorial Council on Social Policy Renewal met for the first time today in Toronto to work together in a new partnership to renew Canada's social safety net. The Council agreed that a spirit of trust, openess and mutual respect exists, and partnership is the key to their work together. The Council believes that this non-partisan approach will lead to more effective cooperation among governments in the design and delivery of social programs to ensure that they meet the needs of Canadians.

First Ministers are looking to the Council to co-ordinate an approach to overarching social policy issues of national importance. The Council is also to support and coordinate the work of sectoral ministries, such as social services, labour market and health, in developing practical solutions in specific areas of priority. The Council relies on the individual sectors to develop and implement specific reforms.

The Council is co-chaired by Hon. Pierre Pettigrew, Canada's Minister of Human Resource Development, and Hon. Stockwell Day, Alberta's Minister of Family and Social Services, and includes representation from nine provinces and both territories. Although the province of Quebec has chosen not to join the Council, provincial observers are present.

Minister Day stated "We are committed to finding ways to reduce overlap and duplication in social policy and program delivery. This will enhance the effectiveness of social program to the benefit of all Canadians".

Minister Pettigrew said "Governments know that Canadians value their social safety net, and we are committed for the first time in many years to working together on practical solutions to renew the social union for the benefit of all Canadians".

The Council's work reflects the commitment by First Ministers to work together on social policy renewal, building on the work of the Ministerial Council Report to Premiers and to pursue, as priorities, joint work on an integrated child benefit and practical solutions for improving programs for persons with disabilities.

At the meeting, the Council reviewed the work of the federal-provincial-territorial working groups in these two priority areas. The Council was pleased with the progress and confirmed that further work is to be done on options, including delivery mechanisms, for review by Social Services Ministers in the next several weeks. The Council noted that tackling child poverty requires an approach involving both income support and child development services.

The Council also heard reports today on issues related to Health, Financial Arrangements, Labour Market Matters, and Options for Intergovernmental Mechanisms or Processes to Develop and Promote Adherence to National Principles and Standards.

The Council looks forward to further deliberations on a pragmatic approach where governments learn from each other and share experiences. This will ensure better services to Canadians.

Consultation has been extensive on social issues by all governments over the last few years. The Council pointed to recent examples, such as the Scott Task Force on disability issues, the National Forum on Health and other social issues. The provincial-territorial Ministerial Council Report to Premiers and the Issues Paper are both available to the public. Each government continues to consult with its own residents and social groups, and will bring forward this input to the Council.

The views of all Canadians will be an important part of the renewal of the social safety net.

Minister's Office    Minister's Office
Alberta Family and Social Services Human Resources Development Canada
Tel.: (403) 990-9403 Tel.: (819) 994-2482

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