Early Childhood Development Agreement

HIGHLIGHTS of Report on Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001


In September 2000, the Government of Canada, and its provincial and territorial government* partners, announced the Early Childhood Development Agreement to foster the well-being of Canada’s young children.

Under this Agreement, the Government of Canada is providing $2.2 billion over five years, beginning in 2001/02, to help provincial and territorial governments improve and expand early childhood development programs and services in four areas:

To help Canadians track progress, governments will report regularly on their investments in programs and services. Starting this fall, each participating government will report on its current early childhood development expenditures and activities, as a starting point for tracking future progress.

To fulfil this commitment, the Government of Canada has produced a report entitled “Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: Report on the Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001.” This document provides a brief overview of that report.

*The Government of Quebec shares the same concerns as other jurisdictions on early childhood development, but it does not participate in the federal/provincial/territorial agreement. Quebec is receiving its share of funding from the Government of Canada for early childhood development.

  Expenditures on Children Under Age 6
Healthy Pregnancy, Birth and Infancy  

Canada Prenatal Nutrition Program

Is a comprehensive community-based program that supports pregnant women who face conditions of risk that threaten their health and the development of their babies.


Reducing the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Aims to raise public and professional awareness of SIDS and how to reduce babies' risk.


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome/Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAS/FAE)

Aims to prevent FAS/FAE, to reduce its effects and to strengthen supports to affected children, families and communities.


Postpartum Parent Support Program

Provides consistent parenting information to families of newborn children and ensures liaison and referral between hospitals and community health centres.


Family-Centred Maternity and Newborn Care: National Guidelines

Assist hospitals and other health care agencies in planning, implementing and evaluating maternal and newborn programs and services.


Employment Insurance: Maternity and Parental Benefits

Provide maternity and parental benefits for up to one year to eligible parents with a child born or placed in their care for adoption on or after December 31,2000.

Parenting and Family Supports  

Nobody's Perfect

A parent support and education program for at-risk parents of children under age 6.


Community Action Program for Children

Funds community groups to establish and deliver services that address the developmental needs of children under age 6 living in conditions of risk.


Child Health Record

A tool to assist parents in keeping track of important facts about their child's development.


National Literacy Secretariat -Family Literacy Projects

Funds projects to support parents in improving their literacy skills and in reading to their children.

Early Childhood Development, Learning and Care  

Child Care Expense Deduction

Tax deduction to help pay a portion of eligible child care costs.


Canada Child Tax Benefit Program -Supplement

Support to low-and middle-income parents who care for a young child at home.


Military Family Resource Centres

Deliver a range of services to promote the health and well-being of Canadian Forces families.

Community Supports  

National Strategy on Community Safety and Crime Prevention

Helps equip Canadians with the knowledge, skills and resources they need to advance crime prevention efforts in their communities.

Dedicated Services for First Nations and Other Aboriginal Children and Families  

Child/Day-care Programs -Ontario and Alberta

Agreements that aim to ensure on-reserve child care services are comparable to those offered to residents of the province in general.


Aboriginal Head Start -New Brunswick

Helps maintain the strength of families, assist children with physical, emotional, social and/or educational difficulties and protect children from harmful environments.


Elementary Education (Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten)

Supports education services for Status Indian or Inuit children aged 4 and 5.


First Nations National Child Benefit Reinvestment

Savings garnered from federal increases in the Canada Child Tax Benefit are "reinvested" by First Nations into community-based programs and services for low-income families with children.


First Nations and Inuit Child Care Initiative

Provides First Nations and Inuit communities with improved access to affordable, quality child care.


Brighter Futures

Assists First Nations and Inuit communities in developing community-based approaches to health programs.


First Nations Head Start

An early intervention program for young First Nations children on reserve (ages 0 to 6) and their families intended to meet their emotional, social, health, nutritional and psychological needs to prepare the children for school.


Aboriginal Head Start (Urban and Northern Communities)

An early intervention program for First Nations, Inuit and Métis children and their families living in urban centres and large northern communities that prepares young Aboriginal children for school by meeting their spiritual, emotional, intellectual and physical needs.

Research and Information  

National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth

Long-term study of Canadian children that tracks their development to early adulthood.

} $7,742,000

Understanding the Early Years Initiative

Research initiative that aims to increase a community's knowledge about young children's development and how best to meet their needs.

Social Development Partnerships Program

Supports research and development projects to advance national knowledge related to early childhood, learning and care (formerly the Child Care Visions Program).


Intercountry Adoption Services

Provides co-ordination and consultative services to provincial and territorial governments for international adoptions.


Centres of Excellence for Children's Well-Being

To effectively collect and disseminate advanced knowledge on key issues of children's health to those individuals or groups who need it most.


National Clearinghouse on Family Violence

A national resource centre for all Canadians seeking information about violence within the family and looking for new resources being used to address it.


Child Health Surveillance

Surveillance programs to support reproductive and child health, including: programs in perinatal health; injury, abuse and neglect; infectious and chronic diseases; and immunization.


Health Warning and Information Labels and Infotobacco.com Web site

Increase public awareness of the dangers of smoking during pregnancy, and effects of tobacco smoke on newborns.


Population Health Fund

Supports initiatives that facilitate coordinated action among voluntary organizations, service providers, governments and the private sector to improve the population’s health.


Health Transition Fund

Supports evidence-based decision-making in health care reform, primarily by supporting pilot and evaluation projects that explore innovative approaches to health care delivery.


* Note that all figures are estimates. In some cases, estimates include expenditures for older children when it was not possible to isolate the proportion that is spent on children under age 6. Detailed explanations and descriptions are provided in the full text of the report.

Contact Information

Copies of "Federal/Provincial/Territorial Early Childhood Development Agreement: Report on the Government of Canada Activities and Expenditures 2000-2001" are available at http://socialunion.gc.ca or by calling 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232).

More information on several of the initiatives in this report, and on other Government of Canada services for children and their families, can also be found in: Services for Children: Guide to Government of Canada Services for Children and Their Families available at: www.cio-bic.gc.ca/children-enfants or by calling 1 800 O-Canada (1 800 622-6232), TTY/TDD: 1 800 465-7735.