News Release
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services
Toronto, Ontario, March 13, 2003

Supporting Canada’s Children and Families

TORONTO, March 13, 2003 – Today, Federal, Provincial, Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services reached agreement* on a framework for improving access to affordable, quality, provincially and territorially regulated early learning and child care programs and services. This initiative builds on the September 2000 First Ministers’ commitment to improve and expand early childhood development programs and services.

Ministers have committed to make additional investments in early learning and child care, as another important step in helping to promote young children’s development and supporting their parents’ participation in employment or training.

As described in the Government of Canada’s recent budget, a total of $900 million over five years will be made available by the federal government to support provincial and territorial government investments in early learning and child care. Of this, $100 million will be available in the first two years, $150 million in year three, $300 million in year four, and $350 million in year five. Funds will be transferred to provincial and territorial governments through the Canada Health and Social Transfer, beginning in April 2003. The federal budget also provides an additional $35 million over five years for early learning and child care programs for First Nations children, primarily those living on reserve.

“It is important to point out,” stated NWT Minister Michael Miltenberger, co-chair of the FPT Ministers Responsible for Social Services, “that this initiative builds on the significant provincial/territorial investments already made in early learning and child care.” Ministers also recognize and agree on the need for flexibility to address local needs and priorities.

“This framework for cooperation on early learning and child care is another important milestone and will make a big difference in the lives of children and families. In addition to promoting early childhood development, the new federal funding made possible by this initiative will support the participation of parents in employment or training by improving access to affordable, quality, provincially and territorially regulated early learning and child care programs across the country,” said Glenn Hagel, Minister of Social Services and Minister Responsible for Disability Issues in Saskatchewan.

Governments also recognize the importance of being accountable to Canadians and have committed to transparent public reporting that will give a clear idea of the progress being made in improving access to affordable, quality early learning and child care programs and services.

“Today’s agreement has come about as the result of governments working together in partnership towards the same goal: to improve access to affordable, quality, provincially and territorially regulated child care and early learning right across the country,” noted Jane Stewart, Minister of Human Resources Development Canada. Said Stewart, “I look forward to continuing to work in partnership with my colleagues as we implement the commitments made today.”

For more information, please contact:

Andrew Graham, Press Secretary
Minister’s Office
Human Resources Development Canada
Tel: (819) 953-2353

Laura Seddon, Manager of Communication
Department of Health and Social Services
Northwest Territories
Tel: (867) 920-8927

* While the Government of Québec supports the general principles of the Early Childhood Development Initiative and the Early Learning and Child Care Initiative, it did not participate in developing these initiatives because it intends to preserve its sole responsibility on social matters. However, Québec receives its share of federal funding and the Government of Québec is making major investments toward programs and services for families and children. All references to viewpoints shared by the federal, provincial and territorial governments in this document do not include the viewpoints of the Government of Québec.

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